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New Zealander stabbed to death


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Big questions remains "what was the relationship of the girl to the Thai guy? and what occurred during the struglge that lead to the presence/use of a knife and at what time did it enter into that struggle? Did he stab him in the back or was it out of defensive posture if he was getting his butt kicked?


Only the girl (as it was reported that she couldn't even stand up because she was so drunk) and thai guy can describe what events transpired and one must account for alcohol and one's own perspective as to what is actually truth/fact vs one's own perspective (motivated to protect one's own skin)...


The problem with this case (unlike the CM falang shooting which by the way the guy had the loaded gun and was threatening/beating her when she had enough and decided to take it away from him), there are no impartial witnesses so the facts become skewed in one direction or another...


Maybe a good and fair trial will bring out the facts and justice will be served .....but then again it was only a faceless, low-level englsh teacher. Many minority/poor murders in the USA don't even get media coverage other than murder case #xx for that city...



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You don't stab someone repeatedly times "in self defence".

Furthermore, I hardly think any of my Thai colleagues go around carrying knives on them. That's not typical Thai behaviour, unless you are a "nakleng".


Sounds like the victim wasn't exactly associating with the cream of Thai society, but perhaps he was too naive to realise it. Sort of like the Brit couple in Kanchanaburi who were drinking with a notoriously corrupt police sergeant at 3 AM -- and ended up getting murdered.

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Depends on whom your thai collegues are or who you associate with? But you made that decision or went with a hunch.I would suspect a certain segment of the thai is well armed.


I would think many people are killed in self-defense cases. I think the killing itself bears out circumstances...


Are we making the same assumption is that he was carrying the knife just like the posters made the same assumption "what was the female falang doing carrying a gun?" For all we know, it could have been from the kitchen or lying about? Many missing details...


The main point here is that falangs and others don't seem to recognize is that violent revenge seems to be the norm in this culture regardless of what the stimuli was...


Case after case and it is mostly thais against thais. Falangs seem to expect some democratic process should take place in disagreements and thais just don't seem to function in that manner. Should "willie" be cut off for cheating? Thais seem to think so.


Thais don't bat an eye when people are killed for ANY wrongdoing. They have their own justice system and it's not turning to the courts....



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>>p.s. I hope nobody on this board is stupid enough to go "fucking around with a young Thai girl" and thus bring on his well deserved demise by not letting every Thai butthole who wants to have a go at her!<<


Don't know if this was directed at me. My post was trying to see it from the police perspective who may see nothing more than a sex triangle with a young thai girl at the center with whom the farang should not have been involved to begin with, hence farang's fault not the thai guy's fault.


Raises a question: If a thai girl chooses a farang over a thai guy, does this raise to the surface some suppressed rage that thai guys harbor toward farang and their money? And other thais such as the police would sympathize with the thai guy? Me thinks maybe.

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Mailuks question:

[color:"red"]"If a thai girl chooses a farang over a thai guy, does this raise to the surface some suppressed rage that thai guys harbor toward farang and their money?[color:"black"]


Great question!


It would seem that if a falang was caught being with a Thai lady, the falang puts himself into the position of getting his ass properly ass kicked if not killed. And if he does get killed, the [color:"blue"]falang has only himself to blame for what happens to him![color:"black"]


I wonder if that is why it seems that more and more falangs are going out with LBs?

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Are we making the same assumption is that he was carrying the knife just like the posters made the same assumption "what was the female falang doing carrying a gun?" For all we know, it could have been from the kitchen or lying about? Many missing details...

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes::banghead:


Oh please.



"The main point here is that falangs and others don't seem to recognize is that violent revenge seems to be the norm in this culture regardless of what the stimuli was..."


It depends WHAT PART OF THE SOCIETY YOU ARE REFERRING TO-... in the lower classes truer words have never been spoken. :)


I think it is bizarre that this thread is so unendingly verbose... ::

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So you are making the probability that he was carrying the knife? So would i (i do think he was a bad dude assumption) but that doesn't preclude that there are other possibilities. Why couldn't have the girl have stabbed him and she and the thai guy made up this story until things blow over? She has been the only witness so far. We don't know where or who her loyalties rest with...


