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Racial hatred rears its ugly head in Bangkok..


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Here's the table from the CA DOJ site that I got my stats from.

Yeah...2 years old, I know (and only represents one state...not the country).




I have to believe that a LOT of the violent crimes and property crimes are related to drugs, even though they aren't classfied as drug-related. I know I don't have to draw pictures for you, but "drug related arrests" are usually those made of somebody possessing, importing, selling, distributing drugs. But a lot of violent crimes are committed by users under the influence, turf battles, robberies committed to purchase drugs, etc. Same with property crimes such as auto theft and burglary. So, the influence of drugs no doubt is related to many more arrests than just "drug related". So, maybe 80% of crimes are related to drugs. :: I'm not a criminologist; not a statitician. Just an old fart with too much time on his hands :)



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sourkraut said:


After i have read the book of the prosecutor i was not able to detect how the prosecution "fucked up", but how the best defending team money could buy was able to bend the system.


You're using that to support your argument??? A book written by the prosecution that says the prosecution didn't fuck up??? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


That's got FOZW written all over it. You'd better come up with something better than that to pass judgment on the US legal system.

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jxxxl said:

You'd better come up with something better than that to pass judgment on the US legal system.



I did, but that came a bit later in my post, and in the post before. But that must have escaped your appearant culturally specific attention span. Sincere apologies for my long posts.

Here's one more: http://www.freepeltier.org/

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suadum said:


The OJ trial is a prime example of the system working perfectly. Yes, I do believe that he was guilty. But the prosecution fucked up big time and the system protected the individual's rights from illegal prosecution. Not the system's fault...the system worked perfectly.


You call that working perfectly? If a prosecuter "fucks up" it is perfectly fine that you can walk on a crime you definitly did do? A good lawyer improves your chances in court, but a shitty proescutor is even better...



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