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Obamacare Defeated- Proposition C Passes in Missouri with 70% Support


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And your constant references to "wets" somehow passes as intelligent debate??


Seriously HH, if the question of overspending on end-or-life healthcare was such a pet peeve of yours, why didn't you bring it up before? And the subject was debated, and broadly shot down by the teabaggers with their "death panel" retorts. And the original bill did not intend to cut medicare funding for end-of-life treatment ... just mandate that a physician discuss with the patient options when a patient has a terminal illness. But apparently that was too much for the republicans, so that small step towards reason got axed.


Spent some time with a mate of mine who is an anesthesiologist, and we discussed at length this very topic. This is, in fact, a major abuse of the medicare system. He told me about a patient with terminal liver cancer (~90 years old) with a week or two to live at most, who just got an artificial heart valve. Why? Because the family insisted and medicare paid. Probably added another $50k or more to the hospital bills of a guy with no chance of survival.


Now HH, if you want to be pissed at ALL of the politicians who failed to address this issue, then I am absolutely with you. I've said all along that the health care reform bill did not do nearly enough to manage costs. But it was, at least a start, and hopefully provide an impetus to explore further ways to cut costs.


I sincerely hope this qualifies in your eyes as a serious response to your posting of the 60 minutes link. Please feel free to comment ... just spare us the 3rd grade racial slurs.

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They may have a point about tearing up your Medicare card...sort of...one could argue that you paid into that benefit as part of your taxes during your working life. I agree with that, you paid it, so it should be there for you.


roblem is, I and others have also paid into it, and may never see it. Same with SSi and god knows what all else. The problem isn't so much the people collecting it, though many paid way less than they will collect, but how the programs are set up and funded/financed. SSI would have tons of money if ALL politicians ran it right and stopped looting the profits or borrowing from the fund...same with Medicare.


Plenty of money in the pot...well there was until we sent all the jobs over seas and fucked up the tax base, for all of this shit, if it were run right...but that won't happen, so we're all fucked. Too bad, I believe in a national health care plan. At least for working people should they need it.

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I didn't want to start a new thread but has anyone heard Dan Quayle's son, Ben, who is running for Congress in Arizona, campaign ad saying Obama is the worst President in history?


HH, old buddy, are you his campaign manager...lol?

Or is this the handiwork of Cav or Flash? Fess up guys.

I'm not completely happy with Obama, but worst president ever?



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That link is fucking appalling!


He said, "he was raised right."


My ex has met his father on several occasions and thinks he is the finest gentleman in the world. Apart from me, of course.


This is a classic example of how badly politics suck in America.


That's it! I've had it with negative campaigns and I'm voting for Jerry Brown for gov. Fuck Meg Whitman, even though I voted for the bitch in the primary.



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Where were your histrionic responses when GWB doggedly adopted and faithfully followed the Red Communist Plan in Afghanistan, then expanded his Communist policy into Iraq?


Spend us into oblivion? We STILL can't get out of the fiscal shithole that he forced the taxpayers to bathe in for 8 years in the past- and another 30 into the future!

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