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Fidel Calls it a Day


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They did ... leave!





<< The appellation of Lucha Contra Bandidos (War Against Bandits) was ascribed by the Cuban authorities and their historians to denigrate the anticommunist insurgency, the Alzado rebels, "who have taken to the hills" in opposition to Fidel Castro's dictatorship. This war was not known as such, certainly, by the people of Las Villas province, where the opposition first developed, intensified, and this province was the principal area of combat.


The uprising began almost immediately after Castro's rise to power in 1959. It was led by former Castro supporters and small landowners disenchanted by his close ties to the Soviet Union and what they saw as his betrayal of the revolution's democratic ideals. The rural population violently resisted the government's nationalization of their land in Soviet-style collectivization. [color:red]The guerrilla war lasted longer and involved far more rebels than had the original struggle against the Batista forces.[/color] The Escambray rebellion was finally crushed by the Cuban government's overwhelming Soviet-backed forces in 1965. Even pro-Castro sources admit: â??Cuban casualties in the Escambray alone were nearly three times as great as at the Bay of Pigsâ?Â. >>





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Well Phil. Your government shouldn't have sent your troops/planters over to steal our land and resources and starve us to death, now should they?


Were you happy with the Apartheid state your people were running in my country?


The phenomenon of suffering from terror attacks as a result of a government's actions elsewhere is known as 'blowback'. It is happening to the US right now.


The attacks carried out in Britain by the IRA pale in comparison to the injustices piled upon the Irish over centuries of Imperialist Pig-dog British Oppression.





I think it is high time that the British Government formally apologised to the Irish for causing the Great Famine. It was a particularly disgraceful period in our history.


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To hell with America.


Who are they to punish the Cuban people for choosing their own form of government?


Are we including the tens of thousands that risk their lives to escape Cuba by boat and the hundreds of thousands still there who would gladly leave for America if they were allowed to?


Like a lot of things, its not black and white but relative.


My personal opinion is that the time has long come for us to forge better relations with Cuba. Many disagree here but I think the best way to get rid of Castro and the system is open up trade with them. The more exposure to American people, goods, services, tourism, television, movies, etc. the faster the system there changes and it brings more money to the poor down there as well.


Castro is no saint. And the U.S. has done things down there it shouldn't have. To pick a clear 'good guy' and 'bad guy' is, in my opinion, just picking and choosing facts and avoiding the whole truth.


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Castro is no saint. And the U.S. has done things down there it shouldn't have. To pick a clear 'good guy' and 'bad guy' is, in my opinion, just picking and choosing facts and avoiding the whole truth.


There is a fundamental, qualitative difference between a constitutional republic and a communist dictatorship. All humans are flawed and all human systems are imperfect but Castro was a murderer and a tyrant and a liar in ways that are qualitatively different from the shortcomings of any American President in history. To ignore this is to embrace evil.

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Who is ignoring it? We do business and have relations with oppressive regimes and governments. Its hypocracy to pick and choose. There is some good. The former Batista government had an elitist class. Blacks in Cuba before Castro were relegated to the lowest classes and denied an education. Since Castro there are tons of blacks and mulatos who otherwise would not have been teachers, doctors, etc. were it not for Castro. Same with other poor people on the island. Access to medical care for the poor as well.


Also to deny our foreign policy regarding Cuba is based on nothing more than the Cuban lobby and Cuban vote in Florida is denying the facts.



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but Castro was a murderer and a tyrant and a liar in ways that are qualitatively different from the shortcomings of any American President in history. To ignore this is to embrace evil.

Replace Castro (or Cuba) with Chile in the '70s, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Shah of Iran, and a host of other countries we've sided with over the years and at the present.

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