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CNN Scolds Michael Moore


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I just watched Sicko, and it is brilliant, if disturbing. Particularly poignant was the CC-TV footage of the disorientated, elderly woman who had been dumped from a car outside a homeless shelter when she couldn't pay her bills.


What was most worrisome about this incident was the fact that the hospital dumping the patients had deviced a coupon system to renumerate the taxi drivers who dumped their patients. That shows that it happened on a regular basis. "Here's the patient, here's you coupon, just go to the cashier after you've dumped your load."


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So hospitals should fill up their beds with those who are a bit deranged or have non-life-threatening (non-emergency) ailments and send those with broken limbs, serious head traumas, severe burns, major surgical patients to the homeless shelters. Fucking hospitals are for people who have serious physical problems. There are some psychiatric hospitals around that might be able to treat the "homeless". But the shelters are probably the most economical way to deal with the situation. Yeah...I read about some gal who was evicted from a hospital after MONTHS of ducking the bills. Nothing was really wrong with her except she didn't have a place to go. Well, that isn't exactly true, but her daughter would not take care of her. Would rather that the hospital do that for "free". Guess what? Those "freebies" are passed on to those who pay full fare and the insurance companies. Just like we all pay for shoplifting in the price we pay for stuff.



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You're right Hugh. How can a poor little country like the US, afford to treat it's homeless and mentally unwell with dignity?


Also, u concede that hospitals should be filled with people who are seriously ill. In the US it appears that insurance companies do everything they can to either avoid ensuring people who are likely to become ill (everyone, eventually), and to prevent those who are seriously ill from getting any treatment.


What is it about people who support such a system? In Ireland we call them "Me Feiners" (pronounced like {May Fayneer}), a term which describes people who think only about themselves.


Who wants to live in a society where all people think about is themselves, greedy, atomized bastards?

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Guest lazyphil

i saw a clip, put me off, a african (couild have been from anywhere, colour not relevent, they just were african thats all) immigrant couple chuckling about how the fact they said can get free treatment (after contributing nothing towards nhs) on nhs and big bad usa they cant, if mm thinks this is a good vehicle to display the shoirt comings of the us heath service i'd rather pass on this drivel!

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I always fail to understand why people are afraid of "social" measures. One day Bibblies, God forbid, you might actually come down with some condition not covered by your insurance, and end up like some of the people in Moore's documentary, working beyond the age of 79 just to keep your health coverage, or declaring bankruptcy and moving into your daughter's storage room because you can no longer afford to pay for your medication.

You fail to understand a lot, Fidel. :)


'Team America' is a movie you should see though I'm sure you'll ignore their treatment of your beloved Moore (who has been shit since his early promising BBC2 days imo).


The one big condition not covered by insurance, of course, is HIV/AIDS. I could see myself getting that. So your prediction may come true and I'd start eating my words, grateful for the lifeline. :( I have no daughter though. :dunno:

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