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To the Arabs it looks like a knife in the guts.


Anyway it looks as though the US and France have revised the UN resolution. We're going to get something called a 'progressive' withdrawal.




It's a fig leaf but my guess is Olmert and Nasrallah will go for it.

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I'm not sure how you can say 'the solution is easy' in one sentence and expect the Arabs to submit to the Jews in the next. You seem to have quite a good understanding of how Middle Eastern people think but if you expect Hamas, Hezbullah and Al Quaida to just roll over you are living in a fantasy. And no 'moderate' Arab regime is going to disarm them for you.


Let's put it this way: the solution is easy to state, but it is extremely difficult to accomplish. It requires that Arabs accept that a homeland for Jews has a right to exist on part of the geographic area historically called Palestine. That's the starting point. Muslim nations, whether Syria, Iran, or Saudi Arabia, have to stop funding terrorist groups that are devoted to the destruction of Israel.


Once that happens, Israel has to give up the territories occupied in 1967 except Jerusalem. The Jewish settlers in the occupied territories will have to move back to Israel.


Do I think there are realistic chances of this happening. No, not at all. But it would work.

Arafat and the PLO lost their funding back in 1991 because they backed Sadam in the Gulf War. Without funding, the PLO would have withered and died in a few years. Given that future, Arafat was suddenly prepared to go to the bargaining table and the PLO "recognized" Israel and became the PLA. But Arafat couldn't - or wouldn't - disarm the various private and religious militias, including Hamas. Same with Lebanon.


When Israel withdrew from Lebanon, the Lebanese government wouldn't disarm Hezbollah. Without money and arms from iran and Syria, Hezbollah would disappear in about two weeks.


If there is ever going to be peace, Arabs have to recognize the right of Israel to exist and stop supporting the refusalist factions.





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Preferably scumrot yanks who helped fund the IRA.


It is true NORAID helped fund the IRA. They, like numerous front organizations through the years, said the money would go to widows and orphans. It doesn't excuse them, but the donors who fell for NORAID's line were naive dupes for the most part, rather than violent fanatics. It's not true the U.S. government turned a blind eye to their activities. Beginning in the 1980's, the government tried to shut it down, or at least restrict its activities. Quite a few guys wearing dual NORAID and IRA hats were sent to prison. And Gerry Adams was denied a visa to the U.S. even after he was elected to Parliament.


The funding and materiel for the IRA bomb campaigns came from Libya, the Semtex explosives in particular. From the Web site of Families Acting for Innocent Relatives (FAIR), an organization that acts on behalf of victims of IRA terror:


"It is also safe to assume that a majority of the 1,800 killings the IRA has been responsible for were carried out using Libyan supplied arms or money."


You can read about it here: FAIR


Libya donated millions upon millions of dollars to the IRA and whole shiploads full of weapons and explosives. The amount NORAID contributed is small in comparison. The biggest service NORAID did for the IRA was to hide IRA terrorists. The IRA guys preferred to hang out in Boston rather than Tripoli.


I'm very suspicious of any of the groups that support "liberation" movements. There are today, and have been for years, charities collecting money for Hezbollah, Hamas, and even al-Qaida in the U.S. After 9/11, the government began cracking down on phoney Islamic charities and some have been stopped, but others spring up to take their place.




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If there is ever going to be peace, Arabs have to recognize the right of Israel to exist and stop supporting the refusalist factions.



You aren't being realistic. The Arabs probably would agree to something like a withdrawal to 67 boundaries, East Jerusalem, an end to settlements, return of the Golan etc.. but Israel would still never feel secure. You can't make them like each other


Governments come and go. Neither party will agree to disarm and the slightest thing can always spark another round of fighting. One guy with a rocket can ruin the whole thing.


I think there was a time when an agreement could have been reached but the hatred and distrust are too deep now.


I'm not sure what sparked this current round. It's too simplistic to just say Hezbullah captured 2 Israeli soldiers. A lot of things happened before that. And I don't think Hezbullah expected such an extreme reaction. They've come out of it looking strong though....in the Arab world.


I'm not sure the Israelis went into this with a clear plan. Partly I think they lashed out from frustration because they know Iran is the real enemy. Sooner or later they have to deal with Iran.


Sometimes it seems clear but after a while it gives me a headache.


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Hey.. I honestly never heard of it, but I will have a look.


I can only think of one board member who seems to be extremely familiar with this document. Guess who that is.


If I'm the only one who's familiar with it, I guess there are a lot of people who need some education. Here's a good place to start:


Holocaust Museum


An exhibition on the Protocols open at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. in April. Called "A Dangerous Lie: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," it "explores the impact of the most widely distributed antisemitic publication of modern times."






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Former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad was also a staunch believer in the Protocols. His famous speech about Jews ruling the world by "proxy" could have been lifted straight from the Protocols. It is widely accepted in the Muslim world as genuine and provides the intellectual basis for much of the covenants/programs/declarations of the anti-Zionist groups (Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaida, Islamic Jihad and numerous others). It's been cited by numerous Arab statesmen, diplomats, professors, etc. as "proof" of Zionist plots.


For good measure, Hamas also includes the Masons and the Rotary Club as part of the grander Jewish conspiracy. And they are going to run a country?

What's even more interesting is that many Muslim leaders in the U.S., including tenured professors at top U.S. universities, won't denounce the Protocols. I seriously doubt they believe in the Protocols, but they are scared of offending those who do. It's the same reasoning as to why Muslims intelectuals (I know, an oxymoron) won't condemn Bin Laden or al-Qaida. They'll make general statements about "all terror against innocent victims is wrong," but they won't specifically label any Muslim group as terrorist.


Most interesting is that the Arabic translation of Mein Kampf has been a best-seller in the Palestinian territories. A translation of Mein Kampf into Turkish was the number 2 best-seller in 2004. I think it is also very popular among Muslims in Malaysia and Indonesia, not to mention Iran and Saudi Arabia.


Also worth noting is that Nazi films such as The Eternal Jew still today play to full houses in many Muslim countries.







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