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"Good" farangs and nightlife farangs....Mix?


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What is a "Good" Farang?


Your analogy of Good Farang = GTG thereby implies that any farang who has ever inbibed in the P4P scene should be pigeonholed in the same catagory as Ex-BG.


I would be very suprised that if there was anyone on this board who has not had any involvement in the scene at one time or another.


Maybe you feel that an expat who played the bar scene for a few months upon landing here and has since drifted away from it and settled down with a GTG for a few years is a "Good" Farang, but isn't that dual standards? Afterall a BG who may have been working for less than a year only to hook up with a farang is still classed as an EX-BG years later.

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Could not care less what is good, bad, GTG, BG, ex-BG, ex-good farang, new nightlife farang, etc....


Just showing that pigeon-holing is an exercice in vacuity, and it's easy to say "if you do this, then you are that".


though i am actually sure that some guys are viewed unfavorably under the prism of their P4P activities, by others, including ex-punters themselves, as well as punters who scoff at their choice of venue and girls.


In a way, you got my point. ::

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"Your analogy of Good Farang = GTG thereby implies that any farang who has ever inbibed in the P4P scene should be pigeonholed in the same catagory as Ex-BG."


I think that is what P127's intention was, seeing that those who make a distinction between GTG and BG usually see any girl who has ever been a bargirl as a bargirl, regardless of time spend as a bargirl or how long ago this has been.


Might actually be interesting to know how those women who do not want to mix with bargirls think about mixing with whoremongers, especially since often their husbands are (ex-)whoremongers.



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pattaya127, another one of your theoretical-hypothetical-misconception-false perception threads!! :worship:

there is absolutely NO expat or farang staying in bangkok longer than 2 weeks, who can claim, never having partaken in nightlife!!! i would rather believe a BG working for 3 or more years in the scene, that she never went with a customer! :neener:

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See, you are walking blind into that one. All stuck on gender. What about farang women, wives ("please, John, do not bring along this friend again to the Embassy party this week-end ....").

And sure as hell, we can think of ex-punters who separate the nightlife acquaintances with their too predictable dates, from the "proper" society they associate with. Or regret not having done so. Stickman of late.


Good farang like GTG. meant for irony. Funny you missed that.

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Might actually be interesting to know how those women who do not want to mix with bargirls think about mixing with whoremongers, especially since often their husbands are (ex-)whoremongers

-------------------------------------------------------------------------Never really thought about it that way before.It would be very interesting to know ::.My gtg tells me all the time she is a very gtg.

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I think there's a sexpat/tourist in a lot of us although it's more hidden in some. Lot of hypocrisy out there. You've reminded me of a time when I was backpacking in Vietnam before I'd truly succumbed to the nightlife scene. Was chatting to a couple of guys who looked as if butter wouldn't melt in their mouths. Totally respectable looking middle aged guys, well dressed and not in grubby singlets/shorts etc and not mouthing off about bar girls. Joking around and mentioned that had been getting hassled by cyclo pimps trying to sell sex. Suddenly their ears pricked up and they prised the story out of me. Moved on to another cafe. Within ten minutes saw them both pass by in cyclos obviously off to a romantic rendezvous. :D


There's nothing wrong having a secret between fellow gentlemen of the night and inviting them along to normal evenings out as long as they don't embarass you in front of your "respectable" friends and reveal secrets. Kinda like the masons.

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Sukhumvit said:

There's nothing wrong having a secret between fellow gentlemen of the night and inviting them along to normal evenings out as long as they don't embarass you in front of your "respectable" friends and reveal secrets. Kinda like the masons.

That is pretty much how it works. There is an "expat" code of conduct/silence. That is also why a lot of expats do not want to meet other guys, especially tourists, from the board (or are highly selective on who they meet). It is a matter of trust as the expat has a lot to lose, wheras the tourist does not.





PS - P127, great post. I love the "gotcha" in it and the fact it challenges some to rethink their positions on other people! :bow:

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There was a point when I made a concerted effort to get out of the bar scene and hook up with some decent respectable Thai women.


As soon as these women found that I had anything to do with the bar scene they ran like scared deer. Not one gave me the benefit of the doubt.


Back to the bars.....

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