Again, we are playing the probablity game that lower classes promote more violence and crime. But are the upper classes precluded from crime? No, it just happens much less, yet it does happen. Was not that very attractive Thai women from the hi-so crowd? Four days ago, her BF kills her because he finds out she has a gik. Pretty exteme reaction..I wonder if he himself had a clean slate with no MP visits with his buddies?


Both educated and uneducated Thais seem to take the same stance that revenge is an acceptable mode of practice in this society. They view the killer as the victim because the actual vistim did something wrong to initiate it. A lot of it has to do with a lack of trust in their police and legal systems so they think it is okay to take matters into one's own hands...


It is definately parallels are "wild west" mentality. So as a farang, why would we wish to interaction or create a situation (like drinking with Thais or involved with thai girls who secretly have BFs/husbands, business ventures, etc) when reactions can be so violent? Why put yourself in those situations?



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Oh my goodness some of u guys are SIMPLY RIDICULOUS!! First of all there is nothing so unique about this situation that makes it a Thai vs Farang deal. This shit could have happend between any two men and a woman drinking booze with jealousy and sex in the air.


Bottom line is the Farang was a fucking idiot and yes I said it. I feel bad he died a violent death and stabbing is one of the ugliest and viscious ways to go(I would take a bullet over a knife anyday).


So ya say JJsushi why are u so mean and calling the poor farang a "fucking idiot" Well I will tell you.


First he invites another man who he doesn't know into his home! The only association is that his chick knows him. Fuck that ain't no dude I don't know stepping into my crib. Shit, there are cats that I have known for years that won't see the inside of my spot because I don't trust them or they are troublemakers.


Second his young ass chick was just boozing with the cat earlier. Yeah her judgement of character must really be good under the influence. A ninteen yr old chick is a young thang and young thangs have no clue about how shit is supposed to be handled. Young drunk hos make very stupid decisions. I have seen more shit started over a piece of young pussy, throw in booze and the shit gets even uglier.


How u gonna be someones girl and at the same time boozing with a dude alone that your man doesn't even know? Fuck that!!


Third, homeboy thows a cat out of his crib and he doesn't have a pipe, bat, gun, pepper spray, brass knuckles, machetee, nunchukas, Samurai sword or my personal favorite a Mossberg pump action pistol grip shotgun nearby?

If I have toss someone out of my crib I got something backing my ass up if shit gets ugly.


Fourth, the dumbass see the cat pull the chick out the door and she must not have struggled too hard if they were already @ the elevator. So all of a sudden he becomes captain courageous and decides to rescue her? So he leaves his apt with nothing in his hands? Not even a fucking cooking pot?


Alarms of DANGER should have been going off in his head the minute the cat reached for the chick and stated pulling her. So he runs after him to do what talk sensible or logically about the situation? Man please, the minute ur running after another dude you better be ready to fight.


Let's keep it real for a blade to be effective someone has to be in your personal space. SO either they was scrapping when the Thai pulled the blade or he was trying to intimidate the Thai dude with his size or physical force. Which means he

was really close and he got a nasty surprise in the form of a blade sticking his ass 7x .


So is the Thai dude guilty of murder hell yeah because he didn't have to take it there but the farang is guilty of being a stupid ass from the outset until the end and he paid for his stupidity with his life.


Sorry folks but this is not a schoolyard playgound where all u can get is a bloody nose. Cats kill over simple and stupid shit especially when chicks are involved. Some of u guys really need to wake up up an understand your own mortality and realize that not everyone shares ur same set of morals, values and solutions to problems.


Let me put it to u this way if I knew one of u had $1MM cash in ur Thai apt with no protection, then uncle JJ with his excellent education and background would not think 2x about hitting u over the head to take ur money.

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khunsanuk said:



So, are you saying that stupidity is valid justification for the victim deserving their fate? I.e. the perpetrator was just acting on the opportunity and if the victim hadn't been so stupid, the perp would never have committed the crime?





Let's see if the LAW and legal system does not recognize "ignorance" as a defense why in the hell would the STREETS give someone a pass for "stupidity"?


I guarantee u that that the example of the young chick in a tight skirt getting raped sure would not make the same mistake twice now would she? I bet she won't go around wearing tight revealing skirts that tempt others will she? ONce she experiences a violent act commtted against her then she will forever midify her behavior and see the world from a different perspective.


No one "deserves" an act of violence committed against them unprovoked however stupidity doesn't help now does it?

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