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Murder in Thong Lor


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Zombie called him an asshole, why don't you ask Zombie?


Something is wrong with people who get violent for a this or a that.


Killing someone, especially someone you share your bed with, is mostly not justifiable.


The chances are high the man, the woman or both are/were assholes when you behave as such.


Why do you have a problem with that?

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Why is he the asshole?...

Geez, I hope that is retorical, cuz I had a lot more respect for you.


He is the asshole cuz he wacked someone cuz they cheated on him. People fuck other people behind backs all the time. Grow up.


If you are the "victim:" Break up with them. Call them bad names. Tell all their friends. But do not murder them. A very simple rule of society.




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Why is he the asshole? Do we know enough facts? Were they both drunk? Who initiated the fight? Who brought the knife? Was she screwing around as well as him?


I read some of these remarks like because she is good looking, he was an asshole because he killed her? Does it really matter whether she had model looks or plain jane looks? A person is dead period whether she is good looking or not or 20 or not?


Some of you guys actually are influenced in your thinking because she was young and good-looking to draw a conclusion he is thus an ass-hole. Not an ass hole if she was 35 and ordinary and he was some bar stool rider with many years under his belt unloosened of course)?


I doubt many of the comments would have been made if both the guy and girl physically presented differently?


Confess up if you are envious of a six-pack ab rather than drinking one and be young again?


WTF is wrong with you... How can someone who does this NOT be an asshole?


I've just found that I know the victim very well.


I'm in total shock over this.


This was nothing more than jealousy, pure and simple. Yeah so what if she was drunk or even had the knife (which I doubt). End result she is dead.


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I guess some of you still don't see my point. Why link good-looking/victim and name-calling? I can point out "no reference to looks/victim" and not name-calling/emotional reaction?


I am saying "good-looking" influences/distorts one's reaction just like good-looking people in interviews. Looks affect/distort judgment and reason.Some people get more excited/show more reaction if perceived good-looking vs plain jane..


Compare "she was good-looking/very pretty - what a waste - what an asshole" to "she was ugly - what a waste - what an asshole" not....



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What does known the victim has to do with it. Knowing the victim makes him more of an asshole than not knowing the victim?


i am not commenting on whether he is an asshole or not (irrelevalent), but how faulty reasoning (i.e persuade by looks, knowing the victim, etc) reaches in the conclusion of name-calling/premature judgment.


Again, i am not commenting on whether is he an asshole or not, but more intruigued by disconnect between thought process and reaction...


Princess Di, the ramsey case same same...



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What does known the victim has to do with it. Knowing the victim makes him more of an asshole than not knowing the victim?


i am not commenting on whether he is an asshole or not (irrelevalent), but how faulty reasoning (i.e persuade by looks, knowing the victim, etc) reaches in the conclusion of name-calling/premature judgment.


Again, i am not commenting on whether is he an asshole or not, but more intruigued by disconnect between thought process and reaction...


Princess Di, the ramsey case same same...




Ahh no. Someone commented that she is dead, what an asshole. Then you said why is he the asshole- she could have had the knife etc.


Let me make this simple for you. She is dead. He killed her. He is a murderer. I think that more than qualifies him as an asshole.


If you're trying to assert that we only think negatively of him because the girl (whose pic, as far as I know, has not been made public) could be attractive, you're nuts.


If someone carved up their maid I don't think they would find much sympathy here either.

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Jeez CB, your logic is a bit bizarre...i don't care what she looked like...she is dead...i don't care how old she was...she is dead.


The tragedy for me is that a MAN killed a WOMAN...it happens all the time, all over the world. I used to work with a lot of battered wives and children. Men who do this shit are fucking scum imho. Abuse of physical power, to control, terrify, murder.


The reason, jealousy. Pathetic. It often is too.


Golden rule of life, if someone cheats on you then they are not worth staying with or knowing, you walk...unless of course you are a whoring, wife battering useless fuck. Then you deserve it. You reap what you sow. There is NEVER any justification for violence, under any circumstances. I'm sure some can think of situations where a person can be pushed over the edge, but then that's down to personal responsibility and control/awareness. I'm very anti violence and the death sentence, as i believe i've evolved beyond such behaviour. I eternally hope that others will do so as well..so far it's not looking too good...


For the record, i have a 6 pack...in my fridge...you too can have one...it's easy...foodland sells them...


Crash999, i hope i didn't know her too...i've met and known a lot of folks along the way. Always shocking when this happens to someone you have met/known.


Finally i hope she rests in peace, she deserved a lot better than to meet this dumbfuck asshole, who couldn't control his basic emotional responses to his GF cheating. I will say that i'm not surprised that she cheated on him, if she indeed did, as he was obviously a severely flawed individual.....you gotta be to resort to such behaviour.

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You are correct...


I will re-state my position - he is an asshole and she is a dumb shit for choosing and staying with him as her companion. I guess she could have walked much earlier but given he probably showed no signs(who worked in social services before?)of being the contolling, violent, abusive, jealous type, she was caught completely by surprise and unaware by his violent outburst..


We all know these types never have a history or telling/warning signs until the final unpredictable act of violence. History is always a bad or inaccurate predictor of future behavior...


Maybe the money was too good or he was just too good-looking to leave? Damn human emotions; they always get in way of a presumed good thing...


Tragic case yes but sympathy? Only their friends who knew both of them would be better judges...



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