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CNN or BBC News?


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This is inspired by another post about UBC on this thread.


Do you prefer BBC or CNN news?

Personally, for myself, I much prefer CNN. (Being Australian, I don't really feel any allegance for either).


I find the presenters on BBC World extremely boring with very little personality. It also seems to repeat a heck of a lot of programs. Its got some good stuff on there, such as Hardtalk and Fast Track and Click On-Line, but in gerneral its a pretty boring channel.


At least the CNN presenters seem to have a little bit of personality about them, and not appear as some sort of plum-in-the-mouth British matron, as on the BBC.


Some say that CNN has an unfair pro-USA bias, but I don't find this. Maybe on the CNN that people in the USA see, but on CNN International I find most of the stories truly international, and it seems balanced coverage.

Some of their female presenters are pretty gorgeous too - (eg. Zain Verjee)


Don't even get me started on FOX news - people actually watch that shit? It really should be named "Red Neck News" shouldn't it?


Moo Noi.

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Wot you said. I voted CNN.


The BBC is shit scared of doing any real reporting these days: if it don't fit the New Labour agenda then it don't get told. I think the Hutton enquiry following the murder (whoops) of David Kelly effectively cowed them. In addition, the ranks of the BBC are full of liberal lefty twats and fuckspuds who lionise those very cultures that would destroy their own - wasn't it ever thus? Reminds me of the Webbs back in the 20's getting all excited about the USSR and how fucking wonderful it was (also G.B Shaw et all - look, all these fuckers are self loathing Onanists of the highest order.)


If you depended on the BB fuckin' C for news you'd think the rioting in France was just juvenile high spirits.


Fuck the BBC.


Fuck 'em.



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carew66 said:

If you depended on the BB fuckin' C for news you'd think the rioting in France was just juvenile high spirits.

Hi carew,

Before this, and the stuff in Birmingham a few weeks ago, I would have stuck with BBC. Their reporting of both events was inaccurate and bisaed by stupid PC attitudes. BBC is not to be relied on any more if they describe the rioters in France as "French youths", omitting the very relevant fact that they are all of North African origin.


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Fuck CNN, it's only a notch below Fox news in spreading neocon propaganda and turning a blind eye to following real news stories any competent reporter would be on like a duck on a June bug. You want real news - forget CNN even its founder Ted Turner - the mouth from the south is sickened by what it has turned into. Between the two choices you suggest - I'll take the BBC any day.



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I picked BBC because a) it is ever so slightly less repetitive; B) as you mentioned, they have good stuff other than the news; and c) seem to have more "world" news than CNN.


CNN loses because I hate the Richard whatever-his-name-his (Quest, that's it) who is sooo smarmy and appears to have a large stick stuffed up his butt at all times LOL! But Zain Verjee and Kristie Lu Stout are smokin' hot, so they make up for Richard...




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