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Euro, in hindsight, good idea or not?

Old Hippie

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In theory, the Euro was supposed to be a competitor to the US dollar. And part of the unification of Europe.


Although, I obtained a B- in Econommics, I would hazzard a guess that this whole experiment was not thoroughly vetted.


The Brits kept their pound. For good or bad.

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I am just amazed that when each country within the eurozone is suffering and that we are all having to cut back on spending that we can suddeny find billions to prop up what is a flawed concept.


Even if the euro ultimately fails, it won't as too much has been invested.

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As a Dumbfux Engineer and not an ecconomist I will give it a shot.


Too much disparity across the Eurozone, strong ecconamies such as Germany and Holland (Believe it or not most EU Trade is through the Netherlands) and week ecconomies such as Greece Spain and now Ireland, the Celtic Tiger has bit back rather much like Thailand did in 1997.


Of the two EU countries who did not join up for the Euro I will always take CHF over GBP (Swiss Franks v Pound Sterling), I have my European Company registered in Switzerland, there is no way I would do business in Euros

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OK I am confusing Europe as a Continent as opposed to European Union, its been 22 years since I last lived / worked here so a little bit out of touch.


That being said I still stand by my comment on CHF, Its just hit me that Switzerland in not in the EU thats the reason I am Tax Free ;) I knew that there was a good reason for setting up a company there.

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