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Is it just me or are they hellbent on retribution until the end of civilization.

When do you stop playing the victim and become part of the solution!

Don't get me wrong I for one do not condone the holocaust but :dunno:

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On 8/10/2024 at 3:00 PM, Coss said:

It's dickheads like Israel's - ...  far-right finance minister who suggested that the starvation of Gaza’s population of more than 2 million Palestinians “might be just and moral”  -  that will lose the Jew's main hold card, which is the concentration camp's holocaust.

For better or worse, right or wrong, history has formed the world and to repeat the bad bits, can only be retrograde.

The problem is, the other side, the Hamas/Hezzbollah side, (because this really isn’t about Palestine anymore, it is about these groups that Iran has gotten to do their bidding),has pledged to kill every Jew in the world and to destroy the nation of Israel…so is Israel really any worse/better for saying the same about the people/children in Gaza?  I mean you can point fingers back and forth on this issue until we are old and tired…ever older and more tired maybe…but both sides are impossible to deal with, both are driven by their own self righteous religious nonsense so how can you deal with it and find any reasonable solution..? 

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On 8/10/2024 at 8:17 PM, bust said:

Is it just me or are they hellbent on retribution until the end of civilization.

When do you stop playing the victim and become part of the solution!

Don't get me wrong I for one do not condone the holocaust but :dunno:

Well, yes, pretty much. We can discuss Israel and “the new apartheid” another time. But for now, focused on the current mess and who started it is a different matter. hamas, backed/instigated by Iran, went and did what they did, there was no reason for it, no justification and frankly, I get tired of my Arab coworkers trying to justify it. Back to topic, hamas did what it did, then went on a region bender claiming they want to eliminate Israel and all Jews…so now, Israel says “…well if that is your attitude, then why should we stop? If we do, you will regroup and try again later…” So we got what we got and it is not going to get better… Both sides want to be the victim and both sides vow to annialate the other so…maybe let them?

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9 hours ago, Old Hippie said:

did what they did, there was no reason for it, no justification and frankly,

Imagine if Texas suddenly decided they wanted to move the border and take a chunk of Chihuahua. What do you think would happen?

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On 8/13/2024 at 12:07 AM, bust said:

Imagine if Texas suddenly decided they wanted to move the border and take a chunk of Chihuahua. What do you think would happen?

There would be some fighting. In fact, there was fighting when we took Texas from Spain/Mexico, just as there was when they stole it from the indigenous people.  Are you saying Israel building settlements in Gaza gave right to Iran to fund hamas to go in and do what they did?

    However, hamas is not solely made up of Palestinian “freedom fighters.” Rather, they are a mix of people hell bent on the destruction of Israel and the annialation of all Jewish people, it is pretty much in their charter. Additionally, they are basically a state sanctioned terrorist group, sponsored by Iran. Yes, Israel is guilty of a lot of atrocities, they are encroaching into areas they should not be. However, the act of a terrorist group who could probably really give a rat’s ass about Palestine or the Palestinian people, brought a war to the people in Gaza and are in part to blame for what followed. WTF did they think was going to happen? hamas knew their action would get innocent women, men and children killed but it doesn’t matter to them because their religious nuttery teaches them those people are now martyrs and are now much better off… Religion has killed more people than anything else.  These people would be living together if the outsiders knocked off their bullshit and the Israelis knocked off some of their’s. As I said, maybe the only/best solution is to let them all kill each other, which may well happen when Iran gets a nuke…

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