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Schwarzenegger Blasts Bush on Global Warming


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Thanks Kamui. At the risk of sounding a bit too patriotic or nationalistic, given a collective will to do something, the U.S. kicks ass. We'll catch up quickly.

I may sound a little protectionist but in my scenario I'd restrict or limit the use of foreign companies that would get the initial contracts to replace government (all levels, state, local and federal) vehicles with hybrids.

I think converting to these cars could revitalize areas of our country and economy with jobs, etc.


In a previous post I said it would something that I would like the G8 as a whole to adopt.


I've lived in Japan though and you're right about their mass transist system. Very modern and extensive.


There was talk of a bullet train that runs the length of California but it never materialized.


Transfering the western economies to hybrids or something else makes sense on so many levels.

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I may sound a little protectionist but in my scenario I'd restrict or limit the use of foreign companies that would get the initial contracts to replace government (all levels, state, local and federal) vehicles with hybrids.


I think hybrids are presently hype. They are more expensive. They require more resources and create more pollution to build. Their maintenance consumes more resources. When the batteries need replacing the new ones require resources to produce and more pollution is created. The old batteries must be disposed of and this is a solid and hazardous waste issue. I don't think the increased fuel efficiency is sufficient to outweigh these additional disbenefits for most applications. I think that if you look at total life-cycle environmental impacts present-day hybrids do not outperform the most efficient straight internal combustion vehicles.

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If the G8 got together and developed a 'Manhattan Project' for hybrids that would satisfy all the negagives about it now, I'm 100% sure it could be done.


Give the matter an economic motive, such as a shift in the economy to it, and we'd see profound changes and new inventions very soon thereafter.


I also think this is a unique opportunity for the government to push mass transit. Los Angeles should lower the fares for buses and trains right now to encourage those that have not been using and encourage those that were using it and left. Expand bus lines, push through expansion of light rail lines to business sectors of the city not currently accessible by rail (Westwood, Santa Monica, West LA).

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If the G8 got together and developed a 'Manhattan Project' for hybrids that would satisfy all the negagives about it now, I'm 100% sure it could be done.


Why do you think that funding such research with respect to hybrids will result in a lower-impact vehicle as compared to what might be developed by a similar investment in other technologies? Why hybrids? If they aren't the least-polluting option now, why choose them for the big investment ahead of other technologies that are already less-polluting?

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CS's quote [color:red]"If the G8 got together and developed a 'Manhattan Project' for hybrids that would satisfy all the negagives about it now, I'm 100% sure it could be done."[/color]


We have the money but we spend it on the wrong projects such as providing hospitals and medical care to the Iraqis.


As a country, we are concerned about the ills of other countries but forget our own ills.

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I may sound a little protectionist but in my scenario I'd restrict or limit the use of foreign companies that would get the initial contracts to replace government (all levels' date=' state, local and federal) vehicles with hybrids. [/quote']


I think hybrids are presently hype. They are more expensive. They require more resources and create more pollution to build. Their maintenance consumes more resources. When the batteries need replacing the new ones require resources to produce and more pollution is created. The old batteries must be disposed of and this is a solid and hazardous waste issue. I don't think the increased fuel efficiency is sufficient to outweigh these additional disbenefits for most applications. I think that if you look at total life-cycle environmental impacts present-day hybrids do not outperform the most efficient straight internal combustion vehicles.


You might be right about this. Hybris cars might be more a fashion statement of the rich and the upper middle class. BUT the US car industries are now a decade or so behind Japan in research and development of *small* and eco friendly cars. Even German high tech car makers like BMW and Mercedes lost several years while concentrating on developing more luxurious cars.


And now with the US car makers in deep shit with the collapse of the sale of SVU's and pickups and without backing by the US government in regard to research green (cleaner, energy saving) products AND productions you'll really need a Manhattan project like turn around. But instead GWB and the GOP discuss offshore drilling.

I don't see a new Manhattan project for the time being.


*PS: While Germany, France, Japan and China put billions into developing new generations of bullet trains and to make public transport more and more efficient AMTRAK is fighting for survival. Everybody who ever traveled in a German ICE to Berlin or a French TGV to Paris and then took the train from N.Y. to Washington knows what I am talking about... Most European leaders would be embarrassed to have such a shoddy connection to the capital.



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Suprised you of all people underestimate the inventiveness and ingenuity of not only America but the western nations collectively. It may not happen, but I think if a concerted effort and a collective national will as well as international will goes toward it, I would bet fantastic breakthroughs and new inventions would be the result.


I'm not stuck on hybrids but its what was brought up. The same could said for fuel cell or whatever. Just as long as its not the existing oil fueled engine we have.


The G8 should get together and decide on what course to take. Hybrids, fuel cell, natural gas, whatever, then get moving on it.


Right now there is no economic incentive or any great one. More people are buying hybrids but I think if we want people to buy more and create an instant market we allow the cost of the purchase of a new car to be amortized over a period of time, say 5 years as an example. We offer similar types of incentives to companies who have large fleets of vehicles like car rental companies, delivery services, companies with company cars. All of a sudden Detroit has an economic incentive to produce not only many cars but better ones as they compete with each other to get the contract from UPS or Avis for a fleet of cars as well as the general public. Revitalize industrial america (and the same could be replciated in England, Canada, etc.)


The pluses are worth a look. Disenfrancizes the middle east. Billions of dollars of loss revenue to fund terrorist campaigns, etc. Take my word, they'll start kissing our western asses. We won't need carriers in the gulf giving us a bad reputation with the arab street any longer. The people will start focusing on their own corrupt and/or incompetent leaders for a change instead of us. Leave the middle east alone and they'll fight amongst themselves. The shift will be towards the sunnis v. shi'a and the Saudi control of the holy sites, and whatever internal issues they have...and we'll be left out of it.


The millions of new jobs created, directly and indirectly, improves the dollar.


I would expect and not be suprised if we have airplanes that fly using this new technology.


Finall Al Gore would piss his pants with glee at the dramatic drop in greenhouse gasses.

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