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Soi 10 Beer Bars are no more


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Says cardinalblue:


Thai people at my work today were talking about cambodia and cambodian people; they were not talking about the soi 10 incident this past monday.




Makes sense, doesn't it? Soi 10 is a "private business" affair, whereas Cambodia-Thailand relationships concern "intern-asianal" and therefore "face" affairs. F***, of course soi 10 doesn't matter to the thai John Smith.


What would your western news-spreader of choice use as a headline: an insight on a county/state scandal or an international-/neighbor country-issue with power/face involved? Remember: this was not a politician babbling but a soap actress. Who is she? Does she have a brain? Do your co-workers have one? Do you feel thai if you adopt your co-workers voice?


If your co-workers get upset about it, there's no reason for you to adopt that opinion. Thais are horribe when it comes to taking and defending an opinion discussion-wise.


However. You're already defensive. Good. You can see ;-)

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I used to consider the Soi 10 group of bars, and before that Clinton Plaza, as a nice stop-off on walk from NEP to Soi Cowboy when weather would allow. I know there are still bars offering cold beer up and down Sukhumvit, but with demolition of Soi 10 and Clinton, not really anything like an "entertainment center" in the blocks between Nana and Cowboy any longer is there?

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The word I'm hearing..


For existing bars... less competition and more demand. Top it off with more supply.


Many girls being snapped up by other bars. One bar I know hired 5 last night and they also are packed.



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I can think of quite a few angles on this, such as:


1. In an extended dispute, Thailand can seriously screw up Cambodia - I have to presume that most tourists flow into Cambodia through Thailand. Thailand locks the door to Cambodia, and Ankgor and Poipet wither to nothing pretty quick. The Khmeres have attacked the Shinawatra communications stations in Cambodia - lets see how they like having no telecommunications at all. What are the Khmeres thinking??????


2. The big stink now in Thailand is the propagation of the image of the Khmere troublemaker stomping on the photo of the King of Thailand. Fair enough to get angry about that. But - as several posters about 25 pages ago noted - countless images of the King were trashed by the attackers at Soi 10 - it might be fitting to see an ironic photo taken of one such desecrated Royal photo - and used to convict all the perpetrators (all the way up) of "lese majeste" instead of just prosecuting them for damaging private property. I mean - how many very loyal Thai bar-owners proudly put up images of their Monarch - to honor him, and also to show that, as loyal subjects, their businesses were under the watchful eye of the King. There is no way around the fact that if you wantonly destroy a business structure that is loyally displaying the King's image, you are committing the ultimate sacrilege against the Monarch. Period. But this has not been pursued.


3. No question about it - the Cambodian "crisis" dwarfs the "Soi 10 massacre". But to me - they are both data points along a continuum of weirdness - and I keep wondering what is coming next????? Thai TV is now on full-time coverage of the Cambodian affair.


4. 27 or so years ago, Cambodia performed an incredible self-mutilation upon itself - led by 15 year old kids who became ruthlesss butchers pretty quickly. Now its 18 year olds leading the chaos in Cambodia. Some improvement? Chips off the old block?


The rythems of life in BKK right now are starting to feel a little bit strange. I would not be surprised to see some REALLY weird developments coming in the next 30 days or so. But I can't fugure out why.


The Clueless Fighting Fish

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Sure is nice to see the Thais finally getting some use out of those C-130's. However all this ado in Cambodia seems to have driven coverage of the Soi 10 debacle completely into the background. Not a single mention on The Nation's website today and just a small backgrounder on The Bangkok Post's site.


Surely this is just bad timing, a coincidence, no? Let's see...


The original comments attributed to our sweet flavor-of-the month Thai diva were published in Rasmei Angkor, comparable to Thai Rath, on 18th January, and echoed the next day in the even more downscale Koh Santepheap.


The Soi 10 complex is taken out on 26th January and hits the news the following morning. Just as the media shitstorm ramps up locally and breaks globally on 28th January, the Cambodians decide to riot. And this story becomes the dominant regional theme for all the major international wire services and newspapers.


Question - when does a spontaneous mob action take a full ten days to get up a head of steam?


Never. Agents provacateur? You betchum, Red Rider! Expect shortly some act of daring-do from the Thai military; perhaps from the same faction behind the Soi 10 sanction, if the author is clever. You just can't prosecute a hero, after all.


The fact that Shinawatra Cambodia was among the tagets will is instructive: a message was sent and you could read it on Thaksin's face. Please note also which of the major local players have not been on telelvision in the last 48 hours.


The fact of the imminent Lunar New Year and attendant silly-season mentality to which the local media organs typically succumb assures the Soi 10 sanction is effectively history. This whole operation was as close to a masterstroke as Southeast Asia is likely to see for some time. Brilliant stuff.


Most of the Soi 10 dupes will be out of the clink before the weekend is over.

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If this was the work of some 'agents provocateurs' then please explain to me why the Cambodian government, i.e. police force etc. did not react quickly to avoid damage?


I'm not defending the Thai point of view, just saying that strange things can happen. Of course this is a blessing in disguise for the Thai authorities, but then again I don't buy it that they are the instigators.

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