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Mekong last won the day on May 6

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  1. So, enforce stricter regulations, but no word on what the stricter regulations will be. Great reporting Pattaya Mail
  2. Even if not going drinking, don’t wear all your gold on show, coz ya look like a prick
  3. People who spike others don’t allow their victim to leave Bar / Nightclub / Room etc and follow them down the street until drugs kick in. Poor excuse
  4. The “Isetan” sticker, as mentioned in the article gets me. “Isetan” is a Japanese Department store that pulled out of Central World / Thailand four years ago
  5. No, my comment “I Hope he has….etc” was genuine concern meaning that since he is now in Pattaya News and his visa would have been issued by Pattaya Immigration office, that he has Digital Nomads Visa. These are the types of things immigration look out for, it doesn’t matter if he only makes 500 Baht a year they will be in him. This Article is specific YouTube, but it does mention other bloggers and influencers. Trust me, a neighbour of mine got busted for running a monetized travel / food blog a few months back, so it does happen
  6. Yet from the article with some of his TikTok videos receiving more than one million views So, what do we believe, your figures or the article? What I stated was, that if he was doing this out of the goodness of his heart, he would just do it and that would be the end. But no, he has to film it and post online saying “Look at me, look how kind hearted I am” attention whore And where did I say “I wanted him deported?” all I stated was I hope he has the correct visa, stop trying to put words into my mouth
  7. In other words “American Expat has a monetized Tik Tok Channel and is making money” Spend a few baht on some cheap skid lids, give them away whilst videoing it and posts online receiving $40 / 1 Million clicks. If he really cared about this he wouldn’t post it online now would he? The things people do for likes. I hope his work permit / digital nomad visa is valid since monetized media content is classed as working in Thailand and he has just advertised the fact to the authorities
  8. Trump is doing a meet-and-greet at a crowded venue and his security detail is being extra watchful. One of them is a new guy and he’s extra jumpy. Suddenly, a gunman bursts from the crowd, aiming his weapon at the President. Pandemonium ensues. The rookie bodyguard screams “Mickey Mouse!!!” at the top of his voice and this startles the would be assassin to the point that his aim is off and the shot goes over Trump’s head. Some bodyguards wrestle the assailant to the ground, while others hustle the President to safety. Disaster averted. Later, during debriefing, the head of the security detail congratulates the rookie. Without his quick thinking, he tells him, the President might very well be dead. “But I’m puzzled” he said. “Why on earth would you yell Mickey Mouse?” “I’m new”, explained the rookie, sheepishly. “I panicked. I meant to yell Donald! Duck!!”
  9. The content is not Australian, the content is owned by, and a copyrighted to, the poster. If the poster requested the content to come down or deleted his tweet then it would all go away, but he hasn’t. Could you imagine the outrage if governments could apply government censorship on anything posted on social media, it’s not 1984
  10. All knighthoods are honorary and IMHO not worth the paper they are written on. There is no rule of law that can force anyone to call another “Sir”, I think that went out in 1215 with the signing of the Magna Carta, the only rule of law is that a holder of KBE are allowed to use the title Sir
  11. Sir is an honorary title and as such no one is obliged to use it
  12. Morally one could say Musk is in the wrong for refusing to take down the Posts outside of Australia, but legally he is correct. Australian law applies to Australia only, or Australian citizens overseas. What Australia is asking for is above the coverage of its legal system, and I believe Musk / X stance is if we don’t draw the line here then when does the over reaching of legal boundaries stop. Rather than go after Musk, Australia should have tried the diplomatic approach and ask friendly governments to ban the posts in their respective areas of jurisdiction. He is still a Cunt mind you.
  13. I realise the girls are a bit older than they once were, but. ….
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