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How racist!


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Way to go to that guy!


It seems to be perfectly acceptable to have scholarships for blacks, hispanic, gay, elderly, women, aliens, but mention white and it is all of a sudden racist.


Has it ever occurred to anyone that positive discrimination is still discrimination?




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I believe poor whites should have access too scholarships but whatever way you look at it, as sub-groups in the population, Blacks and Hispanics are at a ridiculously large disadvantage in the US, a fact that I believe justifies positive discrimination.


So then target disadvantaged students, doing it by race is racist no matter how you spin it.

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I've never been 'comfortable' with affirmative action admissions but understand why we have it. Its a pride thing with me. I want to be able ot say I can compete with anyone on equal grounds but the world isn't a place based on equality by and large. With regards to the republican assertation in the article, I'll ask this. What about the preference for the children of alumni? The parents of minority candidates weren't even allowed admission years ago so had no chance to become alums. Children of wealthy and famous people get in with mediocre grades in hopes of them being giving alums.


Poor studens, black, white or latino, have been subjected to inferior schools and through no fault of their own went to High Schools that didn't prepare them for college. Its not their fault. The rich have far better public schools in their area than poor students. The 'collective' we have failed them in school and then ask why their admission scores are not on par with others. Had I went to the HS near me I would not have gotten the best schooling. I had to go to a school in the suburbs just to get calculus and other subjects.


This may sound crazy but there is preference for athletes. A 'C average, average board scores' black student wouldn't get into UCLA but his classmate with a C average but he is the top basketball player in the state gets in.


Point is either speak out against ALL preferences or none at all. But its hypocritical to be selective against some and okay with others.



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Steve you made a valid argument but you and i know this is a dead topic on here....because as we both know the only ones who know what it is like to be black in the world and have to face the uphill battles we have to face from day in and day out just for being a different color is you and i...on here you wont win this argument because as kool as some white folks might be they'll just never understand what's it's like so they wont see things like we see things the advantages and disadvantages...and probably never will.....but good try

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