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"I am considering to buy it locally in case tecnical dificulties arise ."


Definitely buy it in Thailand as that way she'll have a Thai keyboard.


The 70K for a motorbike could be a misunderstanding. Total price on installments probably comes close to that amount, but when paid for at once 40K will buy a decent one.









A decent 2nd hand motocyke with low mileage can be had here for around 20/25K baht. Since it is only 4 kilos round trip that should suffice. As Flash says, 2nd hand laptop for around 3 or 4 K would be good enough as well I'd think. If her grades are good after a year or two... sell the laptop and motocyke and upgrade. If her grades suck and she doesn't do well... no new tablet or motocyke, sell the 2nd hand motocyke you bought her and buy her a bicycle. Dorm rooms are usually shared by 2 to 4 students and are not THAT expensive. It's Korat, not BKK. Food's cheap. Go with the 'incentive plan' to start. :up::huh::scared:

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I agree .


Regarding the aquisition of motorbikes and IT-related machines I am planning a trip to the city of Korat end of March . Because I do not speak any Thai I am looking forward to an entertaining conversation with a local second hand motorcycle dealer . " Bike velly goos boss , galantee evythin . No hab prommpremm "


Mister gobbledonk , please note that in conjunction with so far two serious affairs with as many lady Thai ( Pim and Nok , Pim she broke my heart ) and building as many houses I have acquired enormous knowledge in bringing prices down , assuming similar tecniques are common on the transportation sector . Do not worry .

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Meals on campuses are very cheap - 25 to 50 baht range. There are plenty of little shops around uni campuses too, so food is no problem. School uniforms are also quite reasonable. Saves buying a lot of more expensive clothing, plus the students tell me they are treated better when wearing their uniform. That puts them in a somewhat higher status.


Usual room arrangement is for 3 or 4 girls to rent one apartment for say 6,000 to 8,000 baht. Then it works out to just a couple of thousand baht each. Dorms will be even cheaper than that.


Textbooks can be fairly expensive, but if lucky she can buy them second hand - hopefully properly underlined and with notes added. If not, photocopy it. No one shoots you for copyright violation here. 

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Meals on campuses are very cheap - 25 to 50 baht range. There are plenty of little shops around uni campuses too, so food is no problem. School uniforms are also quite reasonable. Saves buying a lot of more expensive clothing, plus the students tell me they are treated better when wearing their uniform. That puts them in a somewhat higher status.


Usual room arrangement is for 3 or 4 girls to rent one apartment for say 6,000 to 8,000 baht. Then it works out to just a couple of thousand baht each. Dorms will be even cheaper than that.


Textbooks can be fairly expensive, but if lucky she can buy them second hand - hopefully properly underlined and with notes added. If not, photocopy it. No one shoots you for copyright violation here. 





My experience as well, Flash.


I also question as to why the lass would need an apartment, room, or dorm room if you would buy her a motocyke and she lives only 2-4 kilos away from the school? Seems superfluous to the situation. One or the other, not both. Just my thoughts.



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I agree .


Regarding the aquisition of motorbikes and IT-related machines I am planning a trip to the city of Korat end of March . Because I do not speak any Thai I am looking forward to an entertaining conversation with a local second hand motorcycle dealer . " Bike velly goos boss , galantee evythin . No hab prommpremm "


Mister gobbledonk , please note that in conjunction with so far two serious affairs with as many lady Thai ( Pim and Nok , Pim she broke my heart ) and building as many houses I have acquired enormous knowledge in bringing prices down , assuming similar tecniques are common on the transportation sector . Do not worry .






Come to Surin, just 2 hours or so more up the road (24). A few of the expats here know of a good place to buy used motocykes in good nick, 20 to 25k, low mileage. They can steer you in the right direction. Or, go to the shop in BKK that Cav suggested maybe? Once bought you need not use the dealer for repairs and maintenance. Any decent Honda, Suzuki, etc shop will do in the area you/she reside. I'm sure Cav would give you the name of the place and help out finding a used mbike. It's also cheap to throw a motocyke on a train to Korat from BKK to get it up where it is needed, very cheap actually to do so.



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Come to Surin, just 2 hours or so more up the road (24). A few of the expats here know of a good place to buy used motocykes in good nick, 20 to 25k, low mileage. They can steer you in the right direction. Or, go to the shop in BKK that Cav suggested maybe? Once bought you need not use the dealer for repairs and maintenance. Any decent Honda, Suzuki, etc shop will do in the area you/she reside. I'm sure Cav would give you the name of the place and help out finding a used mbike. It's also cheap to throw a motocyke on a train to Korat from BKK to get it up where it is needed, very cheap actually to do so.







And, may I say, I think these Thai lasses who always want something 'brand new' rather than second hand can kiss my white half-Irish behind. :closemouth: It's all about face really. Their face. Well, if you, the farang white knight, are paying for it, it is all up to you. Don't like it, honey, see the previous stuff about my behind... and you can walk baby.


It also gets tiring and aggravating listening to these women rant about what 'they' want and need. "2nd hand mai dee, bad luck". Horseshit, honey. Take it, or leave it. There's the offer. Don't like it? Walk. They can be so unreasonable on the subject. Burns my ass at times to see and hear their silly crap. Some/many Thai women seem to think every time a farang takes a shit, Euros and dollar bills magically come out your ass. They seem to believe the money fairy gave you your dollars and you never had to work for it and slave for it. Incentive plan! :deal: Show me my money is being well spent, appreciated, and not wasted for just some Thai face bullshit to impress friends, family and neighbors... who couldn't really give a damn about you and yours. :cussing::banghead::hmmm:


More than 2 years now with the farang/Thai restaurant open here in Surin, and I see guys being taken for a ride and made a fool all the time. And they, the women, all (well, not all, but many) want him to build her a new house (on her land and in her name), RENT don't build or buy. It gives you many options in case things go tits up (government, relationship, finances, exchange rate, health, whatever, and a good large house will cost you 6 to 10 K baht a month- inexpensive and comfortable to just RENT). Easy to walk away if need be and the loss in baht is minimal. ALL (most) Thai pooying want a brand new truck or car, motocyke, etc, etc, etc, etc. And they'll nag, plan, whine, cry, claim you don't love them, and on and on until they get what they want, not what the boyfriend or hubbie wants, or can actually afford to do. Turns my stomach at times it is so blatant and obvious the guy is being played. I've seen many farang guys go the full Monty, buy everything her sweet ass desires, and then lose it all in an instant. And many guys, besotted and silly buggers, can't afford to lose it all, or even part of it. They are on fixed retirement incomes. Be smart guys. Stand your ground. Jeezus I could tell you some stories of what I have seen and heard these past 2 and a half years. I've heard and seen it all. Amazing Thailand. Amazing farang.






p.s. Not aimed at you, Bubi. Just a general 'all purpose' rant on what I see here all the time.

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