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Excuse me, miss, are you a whore?


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Just to update...


The last time I saw this same girl, she did this thing that older guys here know all too well. She looked, recognized me, and then quickly looked away, avoiding eye contact.


What does it mean?


Well, one, I think she saw me with my wife -- spotted her while driving by once on a motorbike, my wife on the back.


Therefore, my gut says that she's not a working girl, that the flirtatious looks earlier were for someone she thought was unattached. So that means she's probably a single girl looking to hitch with a foreigner. Even an old non-hansum one like me. (45)

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Was that meant to be a pun? If so, hoo boy, I don't know. Might have to work on that one.


I think any reasonable person would have to admit it's fair to have doubts about the veracity of that estimate. I mean, how can we even be sure of the current estimate? There's so many out there in the Thai scene, for example, in those horrid locals brothels -- many of them illegal immigrants -- so you can easily imagine the problems counting them NOW when they're still out there. How can you hope to count all those hidden people from 70 yrs ago? So unless there's some solid research into this out there circa 1943, or earlier, short of a time machine there's no way to know (and even then, good luck). So best we can do is cite eyewitness accounts from the time. Somehow I'm guessing we don't have anyone quite that old here on the forum who was around then. ;)


So while I agree with you that I'd have doubts about those numbers, I don't get why this strikes such a nerve for you. And even if those numbers aren't exactly correct, it doesn't mean the VN War caused it to mushroom, or else to come out of the closet. So doubting those numbers doesn't lead logically to the conclusion you seem to draw. And I suppose any numbers you might have would be about as dubious for the same reasons.


Me, I'm just trying to figure out what it was like. I'm interested to hear anything -- take a look at what's out there in terms of available info, judge if it looks legit or not, and try to form the best picture I can.


So far, not much to go on.

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Seems like you are quoting -- where is this from?

It was from a book written by a journalist from "The Progressive" Yes I know it's a bit of a political mouthpiece but it, along with The Diplomat have some good reading. Strangely enough Vanity Fair is now also doing some very interesting articles.



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God I love teflon :content: Done some research and the figure I quoted extends to the region not LOS :bow:


At the end of the war the estimated numbers in BKK alone were 70,000 That almost 1 in every 25 Other claims are that there were half a million in Saigon.


Incidently the figures were from a "Womans Study" publication so I guess they are probably wrong too.

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1/2 million in Saigon - doping what? Have you looked at how many troops stationed there? I feel sorry for those guys like Flash - troops must have been servicing how many whores a day? Did you have a quota? Is the bowing thing an apology? Why can I still see you - I have you on Tin Foil Hat level ignore. Harry dies at the end of the movie by the way.





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Interesting - at the very most Saigon had 3 million people in 1970 - men and women - 1/2 million whores? Had to be a LOT of lady boys then!


The more people trot out bullshit numbers the more people believe it's true - typical right wing tactics.

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