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Guest lazyphil




seems at last we're getting closer to the root cause of this anti christian anger and anxiety!


look, if i were to mock buddha or buddha related mythology here which i wouldn't and have no cause too, but if i did or anyone else i assure you they'd be jumped on by many thai custodian posters here!



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firstly, let me state categorically that I have absolutely no first hand experience in the matter, but from what I've read, there are obviously many thousands that have!!!


I'm just disgusted by acts which are, to me, blatant abuse of the position of trust (and power) that they are perceived to hold..


That does not, however, change my opinions of "Men in Black Dresses" and they way they control and manipulate the ignorant masses (in many ways)


Secondly, making a comparison using Tiger's Xmas tree (Note the spelling...no relegious connection what so ever!!)as a form of insult to relegion...(Whatever type)...is drawing such a long bow it's laughable...JMHO


Next thing, you'll be trying to tell us that The Easter Bunny is bad, cos chickens don't lay Chocolate Eggs....lol...


Anyway...Merry XXXXmas....hope you get the DVD you ordered..


..The Elves tell me it's a corker....HoHoHo


Cheers Dumb S...anta


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Beeee-you-tee-ful! I must secure at least one bottle for me "religious kitsch" collection. It would nestle nicely between the Pope-on-a-log and my Jesus-soap-on-a-rope, with an old girlfriend's star-and-crescent belly-button jewelry lying in front of it (for some sparkle LOL)!!!





Maybe DS can secure a crate or 268 :smirk:


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seems at last we're getting closer to the root cause of this anti christian anger and anxiety!

Nope, the root cause of my disdain for Xtianity is that they are NEVER satisfied with just doing their own thing. I have no problem with people doing stupid things as long as it does not impact my life.


But Xtians always have to proselytize, judge, and force their beliefs down the throats of everyone -- sometimes even through violence. And after they "convert the heathens" they up and leave and then we get shit like this. Perhaps Xtians should worry more about shit like this rather than where I stick my dick, or if a couple of fags wanna get married, or whinge about being "persecuted" when 82+% of his country identify as being Xtian.


The only other religion that does this (but to a *much* lesser extent) is Islam. You never see a Jew, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, Rastafarian, or whatever trying to convert others, nor interfere with private matters (tho' fundamental Muslims also sure love to muck about with folks private lives). And as a result, I have far less to say about them in public.


Now about my Xmas tree pix. No, not mocking Xmas. I just thought it humourous. And I actualy think the tree to be attractive: nice color green and the sun glinting off the bottles looks pretty. No, I'd say you are ragging on this post for personal reasons. Really, if you were gonna get your panties in a bunch, then why not about Mekong's pix? I mean, that's a company blatantly using a "Xtian symbol" to market a product that is "sinful."


Honestly Phil, look in the mirror. You are not any better than the silly Muslims who protest over cartoons or teddy bear names. OK, maybe you don't want my head on a pike, but I wouldn't bet against it either...




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Hmmm ... seems to me I recall a lot of Hindus killing Muslims not so long ago, Hindus destroying a centuries old mosque built on the alledged birthplace of Rama, Hindus burning Christian missionaries and their families alive.


Maybe Hindus don't "interfere" with your life because you don't live where they do. Hindus don't want to convert you. In fact, if you're not Indian they don't WANT you to convert. It's THEIR religion, not yours.


<< But Xtians always have to proselytize, judge, and force their beliefs down the throats of everyone -- sometimes even through violence...


The only other religion that does this (but to a *much* lesser extent) is Islam. >>


You've taken leave of your senses, right? Muslims NEVER try to tell people how to act, how to dress, what to believe etc etc.












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Your opinions of organised religion are very similar to mine in many respects except one.


The diffferance being the fact that you can come accross as borish as the pro-religious types by continuously stating your opinion on the subject and attempting to validate it.


As you rightly said, any form of belief or non belief is an individuals given right as long as it does not impact your life. Just maybe your continued comments about your personal viewpoint may be impacting others.


This is not a dig at you mate, just an observation.


Happy Holidays to people of all beliefs or otherwise. :beer:



PS Mine was a New Year Tree :_party:

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But Dad, I didn't start it 55555555. Ya true, but I am a loud mouth as you know; and when pushed, I push back.


Frash, I meant that Muslims do not try very hard to convert people. Yes, the fundy ones certainly meddle in people's lives -- but usually only their own kind (not counting the way lunatic jihadis, just the normal ones) and the middle class ones just live & let live IME (YMMV).




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