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The Tombstone Times. :)



Thanks. But the correct name of newspaers in Tombstone are:



The Tombstone News.




Or the Tombsotne Epitaph.




Both are good newspapers.


Other than the shoot out at the OK Coral, Tombstone is known for its journalistic scruples.

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Onto another subject.


The new health care law is a tax.


Oh, goog God.


It was supposed to be a penalty. Or possibly a fee.


And we all know that the amounts of money collected are quite different if the funds are called a fee or a penalty. But calling the collected funds a tax?


There is a world of difference between a fee, a penalty, and a tax.

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Onto another subject.


The new health care law is a tax.


Oh, goog God.


It was supposed to be a penalty. Or possibly a fee.


And we all know that the amounts of money collected are quite different if the funds are called a fee or a penalty. But calling the collected funds a tax?


There is a world of difference between a fee, a penalty, and a tax.


It has to be a tax. That was the only thing Justice Roberts could think of not to make it unconstitutional.

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I think one of if not the biggest mistake of Obama was his going so hard for the health care plan so early on.

The immediate issue in the minds of Americans was the financial crisis. It was first and foremost and a scary thing psychologically to the nation. He should have spent that political capital on a massive infrastructure spending bill with enough money directed to Republican governed states to keep their traps shut.

When the ecnonomy picked up, then he could introduce the bill in his 2nd term. But first lay the groundwork by having a national debate about the issue. Maybe having an impartial panel research the need, knowing they would, and using that as proof that a plan was needed.

Credit to him for seeing the need as Clinton did before him though. The Republicans won't tackle the issue. Obamacare may not be the best plan but its being addressed. It NEEDS to be addressed and the Republicans not wanting to is harmful to the country. I think its at crisis level. Having traveled to several industrialized nations and seeing the fear over ever being sick not an issue, it makes the American health care system seem worse than I imagined. Most Americans don't travel and don't spend any time in any other country so they don't know. Its like how it was in my grandparents day where you were scared if you had any sort of serious illness you were f*cked. Royally.

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I think one of if not the biggest mistake of Obama was his going so hard for the health care plan so early on.

The immediate issue in the minds of Americans was the financial crisis. It was first and foremost and a scary thing psychologically to the nation. He should have spent that political capital on a massive infrastructure spending bill with enough money directed to Republican governed states to keep their traps shut.

When the ecnonomy picked up, then he could introduce the bill in his 2nd term. But first lay the groundwork by having a national debate about the issue. Maybe having an impartial panel research the need, knowing they would, and using that as proof that a plan was needed.

Credit to him for seeing the need as Clinton did before him though. The Republicans won't tackle the issue. Obamacare may not be the best plan but its being addressed. It NEEDS to be addressed and the Republicans not wanting to is harmful to the country. I think its at crisis level. Having traveled to several industrialized nations and seeing the fear over ever being sick not an issue, it makes the American health care system seem worse than I imagined. Most Americans don't travel and don't spend any time in any other country so they don't know. Its like how it was in my grandparents day where you were scared if you had any sort of serious illness you were f*cked. Royally.



Bush and the Republicans had plenty of time to craft an acceptable bill and legislation. About 8 years or so.

Then didn't.

Too many companies and people are making too much money without any national health care plan public or private.

Too much money made.

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Actually, the Republicans had since at least 1994, when the Republicans were swept into majority in Congress, or 1993, when Hillarycare went down in flames. Thats 14 years (from 1994-2008) and the most that they could do was increase the money paid for drugs bought by the elderly. The Republicans are great at mobilizing support in oppostion to changes to healthcare but haven't supported any major changes to healthcare that would either help those with no insurance or help to decrease the rise in healthcare costs. I'm uninsured (and have been for almost 40 years)and can easily pay for any healthcare/dental work in other countries, like Thailand and Mexico, out of pocket. I would have to be practically near death to get me to see a doctor/go to a hospital, in the U.S (because of the costs). That doesn't even cover the business costs in having one's health insurance tied to one's job (or the inequality in the cost of the insurance for various segments of society), and having to be tied to a job just because you have a pre existing condition (or not being able to get insurance except at astronomical prices). The answer to cutting the costs of healthcare are not as simple as having it be 100% free market (although I would like to see a company like Walmart as a major health player) or 100% government controlled. Its taking well thought out ideas and trying them. If they don't work, try something else until progress is made. Not exactly rocket science but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for government and special interests to make affordable health care a priory.

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Actually, the Republicans had since at least 1994, when the Republicans were swept into majority in Congress, or 1993, when Hillarycare went down in flames. Thats 14 years (from 1994-2008) and the most that they could do was increase the money paid for drugs bought by the elderly. The Republicans are great at mobilizing support in oppostion to changes to healthcare but haven't supported any major changes to healthcare that would either help those with no insurance or help to decrease the rise in healthcare costs. I'm uninsured (and have been for almost 40 years)and can easily pay for any healthcare/dental work in other countries, like Thailand and Mexico, out of pocket. I would have to be practically near death to get me to see a doctor/go to a hospital, in the U.S (because of the costs). That doesn't even cover the business costs in having one's health insurance tied to one's job (or the inequality in the cost of the insurance for various segments of society), and having to be tied to a job just because you have a pre existing condition (or not being able to get insurance except at astronomical prices). The answer to cutting the costs of healthcare are not as simple as having it be 100% free market (although I would like to see a company like Walmart as a major health player) or 100% government controlled. Its taking well thought out ideas and trying them. If they don't work, try something else until progress is made. Not exactly rocket science but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for government and special interests to make affordable health care a priory.



Excellent perspective. Thanks.

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All has changed over the decades in US.

Now most,if not all is for profit medical care. And big business at that.


When I was a youngin we had a family doctor who practiced out of his house. The local hospital was a non-profit hospital. The local hospital was created in the late 1990's to serve the community. As a non-profit.

This worked perfectly well for 100 years.


Now there is no family doctors working out of their house. It is all 'clinic's. And the clinics are owned by a consortium of doctors OR by the hospitals.


The local non-profit hospital is now owned by a large for profit corporation. I never followed the newspapers as to how or why the non-profit bacame a for profit.


In the olden days if hospitalized you got maybe two bills. One from the hospital and one from the doctor. That was it.


Now, every department inside the hospital is a private for profit corporation. The emergency room is run by one company. The laboratory is run by another company. And there are now two labs and run by two different companies. One for the hospital and one just for the emergency room. The food service is run by another company. The doctors are run by another company. The hospital pharmacy is run by another company. Even the linen and staff clothing is owned and cleaned by a private for profit company. The hospital has a laundry room with washers and dryers in basement (not used now). Now, a private company each day counts each piece of dirty linen and clothing and sends it off site for washing. Then the clean clothing and linen comes back and is counted again. And the counting part is another private company. The washing company is different from the counting company. It just boggles the mind how many companies and corporations are making money and a lot of money off health care in the US. And if you have a hospital stay you get a bill from every one of these companies. Even the billing is now a private for profit company. It is total madness.


It is total madness.

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