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CNN or BBC News?


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One of the most disturbing things I have seen on TV was on CNN in Thailand (I don't watch it back home), back when the Afghan War started / continued (the one at the moment).


You could see live footage of shells going off over the enemy lines, which wasn't that interesting except you knew that as you were watching that people were dying.............. but more importantly............. you could also keep an eye on your stock prices at the same time and see how the shells were "impacting" on your wallet...........


I still can't work out why "they" hate "us" ::

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Always BBC.


Especially in the times of the Iraq war BBC was much, much more reliable, often even critical of it's own government. If I remember right BBC is the most watched news program outside the US, especially in Africa and the East, because a.) it covers much more non Western politics, while CNN is mainly centered on US politics b.) BBC has the _most_ neutral information (of course no news media is real neutral) of all international news broadcasters.


CNN was and is still a news broadcaster with the US audience on it's mind. Other news are only reported if there is any connection to the US people/government/industry.


Therefore :up: BBC.

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It'd be nice to chase down a few ........ (fill in the blanks at own discretion) during Xmess.




Fully agree with you on BBC comments.




Deutsche Welle is very interesting, but I bet that 99% of the potential audience don't even realise that 50% of their broadcasting is in English. For me no probs since I'm fluent in German but I can also see that it's too much asked for to wait around for an English block of braodcasts.

Their quality of reporting is excellent though, very interesting shows even though a lot of the reporting is German related/linked.

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To reply to the question at hand, I have a small preference for CNN but it seems often you can switch from one to the other and see the same story with similar reporting.


To get off subject a bit, "You want real news - forget CNN even its founder Ted Turner - the mouth from the south is sickened by what it has turned into.". It very sad and incredibly amazing that TT sold CNN to AOL-Time Warner (or whatever it is called today). He had always been an entrepeneur and a maverick. I am sure today he can't figure out why he sold CNN and joined AOL-Time Warner in some powerless/meaningless executive position. And, since the AOL - Time Warner "merger" was a ridiculous decision on the part of Time Warner during the height of the internet boom craziness and has turned out to be a total failure, TT lost a huge amount of money in the process ($billions I think).


In closing I will add one other comment, I love to hear James Earl Jones say, "THIS is CNN".

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One thing I couldn't figure out is why CNN didn't have any coverage of the Tsunami the day it happened. I was watching BBC who was covering it from the outset.


I prefer CNN, but hearing Richard Quest's voice is like chewing on tin foil. Fortunately his air time seems to be lessening.

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None of the above! I watch them less than ever before, now getting my news by the internet. I can see what's in the news in a glance, then pick and choose what news to read and what to ignore. CNN & BBC is largely a waste of time checking the weather in london, analyzing the nyse and ftse, the latest bomb in iraq, and just too much repetitive garbage I don't consider news at all. Only very occasionally are there good news storys, like when they dedicate a program Foreign Correspondants.


I too was stunned the day of the tsunami. It was little more than a footnote on CNN, barely a mention leaving me stunned. It was as if it was an annoyance that was taking a few precious seconds away from all that other "important" news they show every 30 minutes.

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