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Keith Olbermann shreds Bush in Video


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OK, so can someone explain why the government told the FBI to call off surveillance of some of the 9/11 terrorists just days before the attack? how about how the FBI agents monitoring some of the flight schools/students/terrorists were to to stand down...all just too much of a coincidence.


Oh, and what about all these suspected terrorist cells and planned attempts that were foiled...what ever happened to those guys? seems they all just faded away...seems ignoring it/being complacent does serve the agenda...


Oh, and can anyone explain how if the majority of the terrorists are/were from Saudi, why we needed to invade Iraq and Afganistan, and maybe, if this nut job has his way, Iran? Also explain why/how the Bush family has ties/business with the Saudis including members of the Bin Laden family...? See, there is reason to be a bit suspicious here... How can you blame anyone for questioning the "official GWB line...?"

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I read conflicting reports about the passengers involvement, supposedly, there are/were cockpit recordings, and cellphone conversations over heard by the families...I suppose they can be interpreted either way.


We should never trivialize the victims in this, and it is for them, that we should continuously seek the truth, and should it ever be found, punish any and all responsible in the attacks, and any possible cover ups/misrepresentations.

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Well, look at the physical evidence. You've got a engine and other debris found eight miles away. It's important to recall that every description of the main crash site is that the airplane was OBLITERATED. Very small debris was spread over a couple hundred yards. This is exactly what you'd expect to see when an Airliner is driven into the ground as they described. Nothing survived this impact bigger than a few inches in diameter...yet miles away they found human remains and an engine.


The NTSB theory is that a lot of lightweight paper-like material survived the crash fireball and escaped the 35 foot deep, wet mud crash site and floated at 10 mph 2 - 8 miles over more wet, muddy fields. And how did clothing, books and large engine parts blow there again? And is there stuff 2 to 8 miles away at the Pentagon crash? Any other (no-mid-air explosion) crash site?


The debris is NOT continuous. The NTSB didn't even have a clue the secondary debris existed until phone calls from residents brought skeptical investigators looking. If these debris were heavier than feathers it would not have floated from an explosion the height of 600 feet to 11,000+ feet sideways. Even if it could, there would have been a continuous trail back to the crash with the heavier items falling first. All the debris at the crash crater bounced south and southwest. The secondary debris were found east.


If you can document another air crash where the aircraft crashed intact but had fairly significant debris spread over a couple miles like clothing, metal pieces like confetti etc, let me know. My research shows that they look like this (PDF, section 1.12 relevant), unless a mid-air explosion like TWA800 or PanAm103 (Lockerbie).


They can say what they want, but the physics don't lie. As I said, I do not have a problem with the decision. Even if horrific, it was the right thing to do.


And to add, there *was* an F16 on the tail of UA93:


[color:blue]The Nashua controllers have learned through discussions with other controllers that an F-16 fighter stayed in hot pursuit of another hijacked commercial airliner until it crashed in Pennsylvania, the employee said.


Although controllers don't have complete details of the Air Force's chase of the Boeing 757, they have learned the F-16 made 360-degree turns to remain close to the commercial jet, the employee said.


"He must've seen the whole thing," the employee said of the F-16 pilot's view of United Flight 93's crash near Pittsburgh. The flight took off from Newark Airport for San Francisco, and authorities say the hijackers were headed for another target in Washington, D.C.[/color].




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??? According to Robert Grodon (sp), Noted expert on this, there were four shooters, 1 he named, as the guy was dead. All supposedly members of the French Connection ring. He made this claim in the documentary "The men who killed Kennedy." As I recall, he had additional facts to suport this claim. True or not, most agree, it was not 1 "magic bullit."


Point is, there is enough proof to suggest that what we were told was a lie. Hence, why believe "them" (the Government) now? It is the same as GWB insisting Iraq had weapons of Mass destruction, we say prove it, where are they? he says "prove they don't..." as Suadam and others have said, you cannot prove a negative.

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True or not, most agree, it was not 1 "magic bullit."

Yup. I do not know what happened, but as I recently said, the physics cannot lie (and the magic bullet is just that as it defies natural laws). So therefore, we have never been told the whole story.


[color:blue]According to the single bullet theory, a one-inch long, copper jacketed, lead core 6.5 millimeter rifle bullet fired from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository passed through President Kennedyâ??s neck, Governor Connallyâ??s chest and wrist and embedded itself in the Governorâ??s thigh. In doing so, the bullet traversed 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, approximately 15 inches of tissue, struck a tie knot, removed 4 inches of rib and shattered a radius bone. The bullet that is supposed to have done all this damage was found on Governor Connallyâ??s stretcher in the corridor at the Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas. It became a key Commission exhibit, identified as CE399. Its copper jacket was completely intact. The bulletâ??s nose appeared normal, but the tail was compressed laterally on one side.[/color] Link


When looking for answers: a) follow the science and B) (even more importantly) follow the money!




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Oh, and can anyone explain how if the majority of the terrorists are/were from Saudi, why we needed to invade Iraq and Afganistan, and maybe, if this nut job has his way, Iran?


Easy answer I think. Look at it this way, Pearl harbor was bombed by Japanese, but the US instead made a beeline straight for Germany as a direct result of that particular attack, dealing with Japan later on. This is the same thing. 9/11 was the excuse needed to go knocking peoples blocks off whoever they thought needed it in the name of making the world safer. The Saudi's are surely later down on the list, but there are bigger fish to fry right now and they can pacify some countries with money which they couldn't do with Afghanistan.


Alright, so where are all you conspiracy theorists for d-day? Why had Germany recalled Rommel (one of the most notorious generals of the war and in charge of the atlantic wall) for leave with his family on that day? Why were dozens of German division, regimental, and battalion commanders away from their posts at war games on that day? Why had it just so happened that Germany's advanced pressure sensitive sea mines that would have wreaked havoc on ships were scheduled to be replaced at that time and as a result non-existent? Why was it Hitler happened to be on sleeping pills and not to be disturbed resulting in the key panzer commanders and reserves being frozen? Too many coincidences, must have been a big conspiracy...or maybe not. Sometimes s*** happens.


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"...When looking for answers: a) follow the science and B) (even more importantly) follow the money!..."


Precisely! On a side note, people are quick to point out the evils of Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin etc...yet, it seems, we have some notion that our country/leaders are simply not capable of the same such crap, and some will just believe anything they are told by their governments...naive? stupid? Arrogant? all of the above?


As long as there is money and power to be had, I will put nothing passed anyone.

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Why had Germany recalled Rommel (one of the most notorious generals of the war and in charge of the atlantic wall) for leave with his family on that day?

I've read that that was orchestrated by the French Underground (i.e., "friends" making him feel guilty) and he went back for some significant day (wife's b-day or anniversary or something). BS or not, I dunno. Likewise the rest of your list.




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