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Newt Gingrich, "Bush waging phony war on terrorism"


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Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Thursday the Bush administration is waging a "phony war" on terrorism,


"None of you should believe we are winning this war. There is no evidence that we are winning this war," the ex-Georgian told a group of about 300 students attending a conference for collegiate conservatives.


"I believe we need to find leaders who are prepared to tell the truth"

"What I'm trying to start is a new dialogue that is evidence-based,"



>evidence-based< .. totally un christian

good americans are belief based


Any clod can have the facts; having beliefs is an art.


"So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence." - Bertrand Russell.

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I am just wondering how far *some* republicans are willing to go to get elected...? Sad part is, look at the democrats, and who they have, then have a look at the republican side...either way, WE the public lose.


Regarding the religious angle here, do leaders in other developed countries, such as in Europe, frequently quote god, or reference religion?

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No, belief in god in the UK is around 35-40% according to a BBC programme a few years ago (around 90% in the USA interesting, not much different from Muslim states)...only around 1 million regularly go to church...it's not exactly a vote winner...in fact you're more likely to be considered nuts if you start all the god fodder crap...however, it is considered 'respectable' to demonstrate some 'christian' allegience, for a politician...mostly to suggest you are moral in some way...which of course is farcical.

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I recall being very disappointed at Bush for declaring 'war on terror' as it was too open ended. You knew what had to happen to win any war. Defeat the enemy and the enemy was a nation.


Maybe I've got the 'conspiracy' bug but I never trusted the 'war on terror' declaration because there was no way we'd know if we truly won. It wasn't a fight against a nation. Its akin to the 'war on drugs'. How do we know when that war is won? Coke stops coming in this country? How much is stop? None whatsoever or it reduces to a trickle? Or is it won when enough Americans stop wanting cocaine? And what is that number of Americans? Its too open ended and so is the war on terror. It gives a lot of license to our government. Not just this administration but any succeeding administration a lot of power in the name of war. And Americans traditionally defer to the better judgment of the government when fighting wars.


So my question is how do we know when we've won this war on terror? When Bin Laden is dead? You can never fully eradicate islamic fundamentalism to zero. Is there any definable thing that has to occur for us to declare the war won?



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Is there any definable thing that has to occur for us to declare the war won?



Here are a few signs CS.....there will only be a few basic security precautions at airports and public buildings, oil will go back to $15 a barrel and Israeli tourists will be welcome in Mecca.


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