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Cost of Living (Survival) in LOS ?


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20k is very low; very basic and simple accommodation; only thai food; eating out only in foodstalls; no entertainment other than tv; no internet, newspapers, magazine; no traveling..


no thanks!


Good to know what the 'survival' end of the scale is. If business ever goes 'tits up' I'd have an income of about 25-40 k Baht/ month. No way you can survive on that and/or the Government Pension here in Oz. That is plan B. Plan A of course is for business to go well, and retire well!

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You nailed it there. 40k Baht / month you can "exist" but that would be about it unless you really go native. You hear about the locals that earn 8 k / month and they scrape by. Usually those folks have about 10 people piled into a 30 sq meter room so that helps cut down expenses a bit.


One thing that needs to be pointed out right now. A couple of other posters mentioned 4 - 6 k Baht / month for a maid. You have a wife so what the f#ck do you need a maid for :):cover:


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You nailed it there. 40k Baht / month you can "exist" but that would be about it unless you really go native. You hear about the locals that earn 8 k / month and they scrape by. Usually those folks have about 10 people piled into a 30 sq meter room so that helps cut down expenses a bit.

Friend of mine retired to BKK 2 years ago, lives in a condo alone, no car, no garden, no maid, goes out moderately, dates a few women, lives VERY moderately.

Send me his expense sheet for the last 12 months, average 36K per month.


Personally, I fail to understand why one retires with the need to lower their way of life.

I will expect to live in the same comfort as I do now, especially as getting older would require more confort IMO.

My situation is very similar to SidSanuk, house-garden-maid-car-etc.... but anything below 100K will be impossible.





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it is a total misconcept that with retirement you need less money!

what you do with your free time, most cost some money, whether you hang out more, play golf, travel, etc.etc.

i am sure that if i retired tomorrow, i would use double the money i use now.


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I would steer away from sois down far as On nut on Sukhumvit, I think its all aver priced plus the traffic is a night mare. Outer areas you can get real bargins, 4-5 bed houses for 20-25 etc.

I would steer away from BKK altogether !!!

Already own a house in HH.


it is a total misconcept that with retirement you need less money!

what you do with your free time, most cost some money, whether you hang out more, play golf, travel, etc.etc.

i am sure that if i retired tomorrow, i would use double the money i use now.

Absolutly agree, cannot imagine holing up in a 3rd world country in a shithole on a few Bt per day.

Why would anyone do that ???



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Personally, I fail to understand why one retires with the need to lower their way of life.

I will expect to live in the same comfort as I do now, especially as getting older would require more confort IMO.


Is that realistic? Very few people can once they stop working / earning.

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It's inflation that hurts most retirees. Once your income flow stops it is harder to maintain a certain level unless you have invested wisely and still have some income stream off investments, tangibles, investment property/rents, or something that brings in present time income. Investment in stocks is what the US government promoted heavily with their 401K and other schemes for retirement (knowing the Soc Sec wouldn't be enough for most retirees to live off/on). The problem is, look what has happened to many using that as their supplement for their retirement years. Many 401Ks have been virtually wiped out. Many planning on this cannot retire now and must continue working, or, live a lesser lifestyle in their retirement years. Just another Wall Street scam promoted by big governemnt to get the middle classes investing in their rotten ponzi schemes (which ended up making the rich richer and the middle class poorer). Everyone was bragging about how well they were doing with their stock investments/401Ks etc and how much they would have when they retired. Now all gone mostly. Get rich quick, get poor quick. Many were way too aggressive in their portfolios. Now they have squat, wanted to retire, figured they'd have plenty, and if retiring now have SS and savings but little in their 401Ks they were relying on so heavily.


And many who thought they could sell their homes for big money, buy a smaller place now the kids are gone and they are retiring, well, that bubble also took a huge dive for many and the house is not nearly worth what they thought they would get.


Bubbles bursting everywhere. Dreams of a good or early retirement gone.

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