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Schwarzenegger Blasts Bush on Global Warming


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Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, R-Calif., spoke out against President Bush this morning attacking his administration for its failure to counter global warming emissions.


"This administration did not believe in global warming," Schwarzenegger told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview that will air Sunday on ABC's "This Week."


"They just didn't believe in it or they didn't believe that they should do anything about it, since China is not doing anything about it and since India is not willing to do the same thing, so why should we do the same thing?" Schwarzenegger said.


"We don't wait for other countries to do the same thing. That's what makes America number one... And I think we have a good opportunity to do the same thing, also, with fighting global warming," he said.


Schwarzenegger's comments came in reaction to the Environmental Protection Agency's recent decision not to take further action against global warming during the remainder of Bush's presidency. "Well, to be honest with you, if they would have done something this year, I would have thought it was bogus anyway," he said. When asked why, the California Governor said, "because you don't change global warming and you don't really have an effect by doing something six months before you leave office."


Schwarzenegger argued that any action taken by the administration at this point would not have been sincere.


"I think that the way they have done it is much better... This administration did not believe that [carbon dioxide] and greenhouse gases is a pollutant. They fought this in court and then finally the Supreme Court had to tell them, 'Yes, it is a pollutant,'" he said.




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[color:red]""I think that the way they have done it is much better... This administration did not believe that [carbon dioxide] and greenhouse gases is a pollutant. They fought this in court and then finally the Supreme Court had to tell them, 'Yes, it is a pollutant,'" he said."[/color]


GWB is a moron.


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Did the adminitration and a lot of Republicans fight all things global warming because they truly didn't believe it was happening or because of businesses that were against that support the party or somewhere inbetween?


I wasn't always quite sure. I was (and to some degree) still skeptical about the whole thing but admittedly I am not well versed in all the science about it. So my personal viewpoints on the whole thing isn't based on a thorough knowledge of all the studies and arguments.


That said, I have favored a move to alternate energy sources not because of global warming but for geo-political and economic reasons specifically about the middle east.


By going that route we kill a lot of birds in one tree:

* remove ourselves economically, politically and militarily from the middle east

* create a whole new industry (including jobs)

* satisfy the environmentalists


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By going that route we kill a lot of birds in one tree:

* remove ourselves economically, politically and militarily from the middle east

* create a whole new industry (including jobs)

* satisfy the environmentalists


The US will have to catch up a lot.

For example:

Japan is ahead of the European and especially the US car industries in regard to hybrid cars.

Of the top five global photovoltaic producers four are located in Asia and one in Germany.

Japanese industries are masters in low energy production.

Corporate Japan has managed to keep its overall annual energy consumption unchanged at the equivalent of a little more than a billion barrels of oil since the early 1970s, according to Economy Ministry data. It was able to maintain that level even as the economy doubled in size during the countryâ??s boom years of the 1970s and â??80s. N.Y.T.

Also as discussed before: Public transport, i.e. trains, is probably the lest developed of all western/leading industrialized countries.

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