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Israeli Air Force uses new US-supplied smart bomb


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Little update on that story before it gets swept under the rug. Either the White House lied or Olmert did. Take your pick.


Middle East expert Steven Spiegel described the episode as "the worst faux pas by an Israeli prime minister in history."


"You really do wonder what the prime minister was thinking - if it's true, you'd really want to keep it as quiet as possible, and if it's not true, why would you want to make up a story that would embarrass both the Bush administration and the Israeli government and draw criticism from those who are antagonistic to Israel?" asked Spiegel, director of the Center for Middle East Development at UCLA.



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Either the White House lied or Olmert did. Take your pick.


Well, this Spiegel dude has it about right. Whatever actually happened, Olmert is a putz. Plus it seems completely out of character for Pres. Bush to let anyone push him around like this. (What is Olmert's leverage on Pres. Bush, and isn't Pres. Bush supposed to be the arrogant cowboy?) So I think the likely truth is that Olmert is popping off 'cause that's just how he rolls.

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SD...you're jumping to a lot of conclusions without foundation of any kind.


I just found it amusing that you seemed to think that the presence of a CNN reporter and Cynthia McKinney was something of import. Certainly, if the gun boat wanted to sink the yacht, it could have. McKinney is noted for her desire to be confrontational. Seems like she reaped her reward. 5555555


(I suppose next time the Isreali's should ask for passenger manifest before taking any action?

I couldn't care less who was on the damn thing, save it lends credibility to the story over a regular Joe relating what happened.


The fact is that a the Israelis harassed and nearly sank a ship in international waters for the crime of wanting to bring medical supplies to Gaza, a place where the Israelis claim they are no longer in charge of, so why are they stopping traffic from going there anyway? If that's the case, then that's a blockade, which is an act of war, and completely justifies the Hamas rockets.


Why do you defend this action? I suppose it is that innate need of GOPers to support Israel over even the USA. I can think of no other reason. The mind boggles.




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re Israeli PM Olmert telling Bush how he must vote in UN... the Israeli tail wagging the US dog


... Oh, Olmert's just the Prime Minister of Israel.. ignore him; he's just a putz...your comments were a nice sweeping under the carpet job there, ry.


add this to rogueyam's repertoire, folks, when he can't refute a point


- insult

- ridicule

- red herring

- smokescreen


... and when he really can't avoid answering the issue...

- the carpet sweeper! :yay:



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>>robous gets too emotional, i dont waste time with folk with PMT


..thankyou, LP. You don't answer my arguments and resort to insult instead. Must mean I'm beginning to prick your conscience.


If you mean I'm being emotional and angry about a young child dying in agony from phosphorous bomb burns, then guilty as charged, you've got me bang to rights, guv!



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