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Now it's getting fishy


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Hi Daddydog,


I, too, think you may be coming on a little too strong here. It seems as though poster is willing to do the right thing, but has some questions, as I would also, given the situation. Why don't we wait to hear the facts, before coming to judgemental conclusions. Just a suggestion.... ::





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Check any of her other posts on any topic and you'll see a definite polemic theme running through them...


Unfortunately, some people are well aware that you are likely to care/feel guilty and will ruthlessly exploit the fact. The sister may be one of them. Find the name of the hospital, ring it and you'll feel better.

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Unless I have missed something important here(completely possible, as this is a new year and I have to get working on my 234518907275 annual mistakes quota ASAP), but it seems that all the focus of this thread is revolving around the cost of an abortion and all the attention is being drawn away from the subject of if she was ever really pregnant in the first place and if was yours. Don't get me wrong. I think that if you got this girl pregnant, you should take responsibility. That said, I don't know if it's a scam or not, but it certainly has all the makings of one.


I won't hop onto the soapbox, but I really hope that you have learned some valuable lessons from this experience. It always disheartens me to hear otherwise intelligent fellows having a brain fart and finding themselves in a situation that should be exclusively reserved for Jerry Springer guests.


Best of luck to you getting everything resolved!

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my experience with paying a thai hospital bill ( paying from farangland)


( may be too late for this case, but for future reference)



they were more than happy to fax me the bill, ( and doctors report) and I was able to pay with credit card ( via fax also)


so it works in the " modern" world.


any funny business, and a call to my credit card company would take care of it.



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Guest lazyphil

<<I have already acknowledged that I may have wronged this girl. If I felt no sympathy, you would have never heard my story>>



:: :: ::

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Says Doctor D:

I had a very enjoyable time with her as she was your typical Thai girl that many here have fallen for. It also was great that she had a university education and could speak English quite well...what a change from bargirls' Thaiglish.

So I had a great time and went home and kept in touch with the new friend. But...eventually my interest waned and due to the long distance and my infrequent ability to visit I started to really rethink what I was doing with this. After some thinking..I decided to tell her I wanted to end the realtionship. This was quite hard to do as she said she would not accept it and it did not matter cuz she would always "wait for only me"...whatever that means. Calling me all hours crying and carrying on. You see...I felt bad because I really felt that I just led this girl (and also myself) on. Looking back, it's hard to say just how serious I ever was about this girl. I had a handful of ladies of the night during this liason also, so maybe I was never really that serious. So I felt bad about this and want to give her total freedom so she could go to pursue another guy. By now I knew nothing would ever come of this.


During the relationship, there was talk of possible pregnancy. Mostly on my behalf and her saying she didn't wanna talk about it and that I should not worry...mai pen rai and all that bullshit. After I finished her, I brought his up and she again said don't worry.



Doctor D, you said that during the relationship, there was talk of possible pregnancy. How did you cover this situation with her when you brought the subject up? Did you tell her that you would pay for the cost of an abortion as if her being pregnant with your child meant nothing to you? Is it that hard to imagine that she may had hoped that you would say you wanted her and cared for her and didn't want her to have an abortion. Maybe she didn't want to talk about this with you because she wanted to believe that you felt more for her. Hearing you talk about an abortion meant to her that you didn't.


So she took care of it herself and confided in her sister and it's her sister that is angry with you. This girl probably doesn't know her sister emailed you and doesn't want anything to do with you.


I think you need to do some soul searching here. And, give me a break about the reasons you confided this on this board. You show more concern about clearing your conscious then about this girl. It was a pretty good bet on this board that your behavior would be supported by wrapping this whole situation up in a neat little box with the label scam on it so you could feel better about yourself. That's the real reason you confided this on this board. It had nothing to do with this girl.


Instead of worrying about money have you thought about telling this girl that she should get checked for sexual diseases? She probably has no idea that you were involved with ladies of the night while you were involved with her.


And, by the way you said because you used protection with the other girls you couldn't have exposed her to anything. Please for the lives of the girls you have sex with do some research on sexual diseases on the Internet. You can still pick up things even if you use condoms. It's almost a crime to be discussing money here considering!!!


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Well, I am expecting to get an email from the sis anytime now. Her last email said she understood my concern about wanting a receipt, but all I have heard is double talk. Supposedly ex gf's friend who took her to the hospital may have the receipt, but it sounds like they are trying to locate it. I don't know. Sister also failed to mention the name of the hospital so I replied back to ask her the name of the facility.

Are you guys sure I can just call the hospital and ask about a girl that may have had an abortion there? Would they divulge this information???


To daddydog...

You make some valid points.


No, I have not told her to get a check up, but I admitted to having sex with a bar girl. I also have been checked a few days upon my return and I am clean.


We came to a decison about abortion and she agreed that it was the best way. If I had said I did not want her to have an abortion that would have been a flat out lie. I know my situation and I am not in a position to move to Thailand or to bring her here in the forseeable future. It was the best way to handle it and she agreed.


As far as me clearing my conscience. Well, if you want to put it that way..........yes. I definately want to clear my conscience. Because if there is a girl out there who was carrying my child...it is my responsibility. Even if I have done multiple wrongs, I want to do something right. But I also want to protect myself at the same time.


It is too late to rewrite history. I know I got caught up in the moment. When I got back home and had time to think about everything...I knew I must end this relationship now if not sooner. Any waiting around for the inevitable would have obviously done more harm than good.


I know I fucked up. I have already admitted this much. I don't need you to remind me of what I have done wrong. I just want to take care of any obligations I feel I have.


Maybe we will have to agree to disagree on this one.

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You'll be surprised what they'll let you find out at a Thai hospital. Don't mention that you're investigating. Just say that you're settling a bill for [whatever her name is] and let them try to look it up. Helps to have her full name and birthdate ready and, ideally, the date on which she was supposed to have been admitted.

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