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Time To "Bitch-slap Israel"?


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Who runs Hollywood, the Jews!

Banking, the Jews!

Obama's chief of staff, Jew.

World banking, Rothchilds, Jew, etc etc etc


do not forget the american enterprise institute which is a major factor in the 21st century neo-con 'might makes right' war monger bunch.



purpose: "Develop and deploy global missile defenses to defend the American homeland [color:red]and American allies[/color], and to provide a secure basis for U.S. power projection around the world."




wolfie, perle, feith (feith in cheney's office provided most of the false iraq intel), Abrams, Rosen, Cohen,

AEI major pushers of current war against arabs

& members pushed the Iraqi Liberation Act



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why must stereo types of the jewish faithful be harped upon.

just because peewee has the physical attributes associated with the religion's members do not cast dispersions on an entire religion


many jewish players in pro us football, regular footie, basketball do not resemble peewee


the zionist movement began in the 1890s.


the father of zionism is Theodor Herzl an Austro-Hungarian journalist and the father of modern political Zionism.

In June 1896, with the help of the sympathetic Polish emigre aristocrat Count Philip Michael Nevlenski, he met for the first time with the Sultan of Turkey to put forward his proposal for a Jewish state in Palestine.



in 1902 he negotiated with the Egyptian government for a charter for the settlement of the Jews in Al 'Arish, in the Sinai Peninsula, adjoining southern Palestine.


(August 1903) on the part of the British government to facilitate a large Jewish settlement, with autonomous government and under British suzerainty, in British East Africa.


1905, after investigation, the christian US Congress decided to decline the British offer and firmly committed itself to a Jewish homeland in the historic Land of Israel.

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Now, could somebody PLEASE tell me WHY the U.S. has any special interests in protecting/aidding Israel? Can anybody inform me what the obligation of the U.S. is? (My good Senators Boxer and Feinstein have ignored my email and snail mail requesting this information; no surprise.)


It's buying votes baby... Even I can see that! Happens all over.


evangelical votes

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[color:orange]ME[/color] to the evangelicals israel is about rapture not jews.

to evangelicals israel is 100% necessary for the return of jeeeee sus


the following is approximately 92.67% cut & paste from several wiki articles,


The Rapture is the gathering together of all Christians on earth at the time of the return of Jesus Christ.


[color:orange]ME[/color] to evangelicals christian means reborn Christians like bush II


[color:orange]me:[/color] do reborn christians have 2 belly buttons?


Dispensationalist Premillennialists (such as many Evangelicals, especially in the United States) hold the return of Christ to be in two stages.

Tribulation & Armageddon



The Tribulation would have ended, according to this understanding, at the [color:red]restoration of the nation of Israel in 1948[/color] or [color:red]at the return of Jerusalem to Jewish control in 1967.[/color]


[color:orange]ME[/color]: Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is paramount to evangelicals assent to heaven



[color:red][color:red]Euphrates River[/color] dries up and is prepared for battle from the armies from the east[/color] (To clarify, the river dries up to facilitate the crossing of the armies from the east, on their way to Israel for the battle of Armageddon.)


The following chronological order of end time events of armageddon


[color:orange]ME[/color] below is an extremely shorten chronology of Armageddon .. focus is on relevant beliefs & effect on current

events vaguely presented in the 1600 bible .. it's like reading universal truth & wisdom into a metallica verse .. in old englirsh!


4. The Rise of Babylon. (in present-day Al Hillah, Babil Province, Iraq, about 85 kilometers (55 mi) south of Baghdad)


* 17. Babylon is destroyed (already in ruins)


* 18. Antichrist summons the world's armies to Armageddon


* 19. Battle of Armageddon


* 21. Return of Jesus Christ in Glory


30. New heaven and earth. Eternity begins




In January 1604, King James I of England convened the Hampton Court Conference where a new English version was conceived Puritans, a faction within the Church of England.[7] .. completed in 1611 by the Church of England.[3]

[color:orange]ME[/color]Puritanism was part of the Church of England in the 1600s

[color:orange]ME[/color] this after king henry was kicked out of the catholic church for banging assorted BGs (not alter boys?). The king james bible was written by writers hired by the brit royalty


Cyrus the Persian monarch who enabled the Jewish exiles to return to Jerusalem after the first dispersion.15 .


Cyrus later issued a decree permitting captive people, including the Jews, to return to their own land (as explained in the Old Testament), to allow their temple to be rebuilt back in Jerusalem.


[color:red]Through Christ, Cyrus fulfilled God's plan[/color]

In 1948, the United Nations helped establish the State of Israel, reuniting the [color:red]Jewish nation. Israel recognized the efforts of the U.S. president at the time, Harry S. Truman.[/color]


Once, after his [Truman's] retirement, he was introduced as the man who helped create the state of Israel." [color:red]Without a moment's hesitation, Truman shot back, "What do you mean, helped create? I was Cyrus, I was Cyrus"[/color]

truman bragged he memorized the bible.








[color:orange]ME[/color] I had no idea what an evangelical was pre-bussh II

Bush originally named his trumped up invasion of Iraq a crusade .. before iraqi freedom


iraq w/ euphrates river & babylon is necessary for armageddon

+ was part of david's israel


[color:orange]ME[/color] most of the evangelical bible was created in the 1st decade of the 1600s by a disgruntled king

much evangelical interpretation occurred in the mid to late 1800s.


Brethren Movement which impacted American Evangelical Christianity, primarily through their writings. Influences included the Bible Conference Movement, starting in 1878 with the Niagara Bible Conference.


[color:orange]ME[/color] By the early 1900s american prohibition supporting puritan politicians israel was necessary for eternal happiness ..not jews.

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