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Men Have Been Made Redundant


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Scientists at the University of Newcastle have managed to create human sperm cells using a female embryonic stem cell.


The researchers, led by Prof Karim Nayernia, had previously created primitive sperm cells from male bone marrow. Theyâ??re currently working on making the cells from female bone marrow, which would be much easier and more practical than creating them from embryos.


The creation means that lesbian couples could soon have children that shared the DNA of both women, rather than having one male biological father. A sperm cell created from one partner could fertilize her partnerâ??s egg.


also in Telegraph, the same thing.


Sperm cells have been created from a female human embryo in a remarkable breakthrough that suggests it may be possible for lesbian couples to have their own biological children.



Lesbian couples could one day have children who share both their genes

British scientists who had already coaxed male bone marrow cells to develop into primitive sperm cells have now repeated the feat with female embryonic stem cells.


The University of Newcastle team that has achieved the feat is now applying for permission to turn the bone marrow of a woman into sperm which, if successful, would make the method more practical than with embryonic cells...



(Now my question is how did the geordies come up with this? (apologies ahead to time to Newcastle residents on the forum..hehehe)






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I don't get it. What is the scientific value of pursuing this? For lesbians to be able to 'father' children? Here comes 'The Planet of the Baritone Women'. Next up, men are outlawed and placed in concentration camps and 'pleasure' camps. Men, who needs 'em? :help::yikes::susel::cussing:


p.s. Notice that, no mention of men suffering from testicular cancer being able to father children using a female relation of his to make the sperm, just the lesbians having a good use for it. Bah!

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If lesbians can father their own children, then who'll pay the child support when they split up?


Recent case in Scotland where two lesbians split and the sperm donor who once was a close friend ended up paying the child support. The hairier of the two lesbians had done a runner. Men!





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Double standards. Women want equal rights but not equal responsibility. I bet that same guy had no visitation rights whatsoever.


My view would be the sperm donor has no responsibility whatsoever and no rights whatsoever to visitation. He wouldn't even be a factor in any legal proceedings.


I have a very differing view on it all and its not very popular. I agree that its a woman's body. But I disagree that a man should be held responsibility to what is solely a woman's decision whether to keep or abort a baby. A woman has a one night stand. Gets pregnant. In my world (sordid as it is), if the woman doesn't tell the guy she is pregnant and carries the baby to term, he has no rights or obligation to that baby.


In fact, if we are to say its her body, therefore her baby and her decision, outside of marriage, then the guy is absolved from any responsibility whatsoever if she carries to term unless they are married or they had some pre-existing binding agreement or contract.


If the argument that it 'takes two to make a baby' then it takes those two to make the decision. I don't understand leagally how a man can be held financially responsible for an act he had no say in.




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Frankly, I am sick of all this feminist crap. They already fucked the economy/standard of living with their shit, now what?


All they ever do is bitch about SPECIAL rights, NOT equal rights. All emphasis is on empowering women, improving conditions for women etc...now there is even a bitch about how the economic downturn is adversely effecting women more...fuck them all, it just get sickening and annoying after awhile. Shit, even that bitch Gloria Steinem said the women's movement went too far...


I for one enjoy giving women 100% equal rights, I don't hold doors for them, give up my seat buy them drinks, and on the job they sure as shit better do as much as me, as they are getting the same salary. Chivalry is dead with me, and it is dead for a reason, because the girls wanted it that way, so congrats girls, you're equal. Now see how bad it sucks paying for dinner and coming up short at the end of the night.

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