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Soi 10 Beer Bars are no more


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I hope the events of what I consider the terrorist attack on soi 10 have significant long-term financial effects on Thailand. That it was done in the midst of a high-profile area frequented by international tourists, expats and businessmen shows the blatent disregard here for even the pretense of due process. Thailand will indeed be hurt by this. If those that did this are not taken to task, it will only worsen.


Whether one liked the complex, or anyone working there, is irrelavent. Anyone in Thailand that gets in the way of someone important or rich is now at risk. That may or may not have always been true in the past, but the soi 10 attack shows that shows that the ante has been raised.


The meager reporting in page 3 in today's Bangkok post is insufficient as far as I am concerned. They are burying the story. I have invested money in Thailand. I will not anymore. Some have criticized me for investing the money here that I did. I am now prepared to concede that they were right. I am genuinely scared by what happened at soi 10. That's a first for me.


I realize that this post can be termed "political." How can it not? How can someone who lives here turn a blind eye to what happened on Soi 10? Who am ::oungst us will be next?

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Says phiketpete:

..... will seriously impact those poor souls making a living there, which is sad.


Hi pete,


I always liked this area. Not my favourite place, but enjoyable to go down there now and again. Montica bar was a good spot for "people watching" in the late afternoon - my favourite pastime on a Saturday.


A few weeks ago I had a surprise down there when I ventured into "the interior" and bumped into a very sweet girl that I had not seen for almost a year. She used to be a dancer but preferred working here because it was low key / low pressure.


As it happened, I had arranged to meet her yesterday afternoon. Just a friendly / no hassles get together, expecting her to be off to work by 7.00. She was not in her usual happy mood for obvious reasons. There was a continual stream of phone calls in both directions trying to find out what had happened and what they were going to do next.


We finally went down to the area itself and I left her there about midnight with a group of people from her bar. I told her to be careful as there were some signs that it might turn nasty, but I see no reports here of any incidents with the protesters.


She has lost her month's wages and now has to find alternative work. She said several times that she doesn't want to go to NEP or Cowboy because she doesn't like the atmosphere. Maybe she will end up in Soi 22 - she is an excellent pool player which might help get her a job.


Sad indeed - and as others are saying, a little bit worrying.



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Holy mother of God!!!! Those poor people.....it's real easy to say "just support them in their new venture" (not quoting anyone in particular). What new venture? They lost everything.....absolutly devastating to any business owner there. And also (to a lesser degree), the 1,000 employee's. The 200 owners have lost everything, and the only thing they have left, is debt, and zero income. Business records, personal items, inventory.....It's all been vaporized!


It will be very interesting to see how this plays out. Also, I think, very hard to compare this with US land condemnation, and subsequent eviction. Sounds as though this is a private landowner, using the Thai gov. as a guise, to get around having to go through due process (courts, and Thai law).


I don't think this is something so trivial that will be forgotten next week. 10 years ago 90% of us would have never have heard about this. The world has become a much smaller place since then, as it continues to be, so don't think anybody can use past examples, of what this situation might play out to.


Some heads are going to roll on this one. Associated Press on the scene? Today, you just can't go in and flatten an entire city block, in any large city, without it becoming global news.


This is going to be really, really hard, to sweep under the perverbial carpet.


Answers for this are going to be demanded, on a number of fronts. I just don't see this as being 'yesterday's news' already, IMO.


If nothing else, it should either dispell, or solidify, any pre-conceived notions about "TIT", that we may have. Let's hope the outcome is a 'good thing', for this place we all love so much.



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Says Old Hippie:

I will not allow this sad, unfortunate incident to turn into a flame war,

OK OH. I hear you. I was getting up a head of steam. Breath deep. OHMMMMMM

To each their own. Cold hearted bastards or jai dee, up to you. 99.999 % of the world will be ignorant of this, as I am of far more important events elsewhere. So be it.

I got back from the Superbowl and called my friend from Home Sweet Bar. I had finally found an old letter with her apartments common phone number. When she got to the phone she was clearly broken up, sobbing uncontrollably, and took a while before she realized it was me (I had never called her at home before). I asked her how she was doing and she just fell apart. I told her I knew what had happened. She was crying as hard as I had ever heard anyone cry before, about daughters school, no job, no paycheck this month....

I said settle down, I will help you and send you some money. She didn't really understand. Why would I? How did I know about this? I said I will call her back in a few minutes and tell her how to get the money.

When I called back and gave her the info (1200 baht) she cried even harder. Said she never thought I would be her saviour.

I have spent a ton of money in LOS, and given a ton to charities everywhere. NONE make me happier than what I just did. NONE!


More info from her. The owner knew nothing of any impending warnings. No notice at all. The owner went to the police station and was allowed into the area to root around.

This bar was not one of the recent additions. It had been there for years. Not that it really matters.

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Just wondering if enough people had a favorite place there, or just pick one place and all contribute to help at least one start over...really sucks, a lot of small places, I remember a few small places on Soi 10 I went to for food a few times, nothing fancy but it represented someone's hard work and sacrifice. I am really disturbed by the way they told ther people to get out! I mean is it o.k. to run someone down with a bulldozer, as long as you have enough money? I really hope heads roll on this, but really, how do you compensate this people...?


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Devastation is 300,000 people dying of TB worldwide annually, AIDS wiping out generations in Africa, people still dying from mine lands in cambodia, human trafficing from china to industrialized countries, the fast disappearrance of vital wildlife from this planet, global warming, cancers caused by environmental exposures, etc.,


Devastation is NOT some little bar area in BKK being leveled. It means nothing except for a few handful of people losing some financial worth. It is a sound bite and nothing more!


I would call my viewpoint more realistc. Shallow is for more people who can't see things in relative comparisons.


I guess we see the world differently and what is truly important and what isn't.......


Some people have bigger fish to fry....





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Count me in as someone who also sees the world a bit differently. I cannot accept your logic. If someone buys the house next door to you, and decides to blow it up so he can build an addition, am I supposed to compare it to the world trade bombing and just remain unmoved? Wrong is wrong. Greed is greed. Putting proportions to it doesn't change that. History always repeats itself unless people decide they've had enough. Comparing the attack on soi 10 to greater evils only serves those that perpetrate such deeds.


IF I could end aids tomorrow, I would. Same goes for world hunger and all of the other issues you raised. So would most of the others that have posted here, though probably not all. I intend to do what I can to help the victims of this tragedy. I have already called a few people to offer my help. I will also see to it that this story does not die because there are greater injustices that exist.

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