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13 hours ago, cavanami said:

‘You know, you don’t have to have a confirmed laboratory test for COVID-19 in order to make the death certificate be COVID-19,’” he said...

Also now, if gored to death by a rabid Rhinoceros, on cameras, with witnesses, you know, you don’t have to have a confirmed laboratory test for a rabid Rhinoceros, in order to make the death certificate be by Hilary.

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Fauci is making and steering the USA in the wrong direction!

I'm SHOCKED! Dr. Fauci has a personal profit motive to explain his unexplainable conduct...fighting so vehemently to block virus cures and prevention while worshipping fake models and future vaccines. It all makes sense when you factor in he is to rake in millions of blood soaked dollars as his patents and other financial insterests come to light. Dr. Ron Paul, former US Representataive from Kentucky, calls on President Trump to fire Dr. Fauci, saying he and other leftists are rising to the level of tyrants ruling over the American people without legal authority. WHO elected Fauci? Nobody...well maybe Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and Bill Gates. Real data, not that used by Fauci and his minions, show that ony 150 Americans have died as a direct result of COVID-19 as all of the others (over 16,000) had pre-existing conditions that may have been the primary causation. A study coming out from Germany shows the mortality rate due to the Plandemic is on 0.37%, five times lower than the numbers being reported.

Jerome Corsi DAILY NEWS SYNOPSIS 04-10-20 Lord Fauci's Profit Motive To Make The Virus Worse for US


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The only way I would accept suspected data is if the system was overwhelmed. But it looks like there is some higher reason the CDC is doing this. Additional funding? Which to me doesn't make sense because the one thing that will 100% happen is they will be fully funded. 

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2 hours ago, chocolat steve said:

Predictions on how your own country's economy will do after the effects of the virus

We're all f*cked for  while, whilst NZ has been at pains, and I'm sure the rest of the countries similarly, to keep trade functioning, we've got some big oceans to cross, to get us some gas (petrol) and TVs,  if all the minimum wage delivery folk, are dead.

Tourism, prolly a shadow, of it's former robust and important self, like an aids victim, that hasn't quite died yet.

The plus side is, that we've got plenty of cheap Hydro Electricity, that used to be and could be again, owned by the people.

And plenty of food, excepting Mangoes and Bananas and Prawns.


2 hours ago, chocolat steve said:

Actual recreation

You'd have to shoot me first, I have an unbiding fear, of catching, the ignorance virus.

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