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US whites 'to be minority sooner'


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Rog showing off his own lack of education and thuggishness with the statement attributing the actions of blacks as...



Of course the real answer is that bad behavior is more often found in the poor and uneducated. Poor and ignorant white Brits act the same way as poor and ignorant American's of all colors.


Rog, if you want to stop the kind of behavior you say the generic black does...how about helping them with more money and education so they can adopt your genteel ways.


Your problem here, dave, is that steve and I were discussing the attitudes of non-American black emigrees toward American blacks. Since these folks are all of the same race their attitudes toward one another (as I characterized them) cannot be attributed to racism. Also these emigrees, generally speaking, are no wealthier (at least to begin with) than American blacks. Leftists always have the same two explanations for everything; whites are racist and people who behave badly are victims. If you all were smarter and wiser you would get bored and ashamed peddling that same nonsense over and over again.



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ืnah, you forgot one more important possible scenario: he's a brainless racist dickhead. not sayin' he is, mind you, but it's definitely a scenario you might want to consider. I know I'm considering it...


Well, you've certainly made quite a contribution here. Thanks for stopping in.

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Below is an interesting article about Indian workers in the area you are referring to; it contradicts what you have said, it also accurately reports the position which exists as opposed to your utopian view.





The Indians which are flooding in to the anglosphere are the third world elite and totally inundate the host community.





Third World invasion of tech industry is undermining salaries and competency.


by Ian Mosley Times Online


While on the campaign trail in 2006, Senator George Allen referred to an Indian who was following him around with a video camera for the Democrat Party as a â??macaca.â? No one seemed to know what â??macacaâ? meant. In all likelihood it was a made-up word for Hindus by Allen. Curiously, the word has taken on a life of its own and is being used to describe Third World invaders from Central Asia and the Indian sub-continent.


The Conservative Voice website has run an interesting article by Liz Davis on â??The Macaca Effect.â? The column starts off: â??What is the â??macaca effectâ??? First of all, what is a macaca? A â??macacaâ?? is a racial pejorative to refer to someone either from or with ancestry from India or Pakistan. And the â??macaca effectâ?? is pejorative used by people in high tech to refer to East Indians driving down the wages of American and British high tech workers. In many fields (computer programming, engineering, medicine, nursing, accounting, etc.) companies are faking labor shortages to acquire an H1B visa and hire East Indians, with the net effect of driving down the wages of American and British employees. Thus, one hears disgruntled employees talking about the â??macaca effect.â??â?Â


I wonder how disgruntled this author, Liz Davis, will be when she loses her high-paying job, writing articles, and is replaced with a minimum-wage â??macaca.â? If she doesnâ??t think this will ever happen, at least one major US newspaper has outsourced journalist jobs to India to cut costs. See you in the unemployment line, Liz.


The article goes on: â??Paul Craig Roberts, assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury in the Reagan administration, has written: â??Offshoring has reduced the availability of good-paying jobs for middle-class Americans. It is not only manufacturing jobs that are being moved abroad, but software-engineering jobs, IT jobs, and a wide range of other professional occupations. Consequently, the ladders of upward mobility are being dismantled. Many of the professional jobs that remain are being filled with foreigners, especially engineers and IT professionals from India, who are brought in on work visas and paid less by U.S. employers, who falsely claim worker shortages.â??â?Â


Ms. Davis continues: â??High-tech insider Tom Stern says: â??Indians are generally nice people. But when your company starts hiring them, you know the end is near. Itâ??s like the early stages of cancer. Within one year, all of our wages were driven down by 45%. Big business is bringing over Indians for the sole purpose of pushing down American salaries.â?? â?¦Many complain that this may be the end of Western economies, as they are slowly transformed into Third World economies. Journalist Brian Watson comments: â??It is no coincidence that Jean Raspail, author of the conservative classic Camp of the Saints, selected East Indians to lead the invasion of the West. Indians are best equipped to infiltrate and bring down Western countries - and they can do it with an obsequious smile.â??â?Â


Americans should always remember this simple truism: Mexicans are being brought into this country to replace blacks. Asians and East Indians are being brought in to replace Whites. Most Asians and Indians are completely incompetent at anything that requires actual creativity or serious deductive reasoning or in-depth analysis. The American high tech and professional trades have been devastated by this influx of semi-competent Asians. The term â??bloat-wareâ? is frequently used to describe unnecessarily long programs, written by Hindu programmers, which all-too-often donâ??t even work. In some aerospace companies, it is considered â??racistâ? to complain about the incompetency of ANY Third World workers â??even if the complaint is extremely specific and well-founded. Apparently, no one is allowed to point out the â??Emperor has no clothes.â? A White employee, who tells the truth, is more likely to be fired than a bungling Hindu who fakes his analysis and makes up results out of thin air. The macacas are also responsible for some of the housing crisis, since White Americans who lose their six figure tech jobs to Indian immigrants, canâ??t pay off their homes in the suburbs.


The practice of hiring Hindus and Pakistanis is like a religious cult among higher management. All these executives and CEOs care about is the massive drop in salaries that comes with these new workers. No one is allowed to question the wisdom of the policy or point out the drop in quality and production. It seems like few -if any- executives have asked themselves â??Why was there never a profitable aerospace industry or software industry in India or China or Pakistan?â? Letting these Third World people invade our high tech industry is like welcoming a â??Trojan Horse of Incompetencyâ? that will one day destroy all the corporations that were built with the creativity of White tech workers."""


