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Are Most People Dumb?


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Dumb arrogant people are the worst. ;)


We are all a bit dopey in some areas. Best we just shut up when confronted with areas of knowledge or experience we have no real expertise to add to. But that doesn't stop most of us really does it (I include myself in this of course)? :)


Most of us have one area we are, if not expert in, at least competent in.


Dumb people are usually happy sorts though, mainly because they are too stupid to realize how dumb they are!


For me I watch what a person reads in the newspaper. If they read only the sports and the comics section, well, they are dumb. 55555555


Although they may be able to name every team, all their stats, the names of all the players, where they went to college before going pro, etc. (but little else on any other subject). There, they are smart, and I am dumb, as I have never been that enthused on the subject to give a shit. What's the saying? Horses for courses?


I feel a true sign of intellect is the ability to study and become competent in ANY subject if one puts one's mind to it, whether they like the subject matter or not. I do feel most people can do so if they had to, or wanted to, or needed to (and were given the proper training and education in the subject).


Call me an optimist (is the glass half full or half empty?) but I believe the main problem in this is the fact that many are not given a proper education nor the tools to excel intellectually. The world is full of human beings that could excel and help the world become a much better place. The problem is the powers that be do not want this, and we do not clamor for it and fight for it. A decent complete education should be a right of all people. Most people fall in a normal range of intelligence for the human species. Our failing is in providing all a good education, but then, who would do the shit jobs for shit pay until we automated their job out of existence?


But then again, some are just fucking dumb, but happy.

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Einstein was famous for not being able to remember his phone number. Werner Freiherr von Braun also failed mathematics once upon a time.


My father's nickname was "the professor" at university. He was almost a straight A student and was president of his graduating class. I was the absent minded professor. I even forgot to take a final exam once and had to go through all sorts of crap to make it up. Even then the prof wouldn't let me have higher than a C. :(



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Einstein was famous for not being able to remember his phone number.


Honest to God, I can remember the phone number I had when I was 8 years old. But I could not tell you my current phone number for shit. I have my own phone number programmed in my mobile in case I need to put it on a form / application.


Overall I'm very good with numbers. A good example occurred a few months ago. I was visiting with our biggest client and he asked me to give a general estimate of an upcoming project.


We're talking about a job that would be worth at least $2,000,000 and take at least two months to complete. I gave him a figure without using a calculator, scribbling anything on paper, etc. Did it all in my head. When the job was done and we added up all the costs my original estimate was off by $700.


But no, I can't remember my own phone number :doah:

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I also can remember my phone number from when I was eight years old. No problems with remembering my own mobile number now (although cannot remember the house line number at all because I hardly ever call it), had the mobile number for years. Remembering newer stuff though, if I don't write it down, seems to be becoming a problem. Fackin old timer's disease blows, creeping up on me now, and I hate it. Used to be able to remember the names of friends I had when I was in kindergarten, up until recently that is. :(

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