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Why Obama Is Going To Lose


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The ad opens with images of Senator Obama's massive rally in Berlin last week, then cuts to shots of the pop icons, as the narrator says: "He's the biggest celebrity in the world.


Are Mac's handlers working for Obama?


This tv ad is liable to make him more popular than ever with the boob-tube culture in America. :bangit:

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Obama will not win as Americans are racist. Simple as that.


McCain is a dottering old fool but that don't matter, he's white he will win. Jesus Christ, George Bush won and he's a genocidal murderer! McCain he only dropped bombs on the yellow man. Fuck, as an American this is why I hate America.


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Better to say, "Why Obama *** should *** lose"...

(these comments may apply to other candidates as well)


1. flip-flops on the issues.

2. does not clearly put forth solutions for the issues.

3. avoids talking about the issues.

4. no international experience.

5. very little political experience.

6. hides his muslim education and background.


300,000,000+ people in the USA and he is one of the best??? NFW!!!

Damn, are we watching the same movie? It *sure* don't seem like it. Seems your points 1-4 describe McSame to a tee. McSame is going on about Paris/Britney and whatnot...is he that desperate to avoid an issues campaign?


Your number five is an extreme plus to me. We don't need any more of the same old boys to give us the same old shit. We *know* that's what we'll get with McSame. Are you happy with America now? Are you better off now than you were eight years ago? I'm not. Nobody I know is. So why do you want more of it? At least Obama is a change.


Point six is complete bullshit and you know it. His schooling in Indo was secular, and even if it were not, who cares? He was 7-8 years old ferchrissakes! Are you that paranoid to think he was planted by Osama bin Laden Manchurian Candidate-style 40 years ago because ObL knew Obama would be Prez and then the Jihadis can take over the country? Sheez. :clown: Methinks a lot of folks use that to justify/rationalize "not votin' fer a nigger" cuz hating Moozlems appears to be OK...




SD -- Obama is the best candidate I've had to pick from since I began voting in 1980...

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I suppose you even got taken to church or Sunday school as a kid. It didn't work, ya damned heathen. :)

Damn straight. I was forced to go until I was 14. Couldn't wait to stop going as all the stupid was hurting my brain!



SD -- proudly a heathen

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