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Nana Car Park - A Lot of Sex - Part 3


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[color:red]Please note- this report will make a lot more sense if you have first read Part 1 and Part 2.[/color]


Around 2.30 a.m. I'd gotten as far as Soi 11. Still tons of girls and punters were about, a real street carnival sort of atmosphere. It was hard to move forward because of the spillover from the fold-up eateries crowding the sidewalk. I was beginning to suffer from sensory overload - the sights, smells, sounds and above all, the humidity, were beginning to get to me. I needed to sit down and regroup my thought processes.


I grabbed a vacant seat at one of the sidewalk eateries and ordered a Chang. I don't think the waiter (owner?) was happy to be giving up valuable seating space for only the price of a beer, but he didn't argue with me. The beer was ice cold and I pressed the bottle against the inside of my forearms to help cool me me off. I don't know if it has any basis in fact, but I've heard that cooling down the forearms is one of the quickest way to lower body temperature in hot, sticky weather. Seemed to work for me, and the beer did taste good. I knocked it back in a few swallows to replenish bodily fluids, then ordered another to drink at leisure while I pondered my next move. The sidewalk eatery's waiter/owner nodded in approval of the speed at which I had knocked back the first bottle.


So far the lower Suk had provided some memorable people watching, but little in the way of female companionship. Hundreds of ladies, yet not many that attracted me. Finding a lady shouldn't be something you have to grit your teeth to do. On the other hand, I was wide awake after my six-hour nap and I didn't want to spend the rest of the night watching cable TV back in my hotel room. It was a dilemma which didn't have an easy solution. After 50-plus trips to LOS, maybe I was simply too jaded. Or perhaps I was too set in my ways for late-night Sukhumvit Road.. There were plenty of girls young enough to be my daughter just 1,500 baht and a short walk away from my bed, but it didn't seem enticing.





Multiple-lady sessions have long been my preference - I've had fantasies about two or more girls at once since I was old enough to have fantasies. It was something I'd tried to do even prior to my first visit to LOS back in 1979, with varying degrees of success before and after that memorable milestone in my mongering career.




A Flourish of Strumpets



The physical sex with two or more ladies can be supremely thrilling, but it is mainly a psychological turn on. There's nothing quite like making an entrance into a bar or hotel accompanied by a flourish of strumpets. And as befits a writer, I get a lot of inspiration from an anthology of pro's. That's why the Eden Club had proved such a perfect solution for me - as many ladies as I desired, all of whom were excellent companions and never a worry about satisfaction or security. But that option was long past for the night in question, so I was reduced to the saddest of all trains of thought - woulda, coulda, shoulda. Bemoaning that I'd slept too long wasn't going to help and I tried to think along a more constructive path, but was beginning to doubt I'd find one lady, much less several.



I wasn't the only one having trouble hooking up. Sitting scrunched together at the table next to me was a group of a half dozen guys in their 30's. All but one of them had had a lot to drink yet no success with the ladies. They were speaking loudly and I learned through unintentional eavesdropping that they were car salesmen from various European countries who'd won a trip to Bangkok as a reward the best sales results in their regions. The only guy who didn't seem to be having a good time was the one from Istanbul. He didn't drink, nor did he approve of the bars they had visited earlier that night. In the company of drunk and horny Brits, Germans and Scandinavians, the car dealer from Turkey felt very much the Ottoman out.


The car dealers at that point vacated their table and were replaced by a group of Middle Eastern men, one of whom was wearing traditional dress. It brought back memories - almost none of them fond - of the time I'd spent in the Gulf states. I recalled when the sheikhs used to board commercial airliners with hooded falcons on their arms. The flight attendants would spread out newspapers on the first-class seat beside the sheikh so both the falconer and his bird could fly in comfort. Once a sheikh tried to bring along two dead rabbits in case his falcon got hungry en route, but the stewardess reminded him the rule was one carrion per passenger.


I ordered a third beer and tried to marshal my random thoughts into a plan of action, but kept getting distracted. A few tables away, a TG is arguing furiously with several men. I imagined the argument centered on services rendered but not paid for, at least not at the level the girl had wanted. By the looks of them, the men were East Europeans and quite literally tough customers. They were both battle-scarred and tattooed, clearly the veterans of some hellish prison system.


"You very bad man," she screamed at one of them, tears running down her cheeks.


