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Obama's In Trouble With Health Care


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Also wondering how YF as learned so much and become so wise in his what 20-21 years under his daddy's arm...? Perhaps he will ask his daddy for an answer to out questions? But I do find it good that a privileged kid who pays taxes on his minimum wage job worries where the money goes.


So my age is in question? How about when Obama was only senator for 5 months before starting his presidential campaign. 5 months!!! So apparently age/experience doesn't matter to you' date=' or it only matters when it goes your way.[/quote']



No, frankly you are just coming across like a pissy little kid parrotting his daddy, instead of an intelligent person. Thus, that is how we are treating you. You have the ability, so use it, don't stoop to petty insults, you lose the argument when you do. People here have posed serious questions to you, which you have not answered. Instead, you rely on tired old qips and insults, which gets you the same...immature on both parts.


Now, here is a return to the topic...HH said the republicans do have a counter plan. He said it would benefit those who needed it. But the goal here is to get a plan that will reduce costs and benefit everyone in the long run.


Now, I seem to recall McCain touting an idea, and I think Gingrich did as well? maybe a few others. HH claimed I had no clue what was in the current Republican alternative, but did not give us any details.


So, your mission here, is to educate us on the republican alternative. Btw, I was watching Fox yesterday (The blonde on Fox and friends is hot!) and they were discussing this topic, bashing the Obama plan, yet said nothing about the republican alternative. As I said, I know there have been a few floated, but I have no clue what their official counter plan is. So please fill us in. Skip the insults, Ignore those made against you and use your ability as a persuader/orator and keep the dialog going. If you do it right, you may even win some support for your side. I nice side by side comparison might work best.

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Also wondering how YF as learned so much and become so wise in his what 20-21 years under his daddy's arm...? Perhaps he will ask his daddy for an answer to out questions? But I do find it good that a privileged kid who pays taxes on his minimum wage job worries where the money goes.


So my age is in question? How about when Obama was only senator for 5 months before starting his presidential campaign. 5 months!!! So apparently age/experience doesn't matter to you' date=' or it only matters when it goes your way.[/quote']




If you remebered, I brought it up a lot that Conservatives, for their desire not to play fairly, might get this chap elected.


As an example, how many Conservatives registered as Democrats so as to get Obama on the ticket? It seems you did that.


So why are you so surprised at what is happening? Conservative creation!



You sound like a 3 year old "well if he can do it then I can do it!!" And why do you think I voted for Obama, or you just ass.u.me I did.




I asked you this question many times, and like always you would never comment so we assumed you followed what Conservative talk hosts were suggesting, and registered as a Democrat. Pretty stupid! [color:pink]



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From reading this thread I have been led to believe that a goal of the proposed health plan is to reduce costs. Well here in the UK we have a good National Health Service. But the amount taken in tax to pay for it has been rising steadily for 60 years. Health costs will surely always rise because of more expensive treatments becoming available as technology advances.

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The idea in the long run is to help cut the costs with better regulation (not that that ever helped much...well it did the airlines) and by keeping a better eye on the drugs that are developed with government money, and also by stream lining the patent process. One example was the aides drug AZT, developed with a government grant to fight cancer, drug companies raped people with the cost (then about $800 a month) citing the development cost and patent process...truth is, it was a lie, and as I recall, the drug didn't work.

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From reading this thread I have been led to believe that a goal of the proposed health plan is to reduce costs. Well here in the UK we have a good National Health Service. But the amount taken in tax to pay for it has been rising steadily for 60 years. Health costs will surely always rise because of more expensive treatments becoming available as technology advances.



In the USA, if you have pre-existing conditions, you might not be covered.

In the USA, if you have an expensive health condition, your insurance might cancel you.

In the USA, when you get older and get laid off, it might cost too much for insurance.




All of these problems are fueling bankruptcies which is causing havoc in other sectors of the economy. This problem, really effect everybody, even those with nice health benefits now.

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So, your mission here, is to educate us on the republican alternative. Btw, I was watching Fox yesterday (The blonde on Fox and friends is hot!).


If you're a female, you can't be a talking head unless you are blond and hot. It is a requiste.


So, I'm not sure if I saw the gal you are talking about. But I did see a blond physician about 40 years old that I know both of us would "do". And she laid out the perfect solution. She provided figures that indicated that most of the population already is covered by health insurance and that about 85% of those folks are satisfied or very satisfied with their plans. That leaves a relatively small number of people not insured. So, her idea is to scrap the plans the Kremlin wants to put upon us and focus on those who have no safety net. Makes sense to me.


