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Supposedly "mismatched" relationships with TGs?


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Guest lazyphil

<<I understand you find it perfectly normal for them not to have any interest in that. maybe, but still very different from how many people act and inform themselves in my own cultures>>


Rumour has it dubbya didn't know the capital of Pakistan when quized at a press conference :neener:

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I don't remember mentionning anything about Pattaya. Funny how people assume things ::.

But, yes I was right. I knew your friends were cultured people. they are a good representation of thai people, most likely :p ::.


PS: I am sure my GF will adore Paris, when/if we go there. have yet to meet athai who does not like living in San Francisco too. Traveling is a great eye-opener.

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We do not live full-time in the US.


Everyone pretty much just takes it at face value, my wife and I seem well-matched if you observe us because (a) I speak what would appear to people besides you lot as fluent Thai (B) I appear more youthful than I am and so our age gap is not obvious © though I am educated and so on (blah blah blah) I am very down to earth, dress in jeans and sneakers all the time, like a sandwich much more than fancy food, etc (d) an really quire enamored of my wife and we seem to be having fun together all the time.


The one person who initially had the most to say about the situation was my ex-wife. Not surprising.

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Hi P127,


Thais are also for the most part not too interested or not interestingly knowledgeable about places they are not living in


That is definitely also my impression. (but mayby I am just hanging out with the wrong crowd? :) )And that goes for places within Thailand as well. I do understand the "never time, never money excuse" but there are many more ways of getting information especially in 2003.




Hua Nguu


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Says pattaya127:

Wgy should they? They are the living culture P127


One does not have to prevent the other. I do read a lot about current events in my countries (France and USA). my father has sent me for the past 15 years, clips of french newspapers about Arts, politics, litterature from France. My friends and I always comment on stuff hapening in Europe, US and Africa.

I do know pretty much the dates and events of both my countries histories. I doubt a thai knows what date King Chula (so important in their eyes) was born and dead, which city the current King (so beloved was born in, and what is the stand of their govnmt on many issues, except for front page war on drugs soundbites and gory pix. Do they know who is the foremost composer of classical thai music nowadays? etc....

I understand you find it perfectly normal for them not to have any interest in that. maybe, but still very different from how many people act and inform themselves in my own cultures.


Dude your talking about history and ancient stuff! Stuff about dead people. I cannot even tell you the birth and death dates of the American "Founding Fathers". Who cares about the "leading classical composer" when you are jamming to the latest Bird McIntyre video(even the Crown Prince was at his concert).

What you find interesting is probably everyday insignificant stuff to them. That crumbling ancient Buddhist temple that is seeped in history and lore to you is just a pile of crumbling rocks to them.

Reminds me of a few years back when in NYC "soul food" restaurants were all the rage. One of my Black friends would giggle his ass off whenever he saw Caucasians paying $30 for a plate of fried chicken, collard greens and cornbread. He would say he ate that stuff growing up and there would be know way in hell he pay $30 for food that cost $2 to make. He could not understand why these people were raving about "authentic Black food" and paying through the nose for it.


Now I know we are speaking in generalities but I do find many Thais who do know much about their culture and history. They are of course educated and middle to upper class folks, which means that they are pretty well read and have money for traveling and such along with free or leisure time to see and do many things.

Like I said before maybe it is the Thais that you associate with.


BTW- How many Thais do you know actually have the means to hop on a plane and go see the world? Thailand doesn't even report on most world events for that you have to have UBC in order to get CNN. Maybe you forget that you have significant amounts of information exposure that they do not.


I liken it to a small country town America where people rarely travel more than 50mi in any direction unless it is for a family event. I have met people in the US that have never set foot outside the country and could not even tell you where Liberia and never mind the orgin of the place.


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