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Impolite Thai people

Tiger Moth

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I always let a woman first when entering anywhere. I don't see many farangs doing it, to me that's impolite from where i come from, but I suppose it's not to them. I'd guess it's the same thing with thais opening the door. For them, maybe the lady is just old but can get around town....For the farang, the woman is just a gender, but can get in somewhere as easily as they can ::.

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CB's remarks fit into a well known theory of Thai culture, but let us have a look at the examples he gives:


" thais cut in front of you in lines"

as another poster mentioned, if u wanna see what is "cut in line" u gotta go to China. Nothing like that in Bangkok.


"don't lear their wrappings at fast food places"

I guess they just think the staff gets paid to do this and they are customers. I used to think like this (I am not Thai) and I drew heavy flak from a friend when I did just this.


" throuw garbage on the street"

in America this costs u 200 USD. Doesn't it tell us something about the cleanliness of Americans that they need to be motivated by a fine of 200 USD to not throw their garbage on the street?


"pick their nose in public"

just like me. I hope I will one day get honorary Thai citizenship.


"Do you care to be choking in a restaurent or have some medical emergency on the sidewalk? What do you think are the odds some stranger will come to your aid in LOS? My money would be on a falang if a few are present in the above scenarios..."

You might well lose your money. I have seen quite a few cases where farangs acted just like you say Thai would act: the farangs felt here is not their country and it's all none of their business. Here is their "third circle".

After the Tsunami farangs did help a lot, so did Thais. I would not dare to bet who is generally more willing to help in an emergency in public.

BTW I once tried to help in a medical emergency on the sidewalk in the US. Police didn't like this at all and wanted me to accept legal responsibilty for god knows what before I would even have a look at the site. Fortunately within seconds an ambulance arrived and I retreated, thinking "this is my third circle".

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Thais are rude? What a shock! ::


I've never bought into that bogus polite-Thai claptrap myself. I never even went through that initial enchantment phase many, if not most, farangs go through upon arrival. From the start, I knew Thais are NOT nice people, they are shit Buddhists, and you'd best never turn your back on any of them.


So why do I live here? The weather is good, living costs are reasonable, the beer is great, and the pussy excellent. And that is ALL I need. People are rude everywhere. Back in the US, people are rude, the weather is cold, cost of living expensive, beer is crap and/or the pussy stinks. I'll take here, thank you very much. You just have to remember to do unto others before they can do unto you.

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"I always let a woman first when entering anywhere. I don't see many farangs doing it, to me that's impolite from where i come from, but I suppose it's not to them. I'd guess it's the same thing with thais opening the door. For them, maybe the lady is just old but can get around town....For the farang, the woman is just a gender, but can get in somewhere as easily as they can . ".


I find your logic to be a bit of a stretch and don't agree with the analogy. But, at least you didn't try to be definitive and said "I'd guess" and "maybe".


While I let a woman enter first and hold the door for a woman, I don't have a problem with some other man not doing so. But, in the situation I observed, considering the woman was elderly and in some physical difficulty, I consider the young Thai woman and the Thai businessman to have been impolite.

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OK, I'll bite : are the predominately Buddhist people of Cambodia and Laos more 'polite' (by our Western standards) than the average Thai ?


Something else I have often wondered about when Chinese kiddies started pushing into the line in front of me at Maccas (interestingly, they dont do this in a less crowded environment such as a street stall...) :


if we, as Gwailo/Farang/Gaijin/Bule, suddenly decide to 'go native' and be just as 'forthright', are we seen as rude or simply 'normal'


Whatever the case, I couldnt bring myself to start pushing my weight around with 8 year olds .....

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