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Norwegian Woman Who Reported Being Raped In Dubai Is Jailed For 16 Months


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The standard to judge a people and a country is if they learn and change from previous questionable practice.


Every country on earth is guilty of something dispicable in its past, but do they still perpetuate and continue the practice or are they in the midst of change for the better?

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Isn't that old comedian the Ayatollah Khomeini infamous for telling his flock that women are purely for procreation, and that they should seek out young boys for pleasure ? That guy was a pain in the arse (!) long before we heard about Bin Laden and his merry band of misfits, although I guess they were too busy being trained and armed by the CIA to take much notice of Iran ....




Gotta wonder just how many dickheads there can possibly be in Iran - bring back the Shah, I say. ;)

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Back to the subject, I understand from my local newspaper here that she is appealing the verdict and that the Norwegian governement has obtained she can "wait" till september in the Norvegian Seahouse (an institution they have in every main port in the world).

So, not in prison anymore but in relative liberty.....



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I love these troll remarks that follow the pattern "at some distant point in history, the US (always the US) did X (usually a controversial interpretation, or else a bizarre one like above) and therefore this seemingly crass thing happening today being perpetrated by (usually Muslims or terrorists) is in fact acceptable"


really any responsible listing of the abuses of women in many Muslim countries (and of course not only them, but they are surely over-represented) would dwarf in size and severity a similar listing of such in the US at any point in its history.


But the real difference is none of that. Even if there was a time when American women weren't allowed out of their houses without burqas and chaperones, could be raped with impunity, murdered as honor killing, have their clits sewn shut at 5, etc etc., now it surely isn't like that. But these things do exist NOW, and there is overwhelming resistance to changing them in the countries where they happen.


But how you get to "no difference" -- well, Genghis Khan used to routinely boil his captured enemies alive, therefore anything anyone does these days should be OK, or else beyond criticiism (particularly by Mongolians). Statements like that seem a bit insane. You can go to any country on earth and find some sin in its past, so it effectively would mean that no one on earth could ever have any right to criticize wrongdoing. We would still have apartheid and even slavery if most people thought this way.


The difference is that one is real now, and the other (if it ever was) no longer is. One of them still exists in living people's reality, and can be changed.


I guess you never read about Anthony Comstock

and his role with Victoria Woodhull and other women of that time period?


Even the writings of Ida Craddock can be noteworthy especially her final letters

in which she explained why she had to commit suicide.

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