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What Defines Sponsorship?


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Most BG and GTG think we are rich even when we tell them we are poor, itâ??s because we can afford to go on Holiday this is what they get pumped into their head ie: by the other girls at the Bars or by their friend who donâ??t know any better.


I always get "You have money because you can come to Thailand". even though I had to not go out anywhere for a year to save the money

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Sponsorship when you live in BKK can mean the best of everything without marriage and the other long term obligations.


Sponsorship when you do not live in Thailand usually means you are one of several falang guys all believing she loves you too much and paying for operations, land and emergencies that finance motorcycles for their husbands, sex for their husbands and maybe a few satang for her, if her husband is feeling generous.


If you live in BKK OK....try it.


If you visit two or three times a year forget it......

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Bust Said "That is the black & white view I referred too. Try and think outside the square or stereotype. What if she say was on her way home on a motorbike taxi and got cleaned up. She has a broken leg busted ribs etc. Not capable of taking care of herself, no family to support her. You decide to send her a few thousand baht a month till she gets back on her feet. Is that sponsoring or just doing the decent thing?


Decent thing to do and well done. :thumbup:

My father always said that you should treat others as you would want to be treated yourself.

If you were in the same situation, accident, no income you would hope that a few friends would give you asisstence till you were back on your feet. maybe a few people should remember that before the scam comments.


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1) Nok is different


2) What sort of money are we talking about gentlemen , Issan related sweethearts can comfortably maintain the whole gang with 10.000 baht a month . Makes 333,33 a day , how many drinks do you get for that ? Tilac cheating you or not , it is still a lot more of fun than 5 beers a day all year round even if you see her only 4 weeks alltogether . So what is the problem folks , envy those who waste the 10000 and give a damn ? 220 â?¬ a month for feeling well sound like a reasonable deal for me , and as it looks for some :sad: others .


Spending time in Siam teaching english is to my opinion a bigger waste of assets than sending a few bucks to Khorat . ( Sidenote only )


Mr OC gringo is spot on when he says no problem if you can afford it ; if you have te squeeze your wallet better stay away .



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Spending time in Siam teaching english is to my opinion a bigger waste of assets than sending a few bucks to Khorat .


IMO a very good point, from purely the financial side of things.


Before I got so involved with the intended Missus David I did "interact" with quite a few BG's :smirk:..........and I do not recall any who wanted from me more £££ wise than the usual buck for the bang. (a couple of marriage propositions - which I still think about now and again and wonder........but that is a seperate £££ transaction :) )


Their was one who after a few months invested in a couple of washing machines to try and get into the Samui laundry business, but she was at the end of her career - indeed I think I was a bit after her career had nosedived and she knew that punters like me (good heart / too soft :) ) were no longer queuing up.......that was my last trip to Samuii, so I never found out how the bizness went........I just used it later as an indication to me that some can get their shit together. if they want.


Having said that, I was very aware that some of them could have used some help £££ wise and that for me this would have been no great sweat but could have made a great impact for them. But I always kept my money firmly in my pocket / behind the bar :smirk: . and I do not recall anyone outright asking.


However, the Missus started out as a long shot for any future for her let alone an "us".......but I could see 2 years back she needed someone at that time to show some faith in her / to support her emotionally (if that is the right word??) if she was going to "make it" and that this would involve £££ from me.


I decided to help her, in order to give her a chance of getting her life together......whilst of course I did think about the possibility that things would develop for an "us" longer term this wasn't a requirement or was expected. Whilst hopeful I am also a realist / pessimist / sceptic by nature (says the man marrying a BG!!)


I was nonetheless still prepared to help her out £££ wise - simplely because she needed help and I could do so, for around the same money as I smoked each month. Not the same money as I could drink each month.


Of course the fact that I had known her for many years, had always had a soft spot for her (despite always knowing we had no future together and me never wanting any future with her, a BG or any Thai woman) helped me make the decision to help and just see where things went - plus I had probably reached a stage in my life where I was prepared to do this. 5 years earlier I am pretty certain I would not have bothered.


My view is. Don't send them money. Unless you want to...........and can afford to get no return (£££ wise and emotionally).




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That is the black & white view I referred too. Try and think outside the square or stereotype. What if she say was on her way home on a motorbike taxi and got cleaned up.... Is that sponsoring or just doing the decent thing?


It has nothing to do with sponsoring!


My ex got hooked up with a fake australian passport from human traffickers on the plane from BKK to Singapore on her way to London, took away everything from her and at the passport control in Singapore she got caught, She got deported and faced a serious sentence here in Thailand. I called her and asked her to fax me all the papers from the police and immigrations. Everything checked out and I arranged a meeting with a lawyer who charged 30k upfront and 30k after! The maximum sentence could be 5 years, very likely is 1 year he said. I told him he gets 20k more if he can get it down to 1 month! Luck for him and her, she had to spend 1 month in jail after 7 hearing sessions!


That was hardly sponsoring what I did, this was the right thing to do because if she ends up in Jail it would have had serious consequences, her family would starve to death, he son couldn't afford health care and school and she has a serious health condition that could have killed her! If she had to go to Jail for a year I promised her I will take care of her family with 10k baht per month! Still no sponsoring because I dont want anything in return, i am just helping a person I respect who can't get out of a situation herself!


Sponsorship usually benefits both, this was not the case here!


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I think what CT says is spot on.


If you are giving a girl money in order to "gain exclusivity" on the girl or get something in return, then it is sponsorship.


If you are giving cash to help out, and expecting nothing in return, then it cannot be sponsorship.

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I think what CT says is spot on.


If you are giving a girl money in order to "gain exclusivity" on the girl or get something in return, then it is sponsorship.


If you are giving cash to help out, and expecting nothing in return, then it cannot be sponsorship.

CT and MooNoi.........that is the exact conclusion I reached. If I send money unconditionally it's not sponsorship.

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Bust said: "Now suppose someone is in a difficult situation and needs help. Your absolutely certain your being told the truth and you decide to send her money to try and make life a bit easier for her given her current circumstances."


It is called help!


true love is when someone doesn't have to pay money to stay in the game!


What farangs do with thai girls is called sponsorship and in a more friendly way it is called supporting the person you love! However I doubt it is a selfless act to help someone out, the farang expects something in return, i.E. Love!

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