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Are you an alcoholic?


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I like a drink from time to time, hardly ever. A good friend of mine has a father who drank HEAVY for 15 years since he was in an accident which resulted in the loss of one of his legs. In that 15 years I had seen him do things such as drive a car through a wall to run his wife over, shot at her multiple times, the stories could go on and on. What topped it of was the day he and his son(who is allways totaly sober) were sitting at the kitchen table and arguing about his drinking then his father just picked up a club port bottle and smashed it in his sons face. Now his son has one eye and facial scarring. Since that day he stopped drinkingfor a couple of years then started again but only when he was in Thailand but now I believe he's 100% blotto again now. Not sure, have'nt seen him since I got married, no need to have friends like that. just another looser.

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StaggerLee said:


When I drink, I am a binge drinker, drinking to excess, drinking until I pass out. No, I can not stop at one or two drinks.


Am I an alcoholic?


This rings a bell, but I rarely pass out, until I get "home" and then I lapse it being unconscious. Black out loads of time. Can be quite amusing - becoming "aware" again. ::


I used to have the nick name "the Terminator", apart from looking nothing like him size wise it was because "David drinks, that's all he does, that's all he will ever do. He will never stop" (or something along those lines :D)


Am I an Alcoholic? Probably, in a mental sense rather than a physcial addiction (as it is no problem to stop for months at a time - NOT like teh ciggies!!) - I have never woken up feeling I NEED another drink, but have woken up more than a few times (usually in Thailand) where I just decided that as I was still half pissed it made sense to start agian mid morning, so as to avoid the hangover and it is cheaper just to top up than start again........and of course you get "better" effects ::


I actually like getting blotto - everyone needs a hobby :) - I have never been one for drugs (apart from a fair bit of "dabbling" over the years) and view drugs as just for the lazy - IMHO ain't nothing you can do to your mind on drugs that you can't do with alcohol, just takes a lot more effort and experiance :D :D :D


It's just the frequecny that I have cut down on radically as it was dominating my life - I was and still enjoy being An "antisocial drinker" - Would I like to be a "social drinker"? Yes - but I just accept that for me it doesn't work like this (in fact looking back it never did!) - which in practice means I try and avoid going to the Pub, actually no great loss really.


It's actually the main reason I used to come to Thailand - it kept my drinking seperate from anything work related, in addition to 24/7 drinking (only ever managed 24/5 :() and the other benefits of Thailand :: ::


It's been an acceptable night if I have set fire neither to myself or anyone else. :D

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StaggerLee said:



I can stop drinking for a while, a week at a time, sometimes even for a month or so at a time. But not a day goes by that I do not think about drinking. Not a day goes by that I do not crave alcohol, so am I an alcoholic?


When I drink, I am a binge drinker, drinking to excess, drinking until I pass out. No, I can not stop at one or two drinks.



I get into periods, where almost every waking moment of every day is spent tipsy, if not drunk. Or, I am relatively sober for only about 6 hours a day. I function. A functional alcoholic?


A week, two weeks, a month at a time. I am drinking, but can not fall asleep without drinking more. When I finally pass out, I wake up several times in the night, drinking more, trying to go back to sleep. I'll drink several drinks at 4am or 4:30, pass out again until I have to get up at 6 or 7am. I am, nonetheless, drunk during the morning. Then, I'll start drinking again around 3 or 4 in the afternoon at the earliest or around 6 or 7pm. This kind of cycle continues for several weeks, and weekends or days off are spent drinking all morning and all day.


As I don't drive a car-- I am lucky that I do not have to worry about drink driving.


I am off drink now, sober for 10 days in a row.


Am I an alcoholic?

Sorry to say but most definitely, yes, imho!
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The problems i have with drinking are as follows:


i make stupid decisions when im drunk (no need to go into detail you all know what i mean)


i put on weight and i rarely put on weight as im young and slender


i spend money i cant afford to spend


i cheat on my girlfriend who id be heartbroken without


i tend to get obnoxious (thats more than usual) and without realising it i insult people



i have stopped for extended periods a couple of times but that was in australia where i can go out without having a pretty thai girl ask if i want a drink. i have drunk orange juice on nights out sometimes but they often make such a big fuss if i dont drink alcohol.

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