BTW, OH, it isn't up to me and YF to educate you on the GOP alternatives. If you really cared, you would google the subject. Those plans would only cause heartburn to those who think the Government will solve their "problem", not realizing that Government IS the problem. I can think of no socialist program that has worked the way it should work: timely, efficiently, or without tremendously underestimated costs. In fact, I can't think of ANY government program, be it for education, welfare or national defense that meets those criteria. Keep the feds out of the mess. Especially the socialists/commies like Borat Obama and Nancy Pelosi.




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As has already been stated, the Republicans want Obama to fail. They are not interested in any resolutions to this problem, all they is to generate as much retoric as possible.


As for Conservatives, they have gone far overboard in their daily mantra of rhetoric.


LOL ! I usually don't respond to your posts cuz they are usually not on topic or just reflect a poorly-conceived or stupid response. So I wasn't really surprised to see your post above. First, when you say "Repulicans", I take it to refer to Demit's comment a couple of weeks ago. That was ONE Repulican. On the other hand, I would agree that most conservatives (Republican or Demoncrat) want Borat to fail in leading this country into more socialism/communist idealogy. He is exactly as I began describing him a year ago. A fucking SOCIALIST COMMIE intent on robbing those who have worked hard to get what they have and giving it to parasites who, in most cases, are merely oxygen theives. More and more people, according to the polls, are getting tired of his act/policies. And you talk about "rhetoric", if Reagan was "the great communicator", Borat Obama is the "great rhetoricator"...as long as he has a teleprompter in front of him. I don't think he's missed a day in the last two months without giving some speech on how we need health care "reform" TODAY. He and Hillary Klinton should switch positions. All he's good for is trying to make other countries like us here. Like who gives a flying ____? Those same countries which criticise us about GITMO (for instance). I never hear about them ragging on the middle east countries, african countries, China, Burma, etc. Only the US, which has saved some of their asses more than once.


Obama is worse than Carter. Carter was too stupid to fuck things up. Nice guy he was...but certainly in way over his head. I'd say Carter was about on an even platform with Palin and not blink.


To be honest, if Borat, Pelosi and Reid went down on the same plane tomorrow, I wouldn't grieve a minute. I don't hate the guy personally; I hate what he is trying to do with/to the country.






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"...BTW, OH, it isn't up to me and YF to educate you on the GOP alternatives. If you really cared, you would google the subject..."


Agreed, but, since we are trying to have a discussion here, I wanted YF to go the extra mile and use facts rather than insult to make his point, he is by all accounts a sharp guy and thus capable of it.


As for Fox etc, she is the co hostess of "Fox and friends" the morning show, quite a few decent lookers on that channel actually, and I don't even like white chicks as a first choice.


Anyway, yes, I am aware of the alternatives posed by the right, but I think they need to find their way into this discussion to round it out. Thus I'd say you are wrong, it is your job to educate us, if you want to get your point across, for the purposes of discussion.


I do have insurance, I am basically happy with it, once the co pay and deductible is out of the way...*BUT* should I lose my job, it is gone, and I'd have nothing! as I cannot afford to keep it. Should I not have coverage, and should I have an issue, I could well lose everything I have paying the bill, as in the case of old people who need nursing home care...you exhaust all you have in most states before medicare starts to pay...could happen to you. Also, health care benefit are supposedly decreasing as a benefit of working...thus, we need something, maybe just one big blue cross or Kaiser plan for the nation...but something to fill the void so people don't go broke...

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Well, those such as yourself who depend on employer provided or employer-subsidized insurance are currently in positions to afford a variety of relatively "economical" alternatives should they lose their jobs. The type of plan u have (and I'm only guessing) would run 6-10,000 bucks a year on the open market. That is clearly a dear price for the average wage-earner...even if the person has a working spouse or "signigicant other" who can share the cost.


Medicaid takes care of the oxygen theives right now. Those who choose not to work or work as little as necessary. So I'm gonna ignore those folks right now.


Say "you" lost your job. There are policies out there that you can get for less than $100/month. Some have high deductibles or only catastropic coverage. But there are policies for everybody not covered by Medicad...which, if unemployed, you could probably get. For long term health care, limits are already in place...as well they should be. We can keep cadavers respirating and pumping blood for a very, very long period of time now.


I like the idea proposed by some GOPer's to give a tax CREDIT to those who purchase their own insurance. I remember when you used to be able to deduct health insurance premiums ...and state sales taxes on 1040's. Those deductions were removed in exchange for lower taxes 3 decades ago. Of course, the assholes in Washington subsequently raised the tax rates without reinstituting the deductions. And if you think the healt plans won't raise your taxes, get a jug of kool-aide and attend the next Borat Obama ralley. Just today, Larry Summers and the Secretary of the Treasury indepently floated baloons on that issue as it relates to health care. Fuck...it only makes sense that taxes...even on the middle class...would have to be raised to cover the trillions of $$$ fuckstick Obama wants to see. You don't even need a calculator to figure than one out. Merely a lack of emotion and a dull pencil and a scrap of paper.




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