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New Interior Minister (not old)


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Here is some stuff on the new guy and I LIKE IT!

This guy is talking sense

On a note to the war on drugs please be advised that in my Beloved Phuket there are gang wars on drug turf. Now, I'm for deportation and black listing of Farang caught with outlaw drugs, not the almost inhumane conditions of Thai prisons. I am for the total eradication of dealers and trafficers! Thai or otherwise! Just like the traffic cop who is entitled to keep part of the preoceeds I think that Drug Offices should have the same incentives! It is happy days now that the U.S. will return to BIG money for Thailand in the war on drugs. :):):):):):)

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the first sentence is especially telling:

"Interior Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung Thursday pledged to do his job with accountability and transparency."

doesn't one of his sons still have to account for a dead cop in a transparent manner?


What does his sons actions have to do with what he will do?????/ did you try to make a point?


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the first sentence is especially telling:

"Interior Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung Thursday pledged to do his job with accountability and transparency."

doesn't one of his sons still have to account for a dead cop in a transparent manner?


What does his sons actions have to do with what he will do?????/ did you try to make a point?


What Ed said, and the old clichè that "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." Clichès become clichès for a reason...


Don't worry, the PPP gummint is following the BushCo strategy -- install people in positions where they have no business being, e.g., Dr Surapong as Finance Minister when he has zero experience in that sector (he's an MD); of course, he did such a bang up job as IT minister for Thakky (the one responsible for the internet censorship) even tho he has never used a computer, so why not finance :doah::banghead: ?



SD -- has his open ticket to leave LoS at the ready for when this shit blows up!

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It is happy days now that the U.S. will return to BIG money for Thailand in the war on drugs.Where did you get that from The U.S never stopped funding Thailand though it announced that while the last goverment was in power that it suspended milatry funding the state dept works day to day with the army, police and many more govermment agents and whats with the square head picture TWIT.






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ICT Minister's after Surapong where the people who installed the censorship.


At the time of his Ministry, he had a lot of critics, however in hind site he was one of the better ICT or even best ICT Minister.


Surapong has a very interesting far left background, and was always along with Promin considered both heavy influencers of Thaksin's policies as well as clear moderates.



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the first sentence is especially telling:

"Interior Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung Thursday pledged to do his job with accountability and transparency."

doesn't one of his sons still have to account for a dead cop in a transparent manner?


They only printed part of the interview , leaving out:

"Newly appointed Minister of Interior Police Captain Chalerm Yoobamrung (��ลิม อยู��ำรุ�) yesterday spoke past the media that he is sorry for his tainted past and flawed family image, alluding to past incidents involving his children."

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Chalerm's son, Wan, who was the one who held the policeman down so that his brother could shoot him, has been appointed to become assistant to the Public Health Minister.


""In the past, society saw this boy in a scary way but I see him as a well-mannered and polite boy," Chaiya, the Health Minister, said.


He said he would designate Wan as a presenter in the awareness campaign against drinking and smoking, praising him as role model who has turned to public service after involving in pub brawls."


This is completely crazy! :surprised:


Maybe he'll hospitalize anyone he finds smoking.

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