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Mr. Troy,


I am 58 , 63 kgs , 1,65 m . It is one of the great pleasures in my life that the asian women did always offer me great attention and so did I. The Taiwanese lady I was talking about is 31 , tough , no bullshit. Sending me e-mails now . Strictly non p4p , she likes my attitude . A Thai prostitute who refuses to jump between the linen with me does not harm my ego. I am just curious.


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any drop dead gorgeous gal will have tons of guys available ,they are not bothered about the cash from you because they are getting too much just for doing nothing and staying at home. If they have really clicked with another guy in bed then you have no chance, despite you offering them the moon. Some of these hot lookers are suffering from narcisissm. (suffering from too much self love.)

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What the fuck were you doing taking her to the Oriental for anyway??? No matter how she dressed ALL the staff, manager etc would have imediatly known that she was a hooker/bar girl.


You should have just taken her from the Ex Lounge into the short time hotel across the road....


She was just bored. And proabaly hated the food.


I would guess that her friend from the bar had a regular customer/bf who was taking them to Hollywood/Dance Feaver etc somewhere where she could have FUN..


Ever heard the work Sanok ???

Bar girls live for it and not to be paraded around 5* hotels to massage your ego.


Bar girls are for clubbing and fucking with.

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I still believe she was intemidated by your wealth or she doesn't find you attractive enough. I don't want to offend you, I am on the same page with you, you treat them like a lady and you treat them with a certain amount of respect. To know your age, and weight (this should be in everyones profile as a requirement!) would help me better to understand.


Maybe the other guy had more money, and/or looked like a better future (as opposed to one night), and she had already kept him waiting. Don't think Bill's good looks would have scared her away :D

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buffalo_bill said:

Mr. Troy,


I am 58 , 63 kgs , 1,65 m . It is one of the great pleasures in my life that the asian women did always offer me great attention and so did I. The Taiwanese lady I was talking about is 31 , tough , no bullshit. Sending me e-mails now . Strictly non p4p , she likes my attitude . A Thai prostitute who refuses to jump between the linen with me does not harm my ego. I am just curious.



Congrats Mr BuBi, for keeping your weight low with 58 years, any advices for me? I only look at chocolate and I gain 1 lbs. and gotta work that off at the gym :)


Regarding your age i think this is what causes the issue. 8 out of 10 girls won't think twice and enjoy the evening, the night and the breakfast with you. 2 out of 10 will do exactly what she did to you.


No biggie, it's her loss, not yours!

I am glad it doesn't harm your ego but never forget that couriosity killed the cat! :D

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you might be right after all. Although I do not take girls into short time hotels , this is below my standards.


But after all , you might be right. The lass was 25 , probably bored to death.


You are spot on with the ego-walk over the terrace, I did this on purpose.



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2/10? She works in a bar for crying out loud, how old do you think the average punter is? 58 is hardly old, and it sounds like he's taking care of himself physically, I'd guess he Bill doesn't look his age.

I'd guess there's something else going on. Likely boyfriend and she felt guilty, she obviously didn't want to have a roll in the hay after dinner. Maybe she really didn't "even go with customer" :dunno:

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Mr. Troy,


advice to stay in good shape sounds as follows , BuBi version : spend real money on fresh food, nothing from the can or fast food . Practice something regularly , like I do taekwondo every week and have a punching ball in my garage . ( I will increase practice now in case I come across another bargirl that refuses intercourse ) . Whenever I am near 64 kgs I stop eating . Principally easy but requires discipline.



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buffalo_bill said:

Mr. Troy,


I am 58 , 63 kgs , 1,65 m . It is one of the great pleasures in my life that the asian women did always offer me great attention and so did I. The Taiwanese lady I was talking about is 31 , tough , no bullshit. Sending me e-mails now . Strictly non p4p , she likes my attitude . A Thai prostitute who refuses to jump between the linen with me does not harm my ego. I am just curious.



Have you considered wearing platform shoes? I know it has worked wonders for BB.

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