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Nine-year-old TG wounded in LA gang crossfire


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"Person of interest" is another term for "suspect". It first started being uttered by police spokespersons (can't say spokesMEN anymore) a few years ago. Might've stemmed from the Richard Jewell fiasco. Better to call somebody a "person of interest" until you have the goods on 'em...or even if you do, as it may convey some doubt as to their guilt. In the instant case, it may have worked, since one of the "persons of interest" turned himself in. Anyway, it's used extensively now.



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I found the mother's statement about Christmas a little weird to make considering she has been in the country a year unless she is of course Christian. Maybe an example how fast the american culture of influence and indoctrination take place?






I always thought Christmas was an Israeli invention.



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a few things about the Mexician gang bangers ,


most of them were born in the USA,

their parents came here to work and give their kids a better life ,

but then they worked so many hours they did not take care of their kids,


the Mexician gang life has been going for over 50 years in LA , the movie Zoot Suits was about the 1942 riots of Mexician americians,



Now its heavy in the jails , and when these guys get out of prision they go back to the gang life,


Its not going to end , they like the gang life ,

its their "family"





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Nope, christmas in not israeli or jewish it's roman empire and earlier, it's the old midwinter feast. If Jesus ever existed he was absolutely not born in the cold winter anyhow. Also Herod the great died 4 BC so more things are wrong, there is something rotten in the kingdom of Denmark as someone once wrote. :cool:

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Gangs (whether born in america or not) flourish in America and we allow that to happen. You say that our culture is the complete opposite? America is a violent culture even with our emphasis on morality, freedom, and a harsh legal system.


I don't blame the ethnic groups because we as americans are nothing but a mix of ethnic groups. We as a country was built and still is some extent on immigration (the good and the bad that it brings).


How do you think the Irsih of the 1880's compare to the mexican gangs? Are you sweeping the black and white as well as the Lao, the chinese and cambodian gangs under the carpet? They flourish as well.


I am not saying gangs are not a problem. It is a huge problem and getting worse. But also didn't happen last week. As a country we have a history of gangs from different ethnic groups being allowed to flourish in our country...


If you are correct by saying it stems from pure ethnic background, the gang problems in proportion should be significantly higher in those countries of orgin since those countries would be more homegeneous in composition. What is Mexico, Laos, vietnamese's gang problems penetration rates and percentages compared to us? Following your logic, these countries would be one big network of various gangs. Maybe you can shed some light on the gang problems of Mexico and whether these kids were gang bangers before they came to america. I do know that the studies they did on cambodia and lao kids who belong to gangs here did not belong or other family members (older siblings) belong to gangs in their home countries. The orgin of the gang developed within our own framework/society due to our impersonal, open, lack of caring, sink or swin competitive attitude and society that we are. As a society we are willing to take the bad with the good. Unfortuantely, the economic disparity in america is widening and thus the ramifications, reactions and results of it.


Because of how our culture is structured with emphasis on economics more than anything else, these disadvantaged ethnic groups end up at the bottom. Yes, america is still the land of opportunity but we also know it has a pyramid shape to it.


Certain ethnic groups might have greater seed characteristics than other ethnic groups, but as a society we are the water that allows these groups to grow and flourish within our culture...


And the answer is not to contunie to develop the anti-gang task force within various local police dept. That is the same type of mentality/mindset of we see today in Iraq, Afganistan and Indochina in the 60's and 70's. Away with the anti-pollution devices on the end of tail pipes and smoke stacks approach....

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