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Jobs That You've Had in Thailand


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Artistic Director. I started with a local firm in VN then moved on to Saatchi in Singapooh, then onward and upward. It's pretty easy to get an advertising job actually. I was able to hustle my way in the door by playing up a couple of graphic design classes I had taken at community college in the States. You sure as heck don't need a degree to do it.

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Thanks for checking out my site YimSiam. It's just a hobby right now, but I'm trying to turn it into something with a respectable amount of quality.


Yeah. When I look back, I think the route you took is the preferable one. However, I have found that the experience/knowledge that I picked up from being in the region for so long is useful in my current job (adverts). Perhaps I simply went through a different kind of education.


BTW: I think you meant "plane ticket" not "plan ticket." Spell-check not lest ye be spell-checked.


Come on, don't tell me you've never heard of a "plan ticket" before?! :) Thanks for putting up the site, i don't mean to run you down, just a friendly suggestion for polishing up...


As far as strategies for doing what you want, where you want, it's diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks, isn't it? A little bit of everything is probably good - for me, before settling in my current field, that's meant tour-guiding, ecotourism "expert", election monitor(my advice: keep out of Buriram at election time...), editor, and yes, a stint - thankfully brief, as it's such a pain in the ass - as a certified TEFL-toting English teacher...



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As to the advice - once you've seen Phanomreung (or however you spell the name of that Khmer site), the only other true wonder of Buriram can be found on the streets and in the bars and go-gos of Bangkok, so there's not much reason to drag your ass up there anyway... As my bearded friends say: why should Mohammed go to the mountain, when the mountain can come to Mohammed?



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>>It's pretty easy to get an advertising job actually. I was able to hustle my way in the door by playing up a couple of graphic design classes I had taken at community college in the States. You sure as heck don't need a degree to do it. <<


I beg to differ. I run one of the 4A ad agencies here and there is no way on earth you would be able to "wing" or "hussle" it at our place or at any of the other MN agencies. Expats are the last resort when it comes to hiring and we then only recruit them if there is a specific need and they can demonstrate exceptional skill sets. Bullshitters are quickly found out.


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i was actually sent here by my employer. i did not have the intention before to come here for work. however i changed my job in the meanwhile and stayed in the region...

:yeahthat: I actually started off in Japan, then LoS, the Malaysia, then Sillypore, then Hongkers, then back to LoS...




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Samak and SD have similar stories to mine.


I was first in the SE Asia region in 1988, working in South Korea. At the time I was in a bad marriage in the UK and one of my work collegues whos was (and still is) married to a Thai and living in Thailand suggested I cash in my R 'n' R ticket to the UK and come to Thailand instead.


Obviously after the first trip I was hooked and after the work in Korea finished I then got a project in Japan, still R 'n' R in Thailand every 4 months. In 1991 I landed my first job in Thailand at the then STAR refinery in Map Ta Phut as Controls Systems Engineer (The only type of work I have ever done). After that project finished I had made my home base here and took work anywhere be it China, Middle East and Even the States, I have always been of the mindset I work in my profession and will not try alternatives just to work in a specific location.


Over time I have had a couple of Contracts in Thailand again until mid 2005 when I was offered a staff position with a Multi National Engineering company here in Thailand, the position I still currently hold.


Overseas trips are far and few between now, but 1 week in Singapore / Korea / Japan / Malaysia / China etc is a lot better than 3-4 months at a time in the Middle East.


Even though I have always dreamed of working in Thailand full time I have never compromised my earnings potential and taken any old job just to do so, I always had confidence that one day it would happen within my own line of work and after 14 years of being based here back in 2005 it seems to have happened.


The irony is, the first client I ever worked for in Thailand back in 1991 now hire my services (throught the company I work for) as a consultant on their latest project.


It takes a lot of time, effort and patience to establish yourself in your home country, to do so in a foreign country more so, I don't know if I am lucky, stubborn or just good at my job, but my crazy plan is starting to come together and as a 40 something I am where I want to be.


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