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Goodthaigirl said:



I knew you're a doctor. I was going to say you were ignorance with the subject matter but I thought it would be too hard on you.

I held off on my last post to be polite but since you're saying that to tom, I'll say it:


You're suddenly obsessed with this one subject (as evidenced by you jumping in on another thread to broadcast about this "urgent" danger). You write about it like a previously innocent schoolgirl who's just suddenly discovered a subject she'd known nothing about and thought, patronisingly, that no one else on this board did either!


Let's face it: who's likely to know more about this, have known about it for a longer time, in context, and actually experienced patients with it:

a) A "good" middle-class girl in a society notorious for being not at all open over sexually-explicit matters. (I'm surprised your government didn't censor the websites you looked at, as they do with many others!)

B) A doctor and other sexually experienced older men who have grown up in a sexually open environment which has bombarded them with information on these subjects?


a or b? Not a difficult choice really... (even if you'd just been unlucky enought to get it yourself - which could be an understandable source of your sudden obsession, I guess).


We're adults. We know about it. We take risks based on our knowledge and weighing up the pros and cons. We have it in perspective (unlike, imo, you).


Personally, I'd be more worried about Hepatitis and, if a woman, unknowingly carrying Chlamydia for an extended period because it could permanently damage your chances of having children.

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I think gtg just gave straight information.


It's you guys who keep it going with comments like, "As far as the statistics for HSV-1 versus HSV-2, what difference does it make? Still Herpes."


Huh? There's a FREAK'N big difference between them. Why don't you do us all a favor and educate yourselves a little bit.


As for 90% statistic... I think if you reach the age of 80, you have a 90% chance of having HSV-1.


In any event, HSV-1 is prevalent in the US. HSV-2 is another story! Thankfully!!!



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GTG's information about Herpes is slanted towards the lurid and that is what I take issue with her about.


"There's a FREAK'N big difference between them. Why don't you do us all a favor and educate yourselves a little bit." Well, let us see who needs more education. What, according to you, is the big difference between them?


HSV-1 is more prevalent than HSV-2 because we are first exposed to type 1 and that exposure confers some protection against type 2. Thankfully has nothing to do with it.

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Despite what scaremongers want people to believe, the threat of STD's for heterosexual men is GREATLY exagerated.


Herpes? HSV?


You can get them, and you can't get rid of them, but they are more a pain-in-the-ass than anything else. With Valtrex and other anti-herpes meds, you will hardly ever experience a breakout. The rest of the common STD's out there can be cured relativily easily with a round of antibiotics.


There are risks in everything one does, and I would rather take a risk now and then than spend the best moments of my life worrying about shit that isn't really that dangerous.


I'm not the kind of guy who is going to walk through Life wearing a gas mask.


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The risk also occurs when you transmit the virus without knowing that you are the carrior. If you are responsible and well informed like biblies said, please, get yourselves tested for HSV so you will feel good at least knowing that you won't carry the virus around spreading to your lovely bargirls/wifes/partners. I don't give a shit how you lead your life but please care if you ruin other people's life.


The only reason I provide the info here is although you come from a relatively open society about sex, but how many of you update the info lately ? Do you know that HSV-1 causes about 1/3 of new genital infections (about 75% of new genital infections in college students),





HSV-1 causes the vast majority of oral herpes ("cold sores" or "fever blisters"). About 60% of the US population over the age of 12 is infected with HSV-1 virus. However, only about one third of people who are infected recall ever having any symptoms. It means two thirds are not aware that they have HSV-1, hence, they can transmit it through oral sex unknowingly that they are the carriers.




You might like to know that Herpes may play a role in the spread of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Herpes can make people more susceptible to HIV infection, and it can make HIV-infected individuals more infectious.




Get yourselves tested. It will do you good (and others, esp. your wives.)



PS.Geez, this thread has taken up a lot of my time. But I learned something new. Thanks for making me do the search, :-)

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Goodthaigirl said:



PS.Geez, this thread has taken up a lot of my time. But I learned something new. Thanks for making me do the search, :-)


I have noticed, though not so much here, that some guys just cannot stand a woman knowing something they do not. Very entertaining, and well done GTG-peter

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I am not sure a gas mask is 100% effective all the time? Can't we find flaws with that too? What about the effects of sneezing powder?


