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Greece is heavily depending on the income from tourism. But after the riots in Athens which have been widely shown in European media and the question of Greek going bankrupt and leaving the Euro zone, tourism dropped by 50%!!! Hotels, beaches and restaurants are empty.


Especially the Germans, who are usually huge fans of the Greek islands do not return this year. But this might have a special reason: They where not happy seeing the German flag being burnt in the streets of Athens and chancellor Angela Merker being frequently depicted as Adolf Hitler in Greek newspapers and on the covers of Greek magazines. Now they wonder, if they might not being welcomed anymore. Since German tourists react fast on tourism related problems (usually higher prices and/or bad service) they chose other destinations.





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If my understanding is correct, Greece has already had approx 50% of the debt forgiven. And yet they are still unable to stand on their own feet, needing more bail outs?


So what I think, is that the country as a whole, has been borrowing to maintain a lifestyle that consists of 3~4 hours work a day, an afternoon nap, and a good evening on the turps.


Wonderful lifestyle if you can afford it.


Where can I apply to borrow money and have half the debt wiped?


i.e. borrow 10 million, pay back 5 million. Good little earner that...

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I'm trying to get my head around the average Greek's view of things. From the outside in, it appears that they have no choice but accept some austerity measures a reduction, possibly drastic, reduction of their social guarantees (pension, work hours, vacation, etc.)


It seems like (and its only a guess) that the Greeks blame their government as well as possibly other countries in Europe for their present economic situation. I can see a strong case for their own government giving in to every whim just to stay in power. Other countries? hmmm...I don't know. Not seen it.


It also appears that they think that the nanny state can still be had and that they don't trust anytihng from anyone because they feel they've been lied to.


What is the real truth of how they think?

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Why go to Greece now and pay in Euros when you can wait a couple of months and pay in Drachmas at half the price ? :cheerleader: Greece is a black hole - better to cut it free and be done with it,although the politicos will probably work out some form of deal which keeps the whole show going for years and years .... :sleeping:

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If my understanding is correct, Greece has already had approx 50% of the debt forgiven. And yet they are still unable to stand on their own feet, needing more bail outs?


So what I think, is that the country as a whole, has been borrowing to maintain a lifestyle that consists of 3~4 hours work a day, an afternoon nap, and a good evening on the turps.


Wonderful lifestyle if you can afford it.


Where can I apply to borrow money and have half the debt wiped?


i.e. borrow 10 million, pay back 5 million. Good little earner that...


Yep, even if today all debts would be abated the Greek government would be forced to borrow money to fund the state's budget. Which means, if Greek would leave the Euro zone the country would come crashing down very very hard, probably harder than Argentina a few years ago. But maybe this is the only way to destroy the old, corrupt structures.


By the way, Germany media are warming up to the idea that Greece is returning to the Drachme. It seems that EU banks and EU governments are already preparing for this scenario.

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snapback.pngkamui, on 23 May 2012 - 09:37, said:


.....Since German tourists react fast on tourism related problems (usually higher prices and/or bad service) they chose other destinations.

Hopefully not Thailand. :cover:



LOS is too far away luckily. Closing the airport, deadly riots in BKK, huge parts of the land flooded, deadly bombs in the south, don't not seem to divert tourists, neither from Germany nor from other western countries..


Most people aren't aware of all these troubles (and if so there are forgotten after a week) and they don't understand what's going on there anyway - as long as places like Phuket e.g. are not concerned.

BUT wait until prices go up and the service goes down (compared to other overseas destinations)...



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