"Go, go," he responded angrily and gestured at her like he was flicking away a fly. The table they were sitting at was almost groaning under the weight of plates of food and bottles of beer. It reminded me of the Mad Hatter's tea party in Alice in Wonderland, except with the characters sketched by Charles Manson instead of Walt Disney. If violence did erupt, at least the TG wouldn't be alone. Those three guys, mean as they looked, would be fighting at least 20 Thais in very short order.


Suddenly Sukhumvit Road didn't seem that much fun anymore. In a moment of conscience, I decided to call it quits. The weirdness of the night had gotten to me. The stuff about the Suk circus I don't like - the one-legged beggar dragging himself along the sidewalk; the little kids selling flowers at 2.30 a.m.;the girls who were abused by customers; the smells of sour sweat, piss, vomit and rotting food scraps; the gloomy feeling that violence is always a hair's breadth away - overwhelmed my horniness. I decided to drink my last beer and accept defeat in finding company for the night, unless something happened on the way back to my hotel on Soi 18.



"You Forget Me?"



In fact, it happened even faster. No sooner had the waiter put my beer down than a young lady standing nearby table began smiling and waving at me. She certainly wasn't bad looking, but I'd also seen much better that night and I didn't really feel in the mood for that kind of approach. I ignored her, but that only prompted her to walk over and ask, "You forget me?"


Age may be catching up with me, but don't call me Al (short for Alzheimer's) just yet. There's no way I could have had sex with her and not remembered it. But TGs possess incredible memories and she might simply have been a girl for whom I bought a lady drink many moons ago.


"I don't know," I said with a friendly smile. It couldn't do any harm to listen to what she had to say and I motioned for her to it down Â? except there wasn't a chair.


The waiter came to the rescue by pulling one from another table and I ordered a beer for her. She sat down, beamed a big smile, told me her name was Da and wanted me to guess where she'd met me. I had no idea whatsoever, but not wishing to jinx the mood, I decided to play her silly game. I made a couple of wild stabs at an answer, then she told a rather unremarkable story that was nevertheless testimony to the fabled long memory of TGs.s


In my pre-Eden days, I had tried to set up multiple-lady sessions with various freelancers and BGs I'd encountered. Da had been one of team that a long-ago FLer had been trying to assemble. That particular party had never come off, but Da had remembered me from the 10-minute introductory meeting. Apparently our mutual friend had spoken well of me, at least that's the explanation Da gave for recalling my face. I had only a vague recollection of having met her, but I wasn't hesitant to renew the acquaintanceship. Da was in her mid-to-late 20's, slim and not decked out like a Suk streetwalker. She had a great smile and seemed genuinely happy to see me. I know the smile was part of the act, but one of the great advantage TGs have over other P4P providers is their ability to create an illusion that's almost indistinguishable from reality.


She asked me the usual, "Where you stay?" and "How long you you stay Bangkok?" questions, but didn't appear in a hurry to conclude a deal. She declined my offer of food and seemed content just to hang out and chit-chat. But I was beginning to tire of the Sukhumvit circus and wanted to go back to my hotel, whether alone or with Da. I asked if she wanted to go with me and she nodded yes.


I'm firmly convinced that it's usually better to negotiate in detail what's expected. Politely but directly, I'll talk to the lady about how long she's willing to stay, what services she'll provide and the compensation she expects. With FLer's off the street or out of bars, it's almost always best to establish very clear parameters. That way both she and I know what to expect, thereby minimizing the chance that either of us will be surprised or disappointed.


Of course, not everyone will agree with this approach. Plenty of experienced mongers believe too much explicity destroys the mood and the illusion of a girl-friend experience. These punters say they never mention price or terms and should the lady do so, they'll reject her without further ado.


Maybe it's a consequence of getting older or maybe I'd just gotten used to the surety and transparency of the Eden experience, but I felt a bit uneasy about going back to my hotel without having any idea about what would happen. Would she stay two hours or 12? Would she expect 1,500 baht or 4,000 baht? Maybe some guys enjoy the vagaries of the hunt, but I much prefer the certainty of an Eden session. However, self-doubt wasn't going to win me anything in the current situation, so I put away the negative speculation and decided just to go with the flow.


In Part 4, I conclude my adventures with Da and repay a karmic debt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes old chap, you certainly have the early morning Soi 4 atmosphere just right.I even have thought about eventually becoming one of those old pharts who inhabit the Nana hotel lounge..but would miss my lovely dogs too much.


While I have taken many lassies over the years from Nana bars and the odd FR from the Nana disco, even when quite drunk my brain has somehow drawn a line at hiring one from the street or car park...perhaps for fear of ending up with someone pretty but who is not quite a girl.

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