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Ex-Pats and Non-BGs Stunners....


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suadum said:
think_too_mut said:...you could have tried classless Australia and it's beaches. Over there, even government officials and police wear shorts and sandals. The beaches are as nice and as tropical as in Thai, all clean, with 1st world facilities, infrastructure, law and known language around everything you do.


But it is even harder for foreigners to own a house there than it is here! Oh well...





Is that right? I know apartments must be in brand new developments but for land and hosues does not matter.


Many German/Swiss couples retirees there (Gold Coast, for example), I am sure they were not buying in 40 yrs younger girl's name and then renting it back from her.


What were all those 2 x daily jumbo charter flights loaded with HK residents bringing to Oz prior to 1997. handover to China? In NZ also, there are little apartments, mostly land and houses.


Hard to imagine in there were Chinese people ready to pay 100s Ks for properties they could not own. At least not in thousands per day. Arriving in the morning, auction, hand over to the lawyers and back home in the afternoon.


I bought my unit from a HK couple who had never set foot to Australia, but it was not a house.


A block of land to build a house can be bought, restrictions kick in if someone is after thousands of acres.


Even if it is not like walking through a supermarker with a trolley, it's definitelly easier than in Thai. Probably same as in the US for foreign ownership of land.

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think_too_mut said:

>I've spent so many years in a world where what you had was so much more important than who you were


If you wanted a break from that world, I think you may have landed at a wrong place. You would know as much as I do, "To have" is so more important in Thai that almost one million of their girls fuck and suck guts for it at any given time.


On the higher end, Thai has, after Germany, second largest ownership of Mercedes cars in the world. More than America!


Disconnection from that world does not require a physical move, IMO. If you really needed to switch the places, you could have tried classless Australia and it's beaches. Over there, even government officials and police wear shorts and sandals. The beaches are as nice and as tropical as in Thai, all clean, with 1st world facilities, infrastructure, law and known language around everything you do.

I'm not exactly broke but I don't need another Mercedes or a 5 bedroom villa with maid and pool. I don't need the "face" asians do where they would rather have a new Merc but live in a shit hole. Fucking mad in my opinion.


Thai girls do what they do in the P4P scene as they have or perceive they have no other choice or more realistically, they see it as easier than back breaking work in the fields or factories for much less money. The vast majority of girls I have known did something before working in the scene and heard about the money to be made through friends or relatives.


As for Australia, I agree it is a beautiful country but I couldn't live there.

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This was info I got from a private email discussion from an Aussie board member who for sure knows what he is talking about:


Australia banned foreign investment in housing (YOU still can not buy a house or 2nd hand unit in Australia! Even in Thailand a foreigner can, but NOT in Australia) because of the over heating from easy Japanese money in the 1980's


Maybe he was referring to only investment properties and not a house in which you will live?


USA property laws are simple: if you got the dough you can buy it. No restrictions period.




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I know plenty of non Australian residents here in the Middle East who have investment properties in Australia.

In fact there have been lots of advertising to buy properties in Australia on the net specifically aimed at overseas investors.

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