Times Online August08


:thumbup: :susel:

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The term â??bloat-wareâ? is frequently used to describe unnecessarily long programs, written by Hindu programmers, which all-too-often donâ??t even work. In some aerospace companies, it is considered â??racistâ? to complain about the incompetency of ANY Third World workers â??even if the complaint is extremely specific and well-founded.


Chances are, the operating system you are currently using was largely written by Indians.


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Dave, your socialist idea that money and education will "civilize" somebody are non-starters. There are plenty of folks who have neither money or education who conduct themselves in responsible and law-abidding ways. On the other hand, just look at the number of college-educated professional athletes making millions of dollars who are the exact opposite. The idea that throwing money at folks who have no interest in even finishing high school will not solve the problem. It isn't a race thing...it's a subculture that is rotten. When I taught in Watts, I had more than one kid tell me how optimistic he was that his family was about to escape the surroundings that made life difficult by moving to another community where the subculture did not flourish (at that time).



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The fact though Rogueyam is that non American blacks do get treated the same and there are some who identify with black americans. As I said, many do not. A large number in fact. However, Farakhan has west indian parentage.

Malcom X's mother was west indian as well. Marcus Garvey was Jamaican. There are many in the Nation of Islam of caribbean descent.

It was a latino that was arrested for casing DC for a terrorist attack.

Crown Heights had a near riot several years ago in Brooklyn when a child there was hit by neighboring jewish cars and that is a mostly.


There is a dichotomy. While many don't identify with American blacks they do share the anger. Puerto Ricans certainly do and did when I grew up.


Jamaican 'posses' are some of the most violent on the east coast. They don't identify with american blacks but share the same views on racism.


So, while I do stand by my statement that a lot of them do not wish to be called black americans either because of the stigma they learn when they come here or out of national pride, they do complan of perceived racism.


American blacks in LOS do not like being associated with the Africans as well.


Even in black colleges like Howard, Morehouse and others African students don't mix with American blacks and both groups are certainly not the crass, dick grabbers that Rogueyam likes to think they are.


Finally, I do think that America is the land of opportunity and you can prosper. Racism exists. Not nearly as bad as it once was and its a more subtle one, more social than institituionalized than a generation ago. Not enough to deny anyone a chance at a middle class or solid working clas existence. We all have our prejudices. Its human. Blacks have it, whites, latinos, asians. It may not be right but its a common human behavior. The extent and actions we do while having it is what really matters. Most of us don't extend pass our own personal feelings.


To address Rogueyam's point about not wanting to be associated with a perceived stigma. Its fairly common for an immigrant who has no prior feelings and indifference toward blacks to be told prior to having a personal experience to be told that american blacks are not any good.


Newly arrived latinos are told that. At the pubs I go to its mostly expat UKers but also other europeans and its a regular occurance for them to tell me that they were shocked at the racist comments about american blacks that they heard when they arrived. European whites view american blacks differently for the most part. I saw it when i was in europe and see it here in the states.


Rogueyam's all incompassing statement though speaks for itself. A remember a thread a while back about Republicans difficulty in attracting minorities. Rogueyam must be the head of the recruiting drive. Then he'll wonder why minorities don't view the party as a home for them. Dems have their issues as well. Some condescention and taking the votes for granted has happened. There are many Republicans who don't give a crap about race, etc. just the issues at hand. I know and have met them. However, there are a bit too many of the Rogueyam types still in the party for blacks, latinos and other non whites to view as a party they'll feel comfortable in.

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Your problem here, dave, is that steve and I were discussing the attitudes of non-American black emigrees toward American blacks. Since these folks are all of the same race their attitudes toward one another (as I characterized them) cannot be attributed to racism. Also these emigrees, generally speaking, are no wealthier (at least to begin with) than American blacks. Leftists always have the same two explanations for everything; whites are racist and people who behave badly are victims. If you all were smarter and wiser you would get bored and ashamed peddling that same nonsense over and over again.



Numberous Irish born immigrants don't identify with Irish Americans who have been here for generations. I've seen it and heard them chuckle when Irish Americans tell them 'Hey, I'm Irish too'. Almost to a person the ones I talk to say they are thinking 'no, you're American'.


Italian-Americans aren't seen as Italians by new arrivals. Black americans who travel for vacation to Africa (south Africa and other places) aren't accepted as Africans of the diaspora.


Israelis look down on non orthodox American jews as 'lost'.


In California prisons the native Mexicans don't associated with the Mexicans who were born and bred in America.


These examples aren't racism either.


Its a common thing Rogueyam. The non American black disassociation is magnified because of the perception that black americans are not liked as a whole by the greater society.


The subtle and devious suggestion Rogueyam is trying to make is that the attitudes of non American blacks to black Americans is deserved due to the 'dick grabbing, crass, etc.' he labels the 40 million blacks in America as having in general.


Dave points it out exactly. Rogueyam takes the poor and educated pars of the 40 million and generalizes it. I recall a similar conversastion with a guy in an office and he talked about the violent nature of blacks. I asked him about all the blacks he new personally, on a first name basis. How many of them are violent and the ones he hears on the news? There are many middle and upper middle class neighborhoods of color. Baldwin Hills section of LA, Lauderhill in Miami, Shaker Heights near Cleveland, just as solidly middle class as anywhere else.

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