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Top Board Sponsors


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As suggested in another thread, here is a list of the top Board Sponsors.


1. Mekong $311
2. Kiwi $262
3. ozpharlap $257
4. Evel_Penivel $250
5. Hugh_Hoy $200
McBif $200
Solo1mick $200
9. Buffalo_Bill $156
10.Kite_Flyer $150
11.drogon $120
12.rchapstick $115
13.SpiceMan $112
14.NongKhai9 $110
Helmut $110
16.hamokhamok $105
Old Hippie $105
18.bigdaddy $100
RedBaron $100
passingthru69 $100
teddy $100
UAL875 $100
YimSiam $100
24.billywan $96
25.shrollski $95
26.Perv $93
27.Thalenoi $92
28.ChristianTroy $90
29.Snowman71 $88
30.kamui $81
31.Torneyboy $80
sanddawg1 $80
33.rickfarang $75
34.dave32 $70
35.Crash999 $69
Mike Goodtime $69
37.zzzz $64
38.sayjann $60
39.BelgianBoy $59
40.ikkrang $57
41.addict $50
BadaBing $50
chocolat steve $50
chuck6660 $50
coss $50
Dali $50
dubbs $50
Hua Nguu $50
hooky $50
mamekam $50
peckieboy $50
Raumrudee $50
soiarrai $50
ThaiHome $50
wally $50
56.Brownfox77 $40
slm4mhaha $40
58.radioman $33
59.cavanami $31
60.admirer_uk2005 $30
aesthete $30
alfmaz $30
bkkbound04 $30
chelseafan $30
Damen $30
doodee $30
Dumsoda $30
KRS $30
LizardKing $30
spirit_of_town_hall $30
SuaDum $30
73.FreeTime $26
74.acockasian $25
A_J $25
arkutha $25
arthur $25
asiafun $25
chuckwoww $25
brottbyman $25
bust1 $25
dddave $25
fly_baby_fly $25
HeartThais $25
jirve77 $25
JTPictureman $25
khwaimaisabai $25
limbo $25
liquidflux $25
Mentors $25
Neon Ninja $25
noknmai $25
Singhaman $25
Somchai888 $25
Straycat $25
TheCorinthian $25
unit731 $25
USVigin $25
99.monkey39 $20
100.MooNoi $14
101.dvarpala $10
102.cola4u $5


The following people have donated prizes for the contest:

Cent ($100), Chuckwoww (5 books), Dumsoda, Hugh Hoy, jittle ($500), Mekong ($50), Nervous_Dog (lots of beer), OH ($50+loads of wine), Pattaya127 ($50), Paul101 (1 gig thumb drive).

(Probably forgot some people here, if I did feel free to contact me and I'll update)


Why did they donate? No idea.


What did they get in return?


- the ability to use pictures in their posts

- the option of letting us host their avatar

- access to the Board Sponsor forum

- our gratitude




PS This list is from Aug'05 onwards. I know there are quite a few people who donated to our server a few years back, but I am not certain if I still have the list (I'll check).

There are also people who have donated to the site in other ways (content, moderating, etc), they are not in this list, but of course they do have Board Sponsor status and their contributions are appreciated as much as money.

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khunsanuk said:



Why did they donate? No idea.


What did they get in return?



Simple reason, it gives me an escape into some sort of normality while working away from home.


The site also lets me communicate with like minded people when in places where there is no one to communicate with.


I donated as a thank you and to help make sure the site continues.


For long lasting return, value for money and pleasure, best $100 I ever spent.


Big thank you to all the guy?s that participate, make this board a friendly and interesting place to visit. May it long continue.

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You can double check my donation amount? I want to make sure you are getting the funds I sent. I requested $25 be charged to my account. The email receipt I received makes no mention of the amount.


I also don't want some of these guys tagging me as a cheap Charlie ::

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