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Time To "Bitch-slap Israel"?


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A Muslim colleague once told me that Muslims' problem is not that Israel exists. It is WHERE it exists, on land the Qu'ran says is holy and which they therefore regard as theirs. They wouldn't mind so much if the Zionists had taken over some place on the fringes of the Islamic world - say south Yemen.





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I don't follow it closely but I do know they have to form coalitions with other parties as some European governments do as well.


I didn't know that settler parties were part of it.


Thanks. A lot of the settlers are americans who re-discovered their faith and are zealots, could care less what america thinks or does. They are doing God's work. No different than fundamentalist christians here or fundamentalist moslems abroad.


I guarantee you, the minute some of these americans get in trouble (kidnapped, etc.) they'll re-discover their American citizenship.

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Both former prime minister Ehud Olmert and current Defense Minister Ehud Barak have warned that if the two-state solution fails, then Israel can remain a Jewish-majority state only by denying voting rights to most of the Palestinians under its control. In Barak's words, Israel would become an "apartheid state."


Instead of helping Israel drive off that cliff, the Obama administration is trying to prevent that outcome. It knows that the relentless expansion of Israel's settlements makes a two-state solution impossible and that an end to building is essential. That includes East Jerusalem, whose annexation by Israel is not recognized by the United States (or anyone else).


A two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is in the United States' strategic interest as well. "The conflict foments anti-American sentiment, due to a perception of U.S. favoritism for Israel," Gen. David Petraeus, the head of U.S. Central Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee last week. "Arab anger over the Palestinian question limits the strength and depth of U.S. partnerships with governments and peoples . . . [color:red][and] al-Qaeda and other militant groups exploit that anger to mobilize support. The conflict also gives Iran influence in the Arab world."[/color]


A two-state solution wouldn't solve all U.S. challenges in the region, but it would make it easier to address most of them. It is also the best guarantee of Israel's long-term future. By showing real backbone this time and explaining to the American people why his approach is the right one, Obama could advance U.S. interests and be a true friend to the Jewish state.


AIPAC and the other groups supporting the status quo disagree. They think it is acceptable for Israel to continue expanding its control over Palestinian lands and believe that the United States should back Israel's actions unconditionally. [color:red]And Christian Zionist organizations go further: They want Israel to control these lands forever because they think that will hasten the Second Coming.[/color]





[color:orange]ME:[/color] :susel: AIPAC is the largest Israeli lobby in the US.

Dick Cheney is on the board of directors.

AIPAC has agents in US prison for spying against the US :susel:


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