Is valtrex a fairly new drug? You also cite other anti herpes drugs? Names please? All i know about is Zorvix as a drug that has received the label "effective" and that only has limited success with shortening duration vs actually preventing outbreaks. Are you saying there are now drugs that will prevent outbreaks from the get go? That would be great! I guess the pharm industry isn't all bad even with their large profit marigins...


I am a herpes simplex carrier and i have a pretty good handle on how and when i will have outbreaks. Wind, sun, stress, and general sickness are the major culprits and i have found there to be a high correlation relationship between the serverity of the cause and the severity/duration of the outbreak. Whe my body gets below a certain immune theshold or an overdose of the above, i become incredible suspectible to a potential of herpes outbreak...


The social stigma attached to HSV 2 seems to be the biggest difference between the two viruses. Are they just not a different strain of each other? Medically, I would think they would behave quite similar to each other in term of cause, duration, severity, treatment, infection rate, etc?




With regard to kissing and herpes, I thought one has to be "infectious" in order for the potential of transmission to occur from human to human? I guess we could debate what it means to be active, infectious and the like? One thing the medical profession seems to agree on, is it is highly infectious when all the conditions are present and favorable...


Most people seem to know when they have cold sores (visable or not) as they are quite uncomfortable. Having cold sores and at what stage are they most likely be infectious will be at various degrees. I do think men will be much more aware of their outbreaks compared to women pertaining to HSV 2 other than severe outbreaks...


Yet, the high incidence rate of HSV 1 does reflect that people do not refrain from kissing even when infectious which they might or might not know. You would think people would become more cautious about their activity when they have an outbreak but much would depend on one's awareness, knowing one's own body, education, responsibility towards others, etc. I also think we including the public know a hell alot more now about this virus than 20 or more years ago....


And finally Limbo,


I was reacting and responding to GTG's initial remarks about STD and condoms. I just found her statement to be way too general, incomplete, thus inaccurate and open to debate.


If she would have said her statement under the following specific conditions:


1. In areas left unprotected or uncovered by the condom (seemed to be your basis for genital warts)


2. Breakage


3. tampering by degradation (lubricants, oils, lotions, etc)


4. improper use (inside out, wrong size, improper handling, repeated uses, etc)


A detailed answer and an explanation like this is much more palpable than sweeping general statements and accusations..



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bibblies said:


... You're suddenly obsessed with this one subject (as evidenced by you jumping in on another thread to broadcast about this "urgent" danger). You write about it like a previously innocent schoolgirl who's just suddenly discovered a subject she'd known nothing about and thought, patronisingly, that no one else on this board did either!...


Sounds to me like some girl just found out she's infected with herpes.

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You said, "I am a herpes simplex carrier."


You either have it or you don't. There's no such thing as carrior for herpes. But one can be a g wart carrior, I think. Tomc12 might want to shed some light on this one ? I'm too lazy to search and read from the net today.


I said on my first post in this thread, "Well, condom doesn't 100 % protect you from ALL stds." Please note the word ALL is in CAPITAL letter ? You don't think that condoms are a kind of magic gift from above to protect you from ALL stds, do you ???? And I don't think my post is "sweeping general statements and accusations.." if you read it carefuly enough ?


Isn't it clear enough for you guys whose English is better than mine to understand that ? I thought you guys should have known about condom and its effectiveness, that's why I wrote it very breifly. Obviously, some guys didn't know about condom and its effectiveness (or rather lack of) on prevention of g wart. ::


Good luck guys, don't forget to get yourselves tested. Many health professions don't realise there is a typed specific blood test so please make sure they order the right test for you. (Talking about lack of awareness among the health profession of the subject matter. I just read about it in the USA, anyone experience it themselves ?)



PS.I think sometimes my username gets me in trouble like this time. If I used other name, I might not get this kind of reaction from you guys. Just think about it.

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