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BG multiple BF


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A friend of mine (not a girlfriend) works at an internet cafe near Clinton Plaza, many of her customers are bar girls and she helps them to write emails to their farang (often multiple) boyfriends.


We have discussed this issue for a while now and even when she has redirected some emails for me to read we have had a good laugh at the whole thing.


But recently some of the emails she redirected to me where to/from guys from sweden ( I'm swedish ) and it made me think ( as I should probobly have done earlier) about these guys who don't know that their so called girlfriend have others just like them and they too are sending them money.


I recently got back from BKK and could see for myself the bg coming in and out of the cafe after thier daily email correspondence.


Now to the question. What should I do? I now have a long list of email addresses to guys all a cross the world. Should I drop them an email to let them know or shold I just let them be "happy" and think everything is ok?

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I'd say keep your nose out of it. Could cause problems for you from the bargirls, and most who were emailed wouldn't take much stock of information being e-mailed to them from a complete stranger, anyway.




If they want to send them money, then it's up to them. Silly to me, but it's their choice. There could be circumstances with some, that you are not aware of, also.









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I am, VERY strongly opposed to girls blatantly lying to guys and extracting money from them. And thus, I am TOTALLY in favour of letting the guys know. On the odd ocassion when I am in an internet cafe and see these things being weritten, I make a note of the email addresses that the email is being sent to, and send an email to the guy himself. I have done this several times - and I have had some interesting responses.




I don't think anyone deserves to be lied outright to and then have money sucked out of them. Remember, some of these guys send money, not because they are in love, but because they hear terrible stories of ill people - and they feel that they may be able to make a difference - when in fact the money could well be sent on something frivolous or even harmful such as ya ba. Yep, some guys bring such things upon themselves, but does being a bit foolish mean that one deserves to be ripped off? I think not....




I know why the girls do it...but I am still totally opposed to it.





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Forget you have ever known about the multiple bfs.




In addition to what HT said, have you thought of how many "motobai" guys (tbf, husbands, moto taxi men...) live off the money sent.


I can't believe you can alarm all and saundry and be sure the bgs not even suspect who had leaked. "Motobai" gangs can be very dangerous, can make a shop burn in an instant, can even make people disappear...






>or shold I just let them be "happy" and think everything is ok




Exactly. Let them be happy. Nobody starves in Sweden to send money to bgs. People who can afford, they send money.




It is their problem to ensure they are not being scammed, if they don't know how, tough luck....




And finally, I am surprised you friend in the cafe is not concerned what people like you may cause to her....without helping anyone else...



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Heja !




What I find alarming is the total lack of privacy at that shop..... One would think that internetting there would be somewhat away from lurkers, but apparantly that is not the case.




Also, all those guys sending money really should know much better than that, and at least they can affort to do so, right ?




Lastly, I would not do to others what I would not like to be done to me.


I mean you beliefe a nice story, are in love with a BG, would you like a total stranger to "wake" you up from that dream ?




Up to you......




Cheers !

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I know why the girls do it...but I am still totally opposed to it.






I agree with you, it's a dirty game. But many guys are playing dirty games


with BG also.



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I know where you are coming from about being awoke from the dream. A strong argument to keep well alone.




However as for the privacy/trust issue, the bar girls are asking this internet cafe girl to help with their e mail and therefore giving her permision to read and even write them. It's not like she hangs around unnoticed poking her nose in.




She is betraying the trust of the Bar girls who in return are betraying the trust of the Swedish blokes.




What goes around comes around.





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>She is betraying the trust of the Bar girls who in return are betraying the trust of the Swedish blokes.








I don't think it's as simple as that. Try to imagine what would happen if the bgs find out that she sent a list of email addresses of the Swedes being scammed.


It won't end up with simple change of Internet shop and shoulder shrugging with "What goes around comes around".





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i have a similar dilemma.I have the email address and password of an ex bargirl who is extracting money from an older swedish guy so she can "go to school,no have to work in bar".Now ,and here I lay myself open to you lot,I enjoy reading her BS and his lovelorn replys(he always hits the reply key so I get to read what she sent).Yes,I am invading their privacy.No,it is none of my buisness to interveen.But if I were to get hold of more of this kinda stuff and publish it in a book how many of you would buy it???Also she was seeing my good mate and he occasionally mails her and has sent a small sum of money but nothing compared to the swede.


Now,should I tell him???....well he's been holidaying over here for 4 years now so i figure he should know the score by now even though he didnt meet her in a bar I'm sure he knows she has worked bar all be it briefly before.he had a BG the year before who had an older swedish "sponser" so he got it for free...fair play,and she married the guy and moved to sweden....good luck to them.


How,did I get her address and password ,well she gave them to me while asking me to mail him her bank details....Doh!So my next thread after my slightly controversial boring girlfriend competition may well be the dumb girlfriend competition,or maybe who's the biggest scumbag by admission on the board competition.



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